StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
April 5, 2024

Photosynthesis and Nitrogen Fixation in Sierra Mixe Corn

I would like to thank Dr. Lori Boies for her input and critques in both the early stages of this project and in the later stages. Her critiques challenged me to think more creatively about the design and layout.

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Brandon Rogers

My name is Brandon Rogers, born and raised in the vibrant city of San Antonio Texas. I am a sophomore studying chemsitry at St. Mary University. My goal? To obtain a doctorate in veterinarian medicine with the hopes of running my own practice one day, so I can be of service to my community.

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Recent Comments


  • Cesia Gonzalez

    Let me just congratulate you on the overall layout of your piece! The clear and engaging writing makes complex science easy to understand. and it has a noice flow! I love how your color scheme is earth colors. The graphics are perfect! It was super informative overall love it! Amazing job!

  • Byron Marinelarena

    The infographic is simple and well organized. the use of the pictures and directions is very smart and gives a quick explanation of photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation. Great job!

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