Anna Marie Wojnar
I am majoring in Forensic Science – Criminology Track (Minor in Biology) at St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, Texas. I hold both an Associate of Arts and Associate of Science Degrees from Northwest Vista College, San Antonio, Texas. I am looking forward to experiencing real-world and hands-on experience in my current major. I was both born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. After obtaining my bachelor’s degree in the Spring of 2025, I plan on pursuing either a Master’s Degree in Forensic Psychology and/or a Ph.D. in Forensic Psychology as well as staying active in my career field. My goal is to work with a crime scene unit in investigations and/or profiling. While at St. Mary’s University, I have participated as a student trainee in biomedical research through the U-Rise program and participated in poster presentations of my work at the ABRCMS (Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists) in Phoenix, Arizona as well as at St. Mary’s University. I am a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, FUERTE (Fostering Undergraduate Education, Retention, and Transfer Environments) and associated with the U-Rise Program (Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement). I also am a member of the Student Organization of Cold Case Review and of the Student Forensic Science Club which I am also Vice President.