StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
April 18, 2023

Turn Materialistic Excess Into Blessings



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  • Sebastian Hernandez-Soihit

    Inspiring and empowering, one truly feels powerful after understanding how much can be done with very little- with just the will the go out there and help others.

  • Bijou Davant

    I really like this infographic! As someone who shops sustainably, I have so many good clothes that I want to donate. The outline of this infographic is eye catching and I’m glad there are people out there trying to inform others and get them to donate!

  • Alexis Zepeda

    Hello! Congratulations on the nomination! I enjoyed the overall topic of the infographic. Donating clothes one no longer wants anymore is a small yet effective way to reduce waste on our planet. I have grown up donating and giving away clothes to friends and family, so I feel personally connected to this infographic. It is good to know that such a small act I have done for many years has done some good for other people and the planet. Great job!

  • Joseph Frausto

    Congratulations on your nomination. this infographic is unique in this sense that it presents us readers with a very doable solution to a huge problem facing society and marginalized communities. I especially appreciate the inclusion of so many sources and the general list of possible donation sites provided. Very well done

  • Juan Aguirre Ramirez

    Congrats on your nomination! Your infographic on the drawbacks of donating to thrift shops is amazing, and it presents great alternatives. I appreciate how it offers solutions to address the problem instead of just discussing it. It’s interesting to learn how thrifted clothing may not be affordable for some people. Donating directly to shelters and churches is the most accessible way to contribute. The stats incorporated are impressive and helpful, and overall, you did a fantastic job!

  • Michaell Alonzo

    Congratulations on being nominated for an article award. This infographic was extremely well crafted and fascinating to read. This page has an astonishing quantity of specific information. Since I am aware that thrifting is a hot trend right now and that many clothes items don’t get donated to those in need, I truly loved the topic. I appreciate how the essay managed to discuss both advantages and disadvantages of thrifting while finally persuading readers to donate. I was drawn in by your title, and I really liked the graphics you selected because they were so cohesive with the tale you were presenting. I really appreciated how well-organized you were; it made the reading interesting for me.

  • Yaniev Ibarra

    Great Infographic! I think the practice of donating clothes is a wonderful idea but when donated to stores for profit it disadvantages the effectiveness of making a change in people’s lives. The information you provided was so detailed and informative. I also liked the design and bold blue color it made it very appealing to read. Nice Job!

  • Olivia Flores

    This is such an interesting topic for an infographic. I truly was so blown away by the statistics that were incorporated here. It is cray to think because for someone who lives a middle class lifestyle such as myself would not think a thrifted shirt for 12 dollars is expensive, but for many people that is a very big expense. It is so helpful to know that you can donate straight to church communities or shelters because that way you feel like you are making a first hand change. Great job overall on the display of information and valuable resources.

  • Alejandra Pardo

    Great infographic! The information you provided was essentially helpful because I feel like in today’s generation as mentioned it is a trend to buy from thrift stores. Ultimately, it’s great but those who struggle and truly depend on these clothing I’m sure it has become difficult. It’s nice to see how far donating can help those in need. Great job!

  • Victoria Dubois

    The use of color and images to illustrate the topic was impressive, and it effectively educated readers on a relevant issue of our time. As we learn and see more, we can work together to improve, and this infographic serves as a great example. Kudos on a well-formatted and informative piece!

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