StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
April 3, 2023

Alcohol-Related Liver Disease (ARLD) Infographic

Underage drinking and alcohol abuse is the most prevalent among college students, so awareness of the long-term detrimental effects of alcoholism is necessary. This project was supported by Dr. Boies for allowing her Epidemiology students like myself to discuss health-related issues that we feel most called to bring awareness to.

Amanda Tran

Hello all. My name is Amanda and I am pre-PA student pursuing a Biology major, a Psychology minor, and a certificate in Public Health. I will be graduating at the end of the Spring 2023 semester, but in my four years at St. Mary’s University, I have notably been an active member of the Marianist Leadership Program (MLP), which is a service and faith-based organization that serves both the South Side San Antonio community and within St. Mary’s. Currently, I am conducting vertebrae physiology research alongside Dr. Mary Hawkins. I was also a part of other organizations and acted as an executive board member of the University Programming Council (UPC) and a general member of Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA).

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Recent Comments


  • Kaitlyn Villanueva

    I really loved the way you organized this infographic. Alcohol can tend to have a bigger impact on younger adults and I think its very important to discuss the negative affects of drinking and how it can hurt our bodies. The different charts made the infographic even more dynamic and explained the importance of this topic on a deeper level. Great job!

  • 1. This infographic on Alcohol-Related Liver Disease (ARLD) by Amanda Tran, focuses on a very prominent issue both locally (The US) and globally. Alcohol, is a commonality of society whether it be for day to day living or for major events. With the consistent presence of alcohol, people are left vulnerable to potential complication like ARLD, as such, it is most definitely constructive that Amanda has created an infographic that articulates the apparent dangers of alcohol while also addressing possible solutions to the issue of consumption. Furthermore, I would like to note that the infographic details important stats, questions, and highlights skillfully and clearly. If I could suggest one area of adjustment, it would be increasing the font size ever so slightly to make the smaller details more easily viewable. Of course, this is a matter of subjectivity but overwhelmingly, this infographic on Alcohol-Related Liver Disease is clearly, concisely, and impressively made.

  • mpadilla22

    Hi Amanda,
    Your infographic caught my eye because being in college and being exposed to drinking you don’t think about the damages it can cause to your body. When you consume alcohol, you are consuming poison and when too much is consumed you can start to damage your liver. One thing I learned is that 10 percent of people in their 40’s die from liver disease and ranks #9 as leading causes of death in the U.S. I also like your infographic how you added to drink in moderation, since we are in college more than likely consuming alcohol will happen there is just a safe way to do so. Thank you!

  • Felicity Rodriguez

    This infographic was really amazing and informative stating the risks and consequences of alcoholic related liver disease. I didn’t know much about this but after reading your infographic I now know more than I did before and there is so much I didn’t know about alcoholic related liver disease. Learning about all the symptoms that you can have like alcohol withdrawal and fatigue and even getting swollen ankles that really surprised me with learning about alcohol related liver disease. Your infographic was really eye catching and just so interesting to read. You did such an amazing job on this infographic and the information and key points were simple but in full detail. Amazing job!

  • Iris Ramirez

    Your infographic was very easy to read and demonstrates the realities of drinking alcohol and the consequences it comes with. As a Hispanic, I’ve been in many circumstances where I’ve witnessed binge drinking. Even now as a college student, it is very common for students to binge drink and not know the effects of it. Infographics like yours can spread awareness to prevent ARLD.

  • amartini1

    The first thing I noticed when looking at your infographic was the softness and consistency of the art and colors you used. This made the infographic warm and appealing to look at which is crucial when creating visual information. Also, the inclusion of SAMHSA’s helpline was a fantastic finishing touch. Not only did you inform viewers about the potential dangers of excessive alcohol consumption, but you also provided a way for viewers that may be struggling to seek help. Sadly, I know too many victims of alcoholism and have watched the effects of liver diseases destroy their health. I can now use this infographic as one of many ways to deter any more people from succumbing to this horrible disease. Warm, personal, informative. 10/10

  • Samuel DLC

    Your infographic looks very professional. All your illustrations and all the subtitles help it stand out and draw your attention on this topic. The information is all so clearly stated and helpful to readers. I liked how the symptoms are listed and how a few examples are given. A topic like this is really important to bring awareness to especially today and I’m glad to see something like this is published.

  • allie woods

    I love the color palette and layout used for this infographic, it makes the information easy to read and simple. The graphics used help to tie in the information into a more visual perspective. I find the information organized really neatly and any questions I had on the topic were answered. This overall is a very creative, and informative piece. Great work!

  • Lonni Garcia

    Hi Amanda! I was interested in your infographic because I feel like people being diagnosed with fatty liver tissue is starting to become more common, especially in the United States. I also like how informative and visually appealing it is. I didn’t know that you can get jaundice from drinking too much. I also really appreciate how at the bottom of the infographic; you added a hotline for alcohol dependency. This makes others feel like they are not alone in their journey. Thank you for sharing!

  • natalie

    I loved the way this infographic was formatted and how informative it was. I’ve witnessed binge drinking and excessive drinking throughout my college experience and I feel like no one really knows the effects comes with it. This a topic that more people should be aware of and this infographic highlights all the key components of this disease and solutions on how to help.

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