Underage drinking and alcohol abuse is the most prevalent among college students, so awareness of the long-term detrimental effects of alcoholism is necessary. This project was supported by Dr. Boies for allowing her Epidemiology students like myself to discuss health-related issues that we feel most called to bring awareness to.
April 3, 2023
Alcohol-Related Liver Disease (ARLD) Infographic

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Jared Sherer
Your infographic was interesting and very informative. I think you did a great job sharing this information and I think a lot of people can learn a lot from it. The effects that alcohol can have on an individual goes unnoticed pretty often. I enjoyed the amount of detail you put in your infographic and I want to congratulate you on your nomination!
Kristen Leary
This is a very serious disease, so I’m glad you made such an informative graphic about it. I find this especially useful to college aged students, who are notorious for drinking irresponsibly. Some of those statistics are pretty scary, but there are practical steps that can be taken to avoid it. I’m glad you included some guidelines for men and women when it comes to alcohol intake.
Isabel Soto
This infographic was awesome because it provided tons of information about a topic that is very relevant to college students. One of the major aspects of the infographic that I liked was that it conveyed the information in a short and concise manner which is great because it sort of got straight to the point.I think this article was well-written and helped me retain a lot more information about alcohol and what it can cause.
Sofia Perez
Hi Amanda! I really liked your infograph as I feel like it informs many college students with the consequences of overdrinking. Your poster is very informative and represents all the data very accurately. People need to consider drinking responsibly whenever people go out. It can definitely lead to alcoholism and liver problems that result in cancer or in need of a transplant. Very nice!
Muhammad Hammad Zafar
Alcohol is nothing but poison, it never gives any advantage rather than damaging your liver. Once you start liking it, it’s obvious that you will drink more which will develop alcohol hepatitis and the symptoms are clear that is fatigue, yellowed skin and constant vomiting. Our neighbors are in category of heavy drinking because they are drinking more than 20 drinks a week which is dangerous.
Sydney Nieto
Congratulations on your nomination. Drinking too much alcohol is a problem that many people do without realizing the effects. I was surprised to see how 10% of people died in there 40s from liver diseases, which is very young. I feel like more people need to be aware of this as many like to party a lot and not think of the consequences.
Hailey Koch
Congrats in the nomination for your article, it was very well-written and very informative. This is a topic that should be talked about more often. As time goes on we aren’t just seeing an excessive consumption of alcohol in older generations, but it’s hitting the younger generations hard. This is something that should be talked about more often because it’s scary that the younger generations are involved. You stated great facts that everyone should be aware of so they know how much they should be drinking when they do so they can continue to live a healthy life instead of being unhealthy in the future because of alcohol consumption.
Melanie Fraire
This was an interesting infographic and very informative, I feel as if this topic isn’t as talked about as it should be especially among college students. I liked that the author presented the information of how many drinks it takes and how often it has to occur in order for it to no longer be considered “casual drinking” considering that many individuals are guilty of it and probably fail to realize it.
Alexander Garcia
This infographic was awesome because it provided tons of information about a topic that is very relevant to college students. One of the major aspects of the infographic that I liked was that it conveyed the information in a short and concise manner which is great because it sort of got straight to the point. Alcohol abuse is often times a serious issue that effects many college students, so an infographic like this one is truly amazing because it allows its target audience to learn more about the dangers associated with alcohol use.
Anna Steck
This was a very professional and beautiful. When I was reading the first part of the infographic, I was asking myself what would be considered excessive drinking. I was pleased to see that you answered that question in the very next section. Not only was the infographic informative, it looks really good. It is well organized and pleasing to look at. You really knocked it out of the park. Congratulations on your nomination!