StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
"Molly Pitcher at the Battle of Monmouth, 28 June 1778 (Litho)". 2014. In Bridgeman Images, edited by Bridgeman Images. London: Bridgeman.

Cannons roared alongside the battle cries of men. The clearing was filled with the sting of fighting. As men collided with one another, women ran fast from the clear stream nearby. Bringing water to the men was an arduous, but crucial, part of the battle. One woman had filled her bowl and was walking quickly towards her husband who had just fired another cannon ball at the British line. She listened to the fighting taking place in the clearing, winching at the yelling and screams. Looking up, the bowl of water fell from her hands as she watched her husband crumble to the ground. Picking up the hem of her dress, she sprinted towards him. Collapsing onto her knees, she gently pulled his head into her lap, stroking his hair and caressing his face. She whispered reassuring words to him, but as she watched him and heard the battle persist without thought to her dying husband, anger bubbled inside her. The anger engulfed her with the need to do something, anything. Laying down her husband’s head softly, she walked to the cannon with resolve. She fired the cannon, making it roar with the sound of liberty. Molly Pitcher was a woman who was seen firing a cannon in place of her wounded husband during the Battle of Monmouth. Through her brave act, many have been influenced by her actions.

The Revolution War took many men and did not ignore the women. Women in the war tended to the men, be it camp followers or wives of the soldiers. Such was the case with Molly Pitcher. 1 Many men’s wives followed their husbands into the fighting because it was not safe for the wives to be left alone as the war raged on. Many of the camp followers and wives became water bearers, devoted to bringing water to the soldiers on the battlefield. Many of these women had seen how different weapons and cannons were fired over time because they were around artillerymen the majority of their time. The rare experience of a woman taking over the cannon for her fallen husband was detailed by a soldier and a field doctor that observed the account. Mary Ludwig Hays, or better known as Molly Pitcher of the Battle of Monmouth, was married to her husband who was placed on cannon during the battle. Her husband was then wounded, and she took his place. Her brave action has influenced many women to take action in their lives.

Martin, David G., and Stacy Flora Roth. 2004. "Pitcher, Molly (B. Oct. 13, 1754; D. Jan. 22, 1832)". In Encyclopedia of New Jersey, edited by Maxine N. Lurie and Marc Mappen. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
Molly Pitcher as she fires the cannon | Courtesy of the Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division

Many women today idolize Molly Pitcher as a role model for women’s empowerment. The Molly Pitcher Project was created in 2013 by four students at the University of Virginia Law School to promote women in combat situations. This project helped with the opening of combat MOs for women who desire to be involved in combat.2 The first woman who completed the project is now an infantry officer among the Army Rangers. This moment was historic for women in the military as well as for young girls who now have a strong woman figure to look up to. Molly Pitcher has become a symbol of power and strength for women and has changed expectations.

Before leaving the battlefield, Pitcher looked over the field one last time and made her way towards her husband. Smoothing his sweaty hair down, she talked to him about how she fired the cannon for him. He smiled up at her face as it mirrored his. Through Molly Pitcher’s bravery and valor, we have a valued piece of history. Women have modeled such actions and courage after her; women were given the power to take on roles in the military, and then partake in combat. Molly Pitcher was a truly brave woman, through her actions women today have a symbol for our own bravery.

  1. Elizabeth Cometti, “Women in the American Revolution,” The New England Quarterly 20, no. 3 (1947): 344-345.
  2. “After Challenging Military Ban on Women in Combat, Molly Pitcher Project’s Dreams Are Realized,” University of Virginia School of Law, accessed November 9, 2016,

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Esperanza Mauricio

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  • Alyssa Vela

    I had never heard of Molly Pitcher prior to reading this article. After reading though, I now have some knowledge of a woman who wasn’t afraid to fight for what she believed in. In her fight, she has influenced many more women like herself to fight for what they believe in as well. Overall this was an amazing article! I look forward to reading more of your work in the near future!

  • Gabriela Serrato

    I was never aware of these actions women would take for their husbands and I find it as such a great act of love and loyalty. It is so great that women like Molly Pitcher did act in these ways because it did inspire so many women to believe that they too are capable of handling themselves in battle. Molly Pitcher gives so much empowerment to women this way. While reading I was also thinking about if I could do the same thing as Molly, and because she did not show fear, it encourages me to believe I could do the same as she.

  • Teresa Valdez

    The narrative in the introduction is excellent, it caught my attention immediately. The conclusion, finishing the narrative the way it started, is awesome. I had heard of Molly Pitcher and knew the account of her role in battle. However, I had no idea the influence she has had on women in combat that continues. The article is very informing on how Pitcher’s legacy lives on today.

  • Sergio Cervantes

    This was a fantastic article! I liked how you depicted the battle in the first paragraph, laying a foundation for the story of Molly Pitcher. It is rare that I ever see an article talking about women in combat situations; it is usually excluded only to men. However, this article shows how vital women were in our country’s revolution and the roles that they played during battle. I found it interesting how Molly was able to learn the process of loading and firing a cannon just by observing.

  • Cameron Adelman

    It’s always intriguing to see how small acts of courage can affect people’s lives even centuries later. This was an interesting topic to read about, so thanks for taking the time to write about it. I especially liked the storytelling style used in the introduction and conclusion of the article. I’d be interested in knowing if the content was based on historical fact (I’m guessing perhaps not, since there wasn’t a citation included in either of those paragraphs). Either way, it was definitely interesting to read.

  • Gabriela Medrano

    I had never heard of Molly Pitcher but all the same I was interested in finding out who he was. Through your article I found good facts on the life of a wife with a husband at war. You highlighted their relationship and how continuing the fight was a significant act of valor on Pitcher’s part. I found interesting the fact that was sort of thrown in there about the study made at University of Virginia because I was not aware that the first woman among army rangers was involved in the project. Well done!

  • Marissa Gonzalez

    I was unfamiliar with the story of Molly Pitcher. This was a very empowering article because it shows a lot of bravery in women since they would tend to the men in war. I can imagine how chaotic it was to be around those cannons and her to have her head on straight when her husband was dying. If I was ever in her position, I would not have been able to withstand everything that was going on at that moment so I give her props to being so strong. This sets a good example in American history to show more appreciation towards women in this time and to see that we are a benefit and more than just housewives.

  • Hayden Hollinger

    I really enjoyed this article, the introduction was full of detail and made me want to keep reading more. The situation described in the opening paragraph was one of horror but kept me engaged in the story which I liked. The author goes on to describe the story behind the initial scene that was set. This was a very well written piece on women in combat.

  • Garrette Bradley

    I found this article interesting because in all my history courses that I have taken, I never learned that there was a woman in the revolutionary war that fought with an artillery unit after her husband was shot and fell in battle especially during that time woman were supposed to stay at home and take care of the family while the husbands were at war or get water for the soldiers.

  • Luke Trevino

    I loved the way this article was structured! I knew of Molly Pitcher but never what she did! I didn’t know her husband died and out of anger she began to fight by shooting the canon! Her story is amazing because it has influenced plenty of women’s to fight for what they are for! Overall, I loved this essay, especially how the essay started!

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