StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary’s University

April 18, 2023

Turn Materialistic Excess Into Blessings

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Laudato Si Goal 4

Laudato Si Goals



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Maria Elena Walther

Wowww this is amazing great job



6:44 pm

Jessica Franco

Súper informative – thanks



6:44 pm

Lourdes Gonzalez

I agree we need to do more for people in need. Donations for free



6:44 pm

Carissa Gonzalez

So interesting, great job!



6:44 pm

Matthew Holland

Fantastic, that is the only word that can describe this article. It is one of the best of its kind in it the respective section hands down. I look forward to reading more from them in the future and hope they can write about different topics that would be equally interesting. I especially liked the part where they discussed. The importance of knowing where you can donate your old clothing so that it doesn’t end up in a landfill and goes to people that are in need. Great resources.



6:44 pm

Jonathan Flores

Your infographic is very visually appealing. I like the aesthetic you went with the pencil-like graphics and the color scheme loosely resembling the blue and gold of Saint Mary’s. In addition, your information is very well structured and informative as it answers questions that naturally occur as it goes along. I like the fact that your information is also concise but also has great weight, because it has direct instructions in what we can do individually. Overall, very nice job!



6:44 pm

Sudura Zakir

Clothes are one of the basic needs for everyone but not all are capable of buying clothes. In this regard, this is an amazing option to solve one of the basic needs. Donations of clothes directly to the people who need them and serving the community can change the life of those people. This is a detailed explanation of clothes, thrift store cloth rates, and comparing and contrasting parts of the presentation. Nice color combination.



6:44 pm

Esmeralda Gomez

I loved this infographic! The colorway chosen for this infographic is exceptionally chosen. The icons, text font, and even the background add so much value to the vision that the infographic wants to give. The infographic gives this vibe of being chic and modern, yet cozy and comforting. I love it. The information on the graphic is well thought out and constructed too. Such an amazing job!



6:44 pm

Isabella Lopez

well done. I think you all have very interesting points especially about resellers. All your information was structured to be accessible and didn’t feel jumbled. I have noticed as well, how people will resell clothing for 5 times the prices of what they found it in a thrift of goodwill. All to the same, I am guilty of thrifting but never reselling. I typically donate my clothes after I buy more from the thirft since donating and reusing clothes is better for the environment.



6:44 pm

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