Winner of the Fall 2016 StMU History Media Award for
Best Introductory Paragraph
Article with the Best Title
Queen B said it best when she sang the infamous line, “Who run the world? Girls.”1 When looking back to history, men are seen as better and treated better than women. A long time ago, in ancient Egypt, women of the royal family served as guides to young male rulers. But there was one unconventional case where a woman defied the odds and obtained the role of pharaoh.

Queen Hatshepsut was the oldest daughter of Thutmose and his Great Royal Wife, Queen Ahmose. Thutmose, like most males who held power during those times, had another wife with whom he had a son. His name was Thutmose II; when he was at the age of eight and Hatshepsut was thirteen, they were wed, despite the fact of their shared blood line. When their father passed, Thutmose II assumed the position of pharaoh. While he was pharaoh, they birthed a daughter, but every male in power needs a male heir. Since she was unable to produce a son, he and a minor wife, Iris, conceived a son who became Thutmose III. Thutmose II and Hatshepsut reigned in Egypt until his death. The next male in line was Thutmose III, but Hatshepsut’s step child was too young to fulfill the position of pharaoh, so she ruled in his stead. On that note, even when he did become old enough to rule, she refused to turn over the power to him, and she remained in power. That is when she began her transition from Queen Hatshepsut to Pharaoh Hatshepsut.2

The Queen herself had a headdress made that included a beard and some male characteristics.3 She did not go out of her way to keep her gender a secret, for she did include feminine touches to her attire. Masculinity of course was respected more and was associated with power, which is why she sometimes took on such characteristics. Despite being a female ruler, at that time (and still today) people would not expect such a flourishing reign. Beginning in 1473 B.C.E. and ending in 1458 B.C.E., under her control wealth was accumulated. When it came to the protection of Egypt, she engaged in successful warfare against her invaders. She also had an extensive building program in which a temple of devotion to their sun god, Amun, was erected. Prosperity and wealth also came about because she sent ships on expeditions to foreign lands to obtain riches. These included ivory, ebony, gold, and trees. Now, why would they bring back trees? Whenever they had temple ceremonies, trees would be burned by the tons for fragrant incense.4
All good things must come to an end, and this particular ending is death. After she died, successors attempted to erase the fact that a female had become pharaoh.5 Even with this attempt to erase history, she is still known as a successful pharaoh to this day. She brought about protection, prosperity, and plenitude during her time as king. She did not serve as a guide to a young male pharaoh, but she showed how one must rule during her reign.
- Beyoncé, “Run the World (Girls),” in 4, Columbia Records, 2011. ↵
- Ann Macy Roth, “Models of Authority: Hatshepsut’s Predecessors in Power,” in Hatshepsut: From Queen to Pharaoh, ed. Catharine H. Roehrig, Renee Dreyfus, and Cathleen A. Keller (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2005), 10. ↵
- Roth, “Models of Authority: Hatshepsut’s Predecessors in Power,” 10. ↵
- Rupert Matthews, DK Eyewitness Books: Explorer (DK Publishing, 2012), 8. ↵
- Angela Murock Hussein, “Legacy of a Female Pharaoh,” Calliope 19, no. 1 (September 2008): 48. ↵
Alexis Renteria
I had never heard Hatshepsut’s story before this, and I think its funny how she refused to turn over the power to her stepson and turned out to be a great and successful Pharaoh. I also liked how you started the article with an empowering quote from a very well known artist who also shows her fans that women can run the world. Overall Hatshepsut’s legacy shows how women can be successful and that men hold no more power than women.
Lauryn Hyde
The article was well written and gives the audience a great look into the success of a woman, Queen Hatshepsut, becoming a pharaoh. I find it interesting that even for the time and the social expectations set on women that she was able to work her way into such a high position of power.
Clarissa Bustamante
This was such a great article! I love Beyoncé, so your opening sentence caught my attention. I had no idea that there was a female Pharaoh. it was interesting to see how she was so successful and of course she didn’t want to give up her power. It makes sense because every woman wants to be in control of something. It’s weird how her story was erased from our history.
Faisal Alqarni
Hi Soki, I love the way you hooked your reader early on in the article with the Queen B line. This is a great story that proves that whatever a man can do a woman can do much better the fact that the rule of Hatshepsut left a legacy that was not easy to erase just goes to show she was indeed a great leader.
Alyssa Vela
Your introduction was great! You had me at Queen B, after that Beyonce reference I couldn’t help but read the whole article! I loved how you were able to stress just how much power Hatshepsut had, and was able to maintain. Yes, she had a few bumps in the road, but in the end she was able to keep her throne, after refusing to give it to her step son. Overall you did an amazing job at mirroring just what women are capable of! Amazing article!
Mariana Govea
What a great article! I love reading stories about women and how they tried to make a difference no matter the situations they were in! I had never heard of her but how crazy! Like just imagining taking on a role that has always belonged to men, and specially a role where people always defined it as for only male power, and for her to go out there and take that big responsibility while she still want it to make them understand she was a women is incredible! And not to say i love how you started off your intro paragraph! Great job!
Aaron Jaramillo
This is such an amazing article. I love Beyoncé, so your opening sentence grabbed all of my attention. Before reading this article I wasn’t aware that there was a female Pharaoh. When you talk about strong independent women Queen/Pharaoh Hatshepsut is surely in the discussion. It took much courage to step up in the way Queen Hatshepsut did. You did a good job of capturing here.
Zaraly Frasquillo
This was probably the best article I have read so far! It had me engaged from beginning to end. It also had me wanting to know more about Pharoah Hatshepsut. I have always been fascinated with Egyptian history, and it upsets me that I didn’t know about this powerful woman. She was incredible and I love her! Thank you Soki, for speaking about the unspoken.
Erick Paul Martinez
Very good article, I never knew there was a female Pharaoh. Of course I am not surprised that a woman refused to give up her power, but it is inspiring to see that she was successful. It is sad to see that her story was nearly erased, from our history, but a blessing to be able to learn about today.
Bailey Rider
Excellent article! I was just reading a book that made an allusion to Queen Hatshepsut and I loved learning about how she acquired the throne in such a time where women could not rule. It is interesting to me how she took on some male characteristic because of the power that they had and gave her. It is such a shame that after such a strong reign that they tried to erase the fact that she was a woman from history. Thank you for this article.