StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary’s University

November 20, 2023

Sarah Chadwick: Survivor And Leader

Tags from the story

March For Our Lives

Marjory Stoneman Douglas HS

Parkland Shooting

Sarah Chadwick

Students Demand Action

Recent Comments

Joseph Sanchez

I know about Sarah Chadwick, she is one of the biggest and first activists of our generation. The issue of gun control, especially from the perspective of school shootings and gun violence, is a sector of activism dominated by our generation. As school shootings have become drastically more common it is the youth that are suffering. It is easy to be scared and hide away from the fight, but Chadwick displays a courage that is necessary of our future leaders.



12:28 pm

Andrea Realyvasquez

It is so inspiring to learn about Sarah Chadwick’s life and her call to action! Despite the grief and trauma that can coincide with the tragedy that occurred during the Parkland shooting, Sarah used those emotions to fuel her desire for justice. Learning about her contribution to founding a major march event, provides a positive perspective on such a devastating event.



12:28 pm

Amarie Pollard

Good job Lauren. I love the color scheme and the topic is unique within itself. Talking about school shootings can be a sensitive topic to address. I like how you focused on the after math of the school shooting and what Sarah did to cope with the grief and how she helped other students of the school. I like how you included pictures of the March For our Lives protest it shows the impact Sarah had on the community and the students!



12:28 pm


Nice work! This is an excellent infographic that is easy to read and follow. Sarah found her voice through this traumatic experience and is using it to spread gun violence awareness and taken action to best serve and help others. Gun violence at schools is an issue and our children deserve to be safe. The solution to gun violence is not easy, but the action’s that Sarah has taken is a step forward to reducing gun violence.



12:28 pm

Alexis Silva

I love the colors used for this infographic. I think the baby pink captures the innocence of the lives taken. Sarah Chadwick took it upon herself to help spread an important message while processing her own emotions. She is inspirational and this infographic does a great job at telling her story. Overall, it is easy to read and understand the message of ending gun violence.



12:28 pm

Elizabeth Michelle Gonzalez

Sarah Chadwick’s narrative offers insight into her tragic experience. I was able to discover how she was able to step outside of her comfort zone to pursue justice and gun control. In a culture and democracy like the United States, it is common for many individuals to seek safety, particularly students. Sarah, her students, professors, and administrators had an unforgettable experience on campus. Sarah’s upbringing on gun laws has had an influence on the manner in which gun violence has increased danger and fatalities in America since then. Working toward a brighter tomorrow will be possible when civic leaders emerge to improve the system of rules and regulations that affect all Americans and humanity in the United States and throughout the world.



12:28 pm

Gaitan Martinez

Sarah Chadwick was truly inspirational and my condolences for the trauma and grief she and others had to endure. There needs to be change, the Virginia Tech and Uvalde shooters both had the red flags and even though people reported them with evidence, nothing was done to prevent these tragedies. I hate how republicans state, “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.” Yet, they do nothing to address and aid in metal health.



12:28 pm

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