StMU Research Scholars

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  • Byron Marinelarena

    This is a great infographic. The colors and organization are properly selected, making it an effective infographic. Great job!

  • Anna Marie

    I absolutely adore the different fonts you used as well as having the bunny ears over the A in animal. It was such a creative touch. Everything is laid out very nicely in an organized order. I did not know that animals have been used in research since the 17th century, no wonder it has changed so dramatically in the past years. This infographic has brought to my attention that we are becoming more aware of the impact animal research has not only on research itself but on the animals used as subjects.

  • Maria Fernanda Guerrero

    Great infographic! I loved who you broke down the concept. The Nobel Prizes results are shocking. Wouldn’t you think they would have restrictions about animal testing while selecting their winner since it’s an international award? Nonetheless, the 3Rs is a brilliant solution that must be enforced worldwide to use. Thank you for shedding light on this issue. Congratulations on your nomination!

  • Naya Harb

    Hi guys! This is a great infographic! Very eye captivating and interesting to look at. I love that you addressed a solution to an issue that is really important to animals. This solution (the 3Rs) should be used all the time especially today with all the technological advancement that we have. Amazing job guys and congratulations on being nominated!

  • Ana Barrientos

    Loved this infographic! I liked the colors used and the images as well. It was easy to read and nicely put together. I have never heard of the 3R’s, reduction, refinement, replacement so that was interesting to learn about. I do agree that animal testing is unethical and extremely saddening. I’m glad that they passed the Laboratory Animal Welfare Act. Overall, great job!

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