StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
December 3, 2018

How Well Do You Know Your Neighbors? Ariel Castro’s Kidnappings

Imagine being chained to the wall of a dirty room that wasn’t your own, being mentally tormented by a man who is widely considered to be a positive influence in the community. Imagine being impregnated by your captor, then giving birth in a kiddie-pool in the basement of the house that has become your worst nightmare. Three young women were held captive by Ariel Castro, a local school bus driver and band bassist, for over ten years.1

Ariel Castro’s house of horrors where he held captive the three young women. | Courtesy of

Michelle Knight, Amanda Berry, and Georgina DeJesus were the three strong and inspiring young women that survived this nightmare. In Cleveland, Ohio, Ariel Castro captured his first victim, Michelle Knight, as she was walking home from her cousin’s home in 2002. He held her in his basement to torment and rape her, which allowed him to develop power over her. Castro then moved her upstairs in his home, where the abuses continued. Some of the early abuse that Knight endured ended in pregnancies, but Castro would beat her until she miscarried.2

The second victim, Amanda Berry, was last seen by her co-workers at Burger King the day before her seventeenth birthday in 2003. On her way home from work, she accepted a ride home from community member, Ariel Castro. However, the ultimate destination was not what she had expected. Within the time Castro held Berry captive, he impregnated her. She gave birth to her daughter, Jocelyn, in the basement of Castro’s home in a kiddie-pool with the assistance of Knight. Castro had threatened Michelle Knight’s life, insisting that if the baby didn’t survive, neither would she. So when Berry’s daughter wasn’t breathing at birth, Knight successfully performed CPR on the infant, saving her life.3

Georgina DeJesus was a friend of Castro’s daughter, a fact he used to lure her into his car. In 2004, DeJesus was walking home from school when Castro approached her and offered her a ride home. The fourteen-year-old girl recognized him and accepted the offer, little did she know that she wouldn’t be returning to her home for another nine years. The three women only had each other from 2002 until they were rescued in 2013.4

The women who Castro held captive for over ten years; Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus, and Michelle Knight. | Courtesy of Fox News Insider

Each woman’s nightmare began similarly as Castro had a system of abuse that he used to overpower them. This system made them fear him so much that they wouldn’t fight back or attempt to escape. One of the tactics Castro used to prevent his victim’s from escaping was that he intentionally left their doors unlocked, and then he patiently waited by the front door for them. When Castro discovered that one of them trying to escape, he violently beat them, using it as an example to the other captives as to what would happen if they chose to flee.5

Castro successfully hid his monstrosities from the community he lived in for the eleven years he held the women captive. His friends and family noticed that he didn’t have people over often, but that wasn’t abnormal for Castro. After his wife divorced him, Castro spent most of his time outside of his home, attending local concerts with bands as the bassist, and even attending searches and vigils for the women he held captive in his own home. The community had no reason to suspect that he had anything to do with the women’s disappearances. Roughly two weeks before the rescue of the women, Castro had an individual over because he was interested in purchasing their bass guitar. The man said he had no idea that there was anyone in the home other than Castro, hearing only a sound like a dog upstairs.6

Amanda Berry with daughter, Jocelyn, and her sister, Beth. | Courtesy of Daily Express

The community will never forget the day Castro made a simple mistake. On May 6, 2013, Castro left a door unlocked. The women upstairs, contemplating whether it was another one of Castro’s wicked tricks or an honest mistake, remained in their rooms. Eventually, however, Amanda Berry built up the courage to try to escape. When she discovered that it was a mistake on Castro’s end, she and her daughter headed for the door. It was the middle of the day when Berry had opened the front door and started yelling for help, her daughter at her side. Castro’s neighbors noticed the strange scene and immediately came to Berry’s aid.7

The screen door was locked from the outside so the neighbor’s kicked in a corner to free Berry and her daughter, Jocelyn. Berry then immediately called the police to get the other girls rescued from their real life nightmare. Upon the girls’ escape, the neighborhood was stunned. Throughout those eleven years, none of Castro’s surrounding neighbors had any indication or idea that three women were being held captive just a few yards away.8

Nobody knew what to think. The community felt like they had failed these three women. Ultimately, Ariel Castro plead guilty to 937 counts of kidnapping, rape, and aggravated assault. He was sentenced to life plus 1,000 years in prison without the possibility of parole. After a month in prison Castro hung himself with his bed sheets in his cell. While kidnapping is a horrific crime, it is not uncommon in the United States. In 1999, it was estimated that 11.4 children per 1,000 in the United States are reported missing. So, how well do you know your neighbors?9

  1. Phillip J. Resnick M.D. and George W. Schmedlen Ph.D., “Competency Report,” Court Psychiatric Clinic, (2013); 2-3.
  2. Editors, “Ariel Castro Biography”, The Website, (2014)
  3. Corky Siemaszko, “Michelle Knight still recovering five years after being freed from Ariel Castro,” ABC News, (2018),
  4. Melanie Eversley and Doug Stranglin, “Autopsy: Ariel Castro hanged himself in prison cell,” USA Today, (2013),
  5. Editors, “Ariel Castro Biography”, The Website, (2014)
  6. Corky Siemaszko, “Michelle Knight still recovering five years after being freed from Ariel Castro,” ABC News, (2018),
  7. Melanie Eversley and Doug Stranglin, “Autopsy: Ariel Castro hanged himself in prison cell,” USA Today, (2013),
  8. Corky Siemaszko, “Michelle Knight still recovering five years after being freed from Ariel Castro,” ABC News, (2018),
  9. Andrea Sedlak, David Finkelhor, Heather Hammer, and Dana Schultz, “National Estimates of Missing Children: An Overview,” NISMART, (2002): 5-10.

Alexandra Rodriguez

Criminal Justice Major with a passion to write. St. Mary's University class of 2022.

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Recent Comments


  • Patricia Arechiga

    I remember waking up one morning and hearing about this case on the news. It is crazy to think that these three girls were captured and raised a child while being locked up. What terrifies me the most is the fact that these girls were doing everyday things – walking – and were suddenly robbed from their lives. No person should have to fear walking around while keeping an extra guard up with the fear of getting kidnapped. It is disgusting how one individual can do such inhumane things to young girls. It is so good to hear that the girls finally escaped and are now adapting to the new changes of society. I wonder if they are all still in contact considering the fact that they were together for so long.

  • Stephanie Cerda

    I’ve heard about this case. The daughter Amanda Berry gave birth to got to be upstairs with her, and Castro even had a backup story for people who asked about her I think. He really had everything planned out. It’s terrible to hear about people doing these things, and how no one would have really imagined it or seen it coming. He played the part of an innocent person. It’s crazy how not even his own family realized something was up. It seems unfair that he didn’t really pay for his crimes against these women and their families.

  • Ashley Martinez

    This story really makes you question your safety especially in today’s society. Now to this day its like every time you turn on the news there is someone missing and was suspected to be abducted. This event showcases how important is to be aware of your surroundings and to not trust everyone that you meet. Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus, and Michelle Knight endured so much physical and mental abuse which is unimaginable. It is absolutely sickening that people like Ariel Castro kidnap young women and abuse them both physically and mentally. These three women were very young at the time they were captured. It took courage for what Amanda Berry did to earn freedom from this awful man. It is saddening to see that this experience will forever impact these women and their families.

  • Charli Delmonico

    This was honestly difficult to read about. The fact that Castro had a daughter of his own makes it even more horrific, but I’m assuming his daughter was no longer living with him at this time, especially since his wife divorced him. It is absolutely awful that someone could possibly lie to the community for so long and go on about his daily life after beating and imprisoning these women as if nothing happened at all. I also wonder how he could assist in the searches for the three girls that he stole and abused; that is really messed up. I wonder if the three women grew to be close to one another since they all had to live with this disgusting man for a decade. I also wonder why Castro was so adamant about Berry’s daughter living since he didn’t seem to care for anyone’s welfare but his own.

  • Courtney Reeves

    This article immediately reminded me of the Jaycee Lee Dugard case since the victims’ time away from their home was unbelievable. Those girls were tortured, one being assaulted until she miscarried, which happened on many occasions. I can’t even imagine how it must feel to be completely trapped in a place where I couldn’t do anything without having that fear of possibly being beaten, raped or murdered in cold blood. Excellent article!

  • Saira Locke

    This article really puts into perspective how dangerous our work is in today’s society. No matter who you think you are friends with, you should never trust them with anyone who isn’t close family and even family can betray trust. Stories like this bring awareness to parents and just anyone in general to always be cautious of what you do and your surroundings because you never know what could happen. I can’t believe Ariel Castro captured these three women and had the audacity to participate in their searches while all along they were chained up in his basement. Amanda Berry is an amazing role model. Knowing the consequences she could have possibly faced if caught attempting escape really puts into perspective her true intensions to bring herself as well as the other girls to safely. Amanda Berry is a true hero for those girls, and it was because of her that Ariel Castro was served with the appropriate consequences for his horrendous actions. You really have to think about the people you say you trust because not everyone has as good intensions as you do.

  • Briana Montes

    I think its crazy how people can do things like this even the people you think you could trust. I found this article interesting because he left the door unlocked and the girls were able to escape after years passed by and that the neighbors were able to help them. Its sad to think that these girls are free with the fear and reminder of what happened to them and that he hung himself out of guilt. Ultimately it was great that they were able to get out and be back with their families.

  • Sofia Martinez

    It is unbelievable to think that any average looking individual in your neighborhood could be a monstrous kidnapper; shows that not only that we do not know enough of the people near us, but of what they are capable of doing. For example, Georgina DeJesus thought of nothing when her friend’s father offered her a ride home, only to be taken away for nine years, these women were relying in Castro’s help while they were at their most vulnerable. I cannot imagine the pain that Michelle Knight and Amanda Berry had to endure, being violated and having their innocence be taken away from you and having to endure the phycological and physical pain for nine years.

  • Amanda Uribe

    Chilling ending. It is so true. Sometimes we think that we know the people around us. What happened to those women was horrendous. Sometimes it is hard for me to imagine how such a thing could happen. I was unaware that Castro had imprisoned them for nine years. I remember when Amanda Berry spoke out about the terrible things that Castro had done to her, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight. I greatly admire Amanda Berry for her bravery. I pray that these women are healthy and well.

  • Rosa Robledo Martinez

    It’s devastating of what happened to those girls.You would never assume that someone you know or that lives by you can do so much cruelty to human beings. I can’t imagine all the trauma they faced , or even the brutal physical and physiological abuse they experienced. Just after reading this article makes me realize that we shouldn’t trust anyone who we think we know, because at the end of the day we can never know what is going through their head. Even to this day there’s a rising level of kidnapping happening in our community , some children are getting snatched away from their mothers hand. This reading just makes me want to be more aware of my surroundings and who I allow to give me assistance in any sort.

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