Winner of the Fall 2017 StMU History Media Award for
Best Article in the Category of “Crime”
Think back to the first horror movie you ever watched. Was it Halloween? Nightmare on Elm Street? Friday the 13th? Think about what all these movies have in common. If you guessed death, then you’re right. Most people will say they love a good horror film because of the rush of adrenaline; others will say they love the absurdity. Regardless of the reason, there is still a love for all things horror.

But, where does this culture come from? While there are some people that love fictional horror, there are those that love real-life horror. These men and women idolize and fantasize about serial killers and murderers. They study all the crime reports, watch every documentary, and read every biography or narration of a killer’s life. Why is it that men and women like Richard Ramirez, self proclaimed satanist and vicious murderer, become celebrities through their killing? Serial killers sometimes gain groupies and copy-cat killers. Ramirez is one of many examples of distorted stardom but, his story gives us an image of America’s culture of death and our obsession with serial killers.
There are countless examples of killers being studied and filmed for the purpose of entertainment. Serial killers like Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer have had numerous documentaries appear, studying and depicting their lives. Books like The Stranger Beside Me and Zodiac have made millions in simple narration of the investigations or the killings themselves. Even Ramirez has had his name in Hollywood several times. He was depicted in one episode of the 2015 season of American Horror Story, and in 2016, Lou Diamond Phillips portrayed Ramirez in a dramatization of his life in A&E’s The Night Stalker.1 A Google search of his name will turn up thousands of articles and blogs detailing his life and killings. On YouTube, there are hundreds of videos from Ramirez’s trial along with subsequent interviews. Scrolling through the comment section, there are varying opinions on Ramirez. Some call him charming and philosophical, others say he is cocky and Charles Mansonesque.
Then, you will find men and women who find Ramirez attractive. This psychological phenomenon is known as hybristophilia, a type of paraphilia where a person is sexually attracted to and aroused by a person who has committed a vicious or gruesome crime.2 While Ramirez was still alive and in prison, hundreds of women would line up to try and visit him. At one point there were so many women in line, that more than half had to be turned away. Ramirez himself ended up marrying one of his “fans” while in prison. This woman was Doreen Lioy, a forty-one year old freelance editor. They were married on October 3, 1996 and remained husband and wife for twelve years before Ramirez died of B-cell lymphoma at the age of fifty-three.3

While she was the only woman to have married Ramirez, she was not the only woman “in love” with him. From the time of his arrest to his death, there were hundreds of “women in black” who wrote him letters in jail and went to every court hearing of his. Below is a news segment featuring two of Ramirez’s deluded fans.
To the average person, a serial killer is not a person, but a monster incapable of giving or receiving love. Very few would look into the eyes of a murderer and feel overcome with affection. But, in the 1980s and 1990s when Ramirez’s trial was all over the news, Americans couldn’t get enough of him. And so, the rise of serial killer notoriety comes to a peak, with an all-time high of serial killer reporting taking place and law enforcement spending more time and funding trying to understand serial killer psychology and motivation. Thus the culture of death was born.4
That is not to say that serial killers or murderers have not existed in history previously. They have, but there was not nearly as much attention given to them. The mid-twentieth century saw a worldwide increase in serial killers and mass murderers. This phenomenon has been documented all the way through the twentieth century, with a high concentration of killers and murders in the United States. Interestingly enough, there has been no evidence to show a slowing point to this killer influx. The rate of murder and killing has exponentially grown through the twentieth- and into twenty-first century. Because of this, there is an increase of study and focus being put onto these killers and atrocities. Many scholars and public health practitioners have devoted their time to researching and interviewing these killers in hope of understanding their motives for committing such heinous crimes.5
Though, with all this research, the primary focus is always put on the killer and their survivors, if any are left. In situations of a serial killer being found and arrested, public health officials will spend time talking about the crimes committed and their political and social ramifications. And, while they investigate and interview those who knew the killer, sometimes a motive is never found, leaving the community to deal with the loss of life in a shroud of mystery and anguish.6

So, with all the time and resources devoted to understanding and predicting psychotic behavior, there has been no major breakthrough. Most of this difficulty comes from how “normal” these killers and murderers look. They could be friends, co-workers, or even family members—they blend in.7 Take for example The Stranger Beside Me, written by Anne Rule. She wrote about her experiences with Ted Bundy and described how she was completely shocked by the atrocious crimes he committed. But, before his arrest, he was a master of disguise and incredibly charming; there’s no way a man like that could be a cold-blooded killer. Right?
When speaking about Richard Ramirez, there was no surprise that he was troubled. As a child, he was diagnosed with epilepsy and grew up under the influence of his older cousin Mike. His older cousin was a Vietnam veteran who taught Ramirez to kill and smoke weed. As Ramirez grew older he began stealing to pay for a growing drug addiction; during this time, he also began to see himself as a child of Satan. As he grew, he became more troubled, working at a hotel and then being fired for trying to rape a woman in her room. He was sixteen at that time, though Ramirez was not found guilty because the Judge felt he had been lured into sex rather than the one to force it.8
After dropping out of high school, Ramirez, at the age of eighteen, moved to California and became a full time criminal. As his addiction to drugs grew, so did the violence of his crimes, resulting in a deadly cocktail of rage and addiction. All of this came to a climax in June of 1984, and after brutally murdering his first victim, seventy-nine year old Jennie Vincow, he went on a year-long killing spree.9 The wake of destruction he left after every break-in and murder left the nation in shock and terror. After every rape and murder he committed, a pentagram could be found either on the body of his victim, or somewhere in the crime scene, and this became Ramirez’s signature.10
He was finally apprehended on August 31, 1985 after his last victim was able to look out the window, and see the stolen car he was driving and a portion of the license plate. When Ramirez was found, he was in an East L.A. neighborhood, and police officers had to stop residents from beating him to death.11 But, during his trial there was no clear motive found. The disturbing conclusion was that Ramirez killed people and raped women because he liked it. And so, there comes a battle between sympathizing with Ramirez because of his traumatic and turbulent childhood, and condemning him as a “Satan-obsessed serial killer who enjoyed every murder and rape he committed.”12
The media had a large influence on this tug of war. From the first murder he committed to his very last day in court there was no shortage of stories. The more stories printed about “The Night Stalker,” the more the public wanted. News outlets focused on his surviving victims and the gruesome details of his crimes. News had begun to focus on the spectacle of things. Newspapers depicted his crimes as atrocities and disasters to the L.A. and San Francisco area, and every story of his made the front page. As Mary Ann Doane, a commentator on mass media, said “Catastrophe is at some level always about the body, about the encounter with death.”13
So, as a society we became obsessed with death. Even now, thirty-two years after Ramirez’s arrest and four years after his death, we still watch his documentaries, we still read the biographies, we still find him disturbingly fascinating. Richard Ramirez still has our attention.
- “Richard Ramirez Biography,”, last modified October 13, 2017, ↵
- James Alan Fox, “Lovesick over Charles Manson. Really?,” USA Today, (2014): 08a, 6 October 2017. ↵
- “Richard Ramirez Biography,”, last modified October 13, 2017, ↵
- Judith S. Baughman, Victor Bondi, Richard Layman, Tandy McConnell, Vincent Tompkins, eds., “Serial Killers and Mass Murderers,” in American Decades Vol. 9, 1980-1989, (Detroit: Gale, 2001). ↵
- D. L. Peck and R. B. Jenkot, “Serial and Mass Murderers,” in International Encyclopedia of Public Health Vol. 5, 690-691 (Oxford: Academic Press, 2008). ↵
- D. L. Peck and R. B. Jenkot, “Serial and Mass Murderers,” in International Encyclopedia of Public Health Vol. 5, 690-691 (Oxford: Academic Press, 2008). ↵
- Jarlath Killeen, “The Monster Club: Monstrosity, Catholicism and Revising the (1641) Rising,” in The Emergence of Irish Gothic Fiction: History, Origins, Theories 2014, ( Scotland: Edinburgh University Press, 2014), 5. ↵
- J. Gordon Melton, “Ramirez, Richard (1960-),” in Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, (Detroit: Gale, 2001), 1279. ↵
- “Richard Ramirez Biography,”, last modified October 13, 2017, ↵
- J. Gordon Melton, “Ramirez, Richard (1960-),” in Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, (Detroit: Gale, 2001), 1279. ↵
- “Richard Ramirez Biography,”, last modified October 13, 2017, ↵
- Jarlath Killeen, “The Monster Club: Monstrosity, Catholicism and Revising the (1641) Rising,” in The Emergence of Irish Gothic Fiction: History, Origins, Theories 2014 ( Scotland: Edinburgh University Press, 2014), 5. ↵
- Mark Seltzer, “Serial Killers (11): The Pathological Public Sphere,” Critical Inquiry 22, no. 1 (1995): 131. ↵
Daniela Duran
This was a very interesting article! I like how the theme of violence and murders is associated with obsession; for instance, I think it is quite interesting to consider that the more we spread the news about murders, the more we motivate people to commit them. I really don’t understand how someone can feel good about killing someone, but I find it curious that even though many research has been done, no one seems to figure out why this is true. More impressive still, however, is the fact the hybristophilia described in the article. It is unbelievable how many admirers Ramirez had, even when he was in jail! I was shocked by the fact he got married whilst in prison! Certainly murderers, killers and events like this one leave much to investigate regarding psychology, it would be interesting to find out a medical explanation as to why certain people develop these conditions, and how they can be avoided
Jocelyn Moreno
Your article was so interesting and engaging! I really loved the video in between, it made everything flow and gave it more dimension! I find it absurd at the fact that women were basically at his feet begging him to marry them. This man was sick. It’s very difficult to sympathize with Ramirez because he solely did what he did for fun and not because of the way he grew up. This was by far one of my favorite articles to read all semester.
Daniela Martinez
I love reading crime stories and reading about the mindsets criminals have. However, the story shows a completely different level in which the public begins to become attracted to the killer and the story. Like the article mentions I first learned about Richard Ramirez through the episode he was portrayed in American Horror Story. I like how this article gives a background on his childhood and how that led him to become the serial killer he came to be. I also thought it was interesting that despite all the women that came to see him, he ended getting married to one of his many fans. Which I guess shows that even horrible people like Ramirez are human and even maybe capable of finding love if you will.
Andrea Cabrera
The video was a good attachment to the flow of the story. I’m a big fan of criminal stories on murderers and rapists. It’s unbelievable to know the scales of twisted minds people go through in this world. I’m impressed he had real life fans and was able to convince a judge that even though he was an innocent pidgeon. I am glad he had the ending he deserved.
Raymond Munoz
Personally, I believe people become infatuated with serial killers because they are amazed with a serial killer’s different mindset and approach on life. This article mentions how in the past serial killers weren’t as popular, but I don’t believe that is the case. I think that serial killers maintain the same popularity all throughout time, until the technological age blew up and connected people all over the world instantaneously. Now, we here about almost every serial killer that strikes in “real-time”, which brings on increased fear and increased followers. So, I blame the media for an increase in serial killer infatuations because they make them popular, but at the same time it is hard to blame the media because the public should be warned about these kind of people. It is a tough debate that I go back and forth on all the time, though I am sure of the excellence in the detail of this article and the awareness it brings to people of serial killers.
Crystal Baeza
I loved the video in between the article! It definitely added to the well written article. I can see where people find criminals, murders and rapists interesting but never can be a fan of one. That is another type of mental issue one must be battling with and especially marry one. It’s mind blowing to me how Ramirez was literally raised up to be this monster by his own family member. I’m glad Ramirez didn’t have a happy ending but he’s the one of few who are actually trailed for their horrific crimes and serve there time. It’s unbelievable we live in a world that this type of stuff exist.
Madison Downing
Your article was so interesting and I really liked how you not only focused on Richard Ramirez but managed to include the public’s fascination with murders. In my personal opinion I think normal people find murders so interesting (and horrible) because we could never do that ourselves cause we don’t have that mental/physical urge to do so. But what I find equally as terrible is how people fall in love with these criminals and put them on a pedestal. I can’t believe Ramirez had so many fans and even was able to convince a judge that even though he tried raping a women he was “lured into it” as you stated. I won’t lie that it doesn’t peak interest in how these people’s minds work and are able to pull people in. But honestly, people like Richard Ramirez scare me because what else are they really capable of?
Martina Rodriguez
The opening to the article was very well written and the flow between the present and the minds of who the article is written about was flawless. I love how there was a video link in the article! I had never seen such a thing in any of the other articles I’ve read. I love how the author asks a lot of questions addressed to the audience. It helps keep the articles pace as well as keeping intrigue throughout the text.
Katherine Watson
Growing up in Texas, I have become very familiar with Richard Ramirez and his “work.” This man nearly decapitated one of his victims after raping her. His acts of crime help develop fingerprints as forensic evidence in court cases, also advancing the technology we had regarding testing fingerprints and linking them to multiple victims. As far as his life after being charged and arrested goes, I can not see how any of his “fans” would even want to be fans. This man killed so many individuals simply because he enjoyed it. He was not an unattractive man, but you can see it in his face that he does not hold the same mentality as a rational human being.
Avery Looney
This article was written very well. The author does a great job of tying in how America is obsessed with death to how people with Ramirez’s murders. Before reading this I had never heard about Ramirez and found this story very interesting. In the article it said you either want to sympathize with Ramirez due to his childhood or hate him because he is a cold blooded killer; I believe that your childhood does play a part in who you become but ultimately Ramirez chose to rape and murder numerous women, no one made him do that . Therefore I do not feel for him whatsoever.