StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
April 20, 2023

Lycophytes! The Giants of Yesterday & Our Hidden Little Heros of Today


I would like to thank my professor and faculty mentor, Dr. Shackleford for her continuous support and care in the drafting and finalizing of this infographic. Through her work and time dedicated to my biology class, I was able to have the means and resources to make this infographic. I would also like to thank my St. Mary’s Research Scholar Tutor, Jose Chaman for his amazing and helpful tips and encouragement during the beginning stages of this process and for my friend and peer reviewer, Julia Daniel for her support and assistance in the editing and finalizing of this project. I am also very grateful to my family for their support and love in my academic journey. And I am especially indebted to the St. Mary’s Blume Library and St. Mary’s community for the resources that are continuously provided to me in order to do my research and be able to apply it to my infographic.

Monabelle Elbayeh

I was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas, but I have always spent my summers and even some winters with my family in our home country of Lebanon. I am the youngest sister of two incredible older brothers whom I love beyond words and to whom I cannot but always look up to. I plan to graduate in 2026 from St. Mary's University with a bachelors in biology and a minor in psychology. Following this, I hope to pursue a doctorate degree in Medicine specializing in pediatric oncology or family medicine. In my time at St. Mary's University, I have become a member of the Pre-Medical Society, that works to help young undergraduate student in their path of pursuing the medical field. I am also a member of the Marianist Leadership Program that is a community of young student leaders founded on the Marianist virtues of faith that serve the St. Mary's and San Antonio community. Lastly, I am also a student volunteer for research with my professor, Dr. Shackleford, which has been an incredible experience through her guidance, my mentor's teaching, Jack Ojile, and the whole research team. I am also participating in the Spring Research Symposium to present on the research I have helped to do thus far.

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Recent Comments


  • pgarcia58

    First of all congratulations on your very deserved award!
    This is such a beautiful and informative infographic! I remember learning about Lycophytes in my General Biology class two years ago, you did such a great job explaining it. The title is intriguing and creative. The pictures go very well with the colors you used. Overall, this is a very well done infographic. Informative, pretty, and reliable. Good job!

  • Emilee Luera

    Lycophytes are important for the future. With pollution wreaking havoc on the globe, health, and the environment, these are able to help put a stop to it while still living and surviving to benefit humans. It is also vital and our job to adjust our behavior, find healthier alternatives, and develop techniques to stop the spread and negative effects on all living organisms.

  • Victoria Dubois

    The publication is both informative and engaging, making it a great read. It serves as a warning to stay alert, which is valuable. Although it contains a lot of text, the presentation is neat and well-organized, and it’s not overwhelming to read. Congratulations on a job well done!

  • Carina Martinez

    Congratulations on your award! The title was a perfect fit! I loved reading about this and the graphics complimented it well. This was very well deserving.

  • Fernando Milian

    Congratulations on your award. This is a well-constructed infographic that presents to the reader an important topic. Before seeing your work, I knew nothing about Lycophytes. After reading your infographic, I have some understanding of them and the role they play. That is the result of a successful infographic. I particularly the color scheme that you selected and the positioning of the images in a transversal arrangement. Well done!

  • Analyssa Garcia

    Hi Monabelle,

    First, congratulations on your award for Best in Plant Science. It is clearly well deserved. I think your title does an awesome job on telling the story you are showing us in this infographic. Being a Poli Sci major, I had no idea what Lycophytes were-but now I do! I was mostly fascinated with the fact that the ancient lycophite trees were as tall as the Statue of Liberty! that is insane! Altogether, your work here is tremendous. Excellent colors, font, photos, etc. You tied it all together very well.

  • Carollann Serafin

    I never Knew what Lycophytes were till reading this informative article. I never knew how impactful they could be considered towards out future. it is really important as the health of the earth continues to decrease that we find alternative ways to promote Green all around.

  • Greitin Rodriguez

    Lycophytes are important for the future. With pollution going on and affecting the world, health, and the environment these are able to help stop and be able to live and survive in order to help humans. It is also important and our duty to change our ways, to find health alternatives, and find solutions in order to stop the spread and the negative effects to every living organism.

  • Alaina De Leon

    great job on your nomination. I really like the way that your title draws people in and engages me throughout the whole infographic. I like this article the most in the category for sure. Overall a super easy read over two subjects that made me want to keep on reading. The depictions that you chose were perfect for this publication.

  • Kaylah Garcia

    First and foremost, congratulations on being nominated. This infographic was fantastic in my opinion. I admit that I am not as knowledgeable about plants as others, but this infographic was descriptive and expanded my understanding. I liked your title because it was not only eye-catching but also adorable! It convinced me to read it. I really liked how you incorporated the interesting tidbit about how old lycophytes were so tall! That was fascinating to witness.

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