StMU Research Scholars

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Longoria Affair Flag for Independent Lens | Courtesy of PBS

Private Felix E. Longoria from Three Rivers, Texas, was one of the soldiers who gave his life during World War II. Felix Longoria was drafted into the U.S. Army in 1944, and completed six weeks of basic training in Fort Ord, California with the 27th Infantry Regiment of the 25th Infantry Division. He was deployed to Luzon Island for his first combat assignment as an infantry man. He soon volunteered to join a patrol with orders to dislodge enemy snipers.  Army Private Longoria was killed in 1945 at the age of 25 by a Japanese sniper and was awarded a Bronze Service Star, a Good Conduct Medal and a Combat Infantryman’s Badge.1 His remains were not recovered and identified until 1949 when they were returned to Three Rivers, Texas, his hometown.2

World War II, a global war, lasted from 1939 to 1945 and was the deadliest conflict in human history. The National WWII Museum reports over 500,000 Latinos (including 350,000 Mexican Americans and 53,000 Puerto Ricans) served in WWII. However, exact numbers are difficult to calculate because except for the 65th Infantry Regiment from Puerto Rico, Latinos were not segregated into their own units the way African Americans were.3 This article is not about World War II itself, instead it tells the story of one of our own Mexican American World War II Heroes from Texas. This affair shows how his community discriminated against him and his family after the war had ended despite his heroic military service for the US.

Three Rivers, Texas is a small town between Corpus Christi and San Antonio known for its hunting and fishing. In the early 1900’s, the main industries were a glass factory and a natural gas refinery. As most towns in the deep South, Three Rivers was ripe with racial segregation and discrimination. In South Texas in the 1940’s, Mexican Americans were treated as second class citizens despite many having their U.S. Citizenship. All were called Mexicans, they were turned away from local shops, swimming pools, and even banned from the barbershops. Signs were posted declaring, “No dogs, no blacks or Mexicans allowed” and “We serve whites only, no Spanish or Mexicans.”4 It was still a time when many Mexican women could only work as cleaning ladies, for Anglo families, sometimes getting paid as little as 15 cents for a day’s work. Mexicans were considered non-white despite being counted as whites on the census.5 World War II caused the nation to reexamine the laws. The Texas Legislator’s 1943 “Caucasian Race Resolution” granting Latin Americans status as “white” citizens notwithstanding.6 Thousands of Latino-American veterans returned from the war to find they were still second class citizens at home. The town of Three Rivers was no exception, Mexican Americans still lived on one side of the railroad tracks with Spanish street names and whites on the nicer side of the tracks.

Small towns were usually quick to acknowledge the death of American Heroes but not for Private Longoria’s. In mourning the death of her husband, Beatrice Longoria was to make arrangements for the wake service that she wanted to hold in their hometown. When she spoke to the Rice Funeral home, the only funeral home in town, the director, Tom Kennedy,  declined to plan the service because he explained Felix Longoria was “Mexican” and because “the whites would not like it.”7 Mr. Kennedy was willing to set up a wake at the Longoria home as was the customary treatment of Mexican Americans by the Three Rivers community. Kennedy at one time was in the military, where he fought in Europe, suffered shrapnel wounds and was hospitalized until he went back to the United States. Therefore, it came as a surprise that Kennedy had no compassion for his fallen brother at arms.

Dr. Hector Garcia and Senator Lyndon B. Johnson. The Longoria Affair | Texas Civil Rights Case. Courtesy of | Independent Lens PBS

Though Felix Longoria’s father had purchased a family plot on the Westside of the town where there was a fence that separated the Mexicans from the all-white burial plots, it was the service for the wake where the outrage began. All Beatrice Longoria wanted was for her husband’s service to be in his hometown with family and friends. Mr. Kennedy angered the Mexican-American community by not allowing the wake to be held at the funeral home. How was it that his ethnicity rather than his ultimate sacrifice for the country mattered more in determining whether he would received a proper burial with full honors. Hurt, confused, and in mourning, Beatrice’s sister Sarah Posas contacted Dr. Hector P. Garcia, a civil rights organizer. Dr. Garcia was no stranger to this type of discrimination so he agreed to help the Longoria family. Many time he was told, “You are not Americans, you are Mexicans” Dr. Garcia would respond by saying, “Well, we are American citizens of Mexican origin, so let’s point out to the people we are really Americans”.8 As a civil rights activist, he used his wartime skills to organize the community. He then contacted Senator Lyndon B. Johnson in Washington. Senator Johnson saw this as a national cause and took it all the way to the White House. The decision to bury Felix Longoria in a place other than Three Rivers became a collective demand for justice, dignity and equality. With collaborated work from Dr. Garcia and Senator Johnson, Felix Longoria’s remains were re-interred on February 16, 1949 in Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors.9 Dr. Garcia founded the American GI Forum in 1948 to help Military Veterans who needed assistance to receive the services and benefits they had earned as soldiers.

In 2010, Santiago Hernandez a resident from Corpus Christi gained permission from the funeral home owner to place a Texas Historical Marker on the property in memory of Felix Longoria. This came with some opposition from many white commission members, but the marker was placed. In 2014, under new management, the funeral home was demolished and converted into a parking lot. The original historical marker was allegedly hit by a driver who backed up into it and was removed. Santiago Hernandez later tried to convince the Three Rivers community to rename the local post office after Private Felix Longoria since the Texas Historical Marker had been damaged and not replaced. 10 Many community residents did not support the idea. Since the post office is a Federal building, renaming it requires a bill in the US Congress. Mr. Hernandez then contacted Congressman Lloyd Doggett who represented the Three Rivers area to inquire whether he would help change the name of the Post Office to honor Longoria. On July 22, 2004 Congressman Doggett proposed to the House of Representatives Bill 4911 that designated the United States Postal Service located in Three Rivers, Texas, as the “Private Felix Z. Longoria Veterans’ Memorial Post Office”.11

Unidentified family members of Pvt. Felix Longoria of Three Rivers, Texas, observe a moment of silence beside his flag-draped casket in Arlington National Cemetery, Va., Feb. 16, 1949 | Courtesy of Navarrette Injustice for an American Veteran

After all these years, the story about Felix Longoria, which became a catalyst for the American GI Forum and the spread of civil rights and pride among Mexican Americans is rarely spoken about in Three Rivers, Texas. Many residents still deny discrimination and segregation within the town were the motives. Talking to the townspeople many say, “This was never about race”.12 The discrimination against Felix Longoria remain unspoken when travelers from distant areas come to learn about where the Longoria Affair began. You would assume, given that a historical moment occurred in Three Rivers would be especially vigilant about anything involving the Longorias and the right for equality, but no one-including the mayor, the owner of the property who reportedly tore down the structure and members of the historical commission would speak about Felix Longoria. The Felix Longoria marker was replaced years later, it is now located on the city square in Three Rivers. 13

Felix Longoria’s Replaced Marker in Three Rivers Texas | Courtesy of Lulu Avitua-Uviedo

Some might ask why resurrect such memories and not just let the memory of Felix Longoria rest in Arlington National Cemetery alongside all other war heroes. This ghost of their past haunts the town and many would prefer to forget about it. However, communities must make amends for the many wounds inflicted by discrimination against the heroes who sacrificed their lives for the United States of America. The Historic Marker is but one small way to redress decades of open discrimination against Mexican American Veterans. This fight and ultimate victory that validates the full Citizenship rights of those born American and from Hispanic or Mexican ethnicity changed the lives of everyone in the town. Private Felix Longoria made history while alive in World War II and after his death continued to challenged discrimination in Three Rivers, Texas. While it may be a time in history some would rather not remember, the Longoria Affair sheds light, honor, and prestige forever on the Mexican American Community and the sacrifices of Gold Star families regardless of ethnicity.








  1. Patricia Portales, “An affair to Remember,” in San Antonio Current, august 11, 2010.
  2. “Felix Longoria,” 1994-2011, Arlington National Cemetery, Website.
  3. The National World War II Museum, Los Veteranos – Latinos in WWII, retrieve on 5/1/2020 from .
  4. Ruben Narrette Jr., “Navarette: Injustice for an American Veteran”, Press Democrat, November 10, 2010.
  5. Ruben Narrette Jr., “Navarette: Injustice for an American Veteran”, Press Democrat, November 10, 2010.
  6. Zachary Foust, “Caucasian Race Resolution’, July 9, 2019, Handbook of Texas Online,
  7. Patricia Portales, “An affair to Remember,” in San Antonio Current, august 11, 2010.
  8. Hector Garcia, interview, Mexican American Experience, July 9, 1969, hosted by David G. McComb,
  9. Carroll, Patrick. Felix Longoria’s Wake, Publisher: The University of Texas Press, 2003.
  10. John J. Valadez, The Longoria Affair. (2010) Boston: PB Distribution 2010. DVD.
  11. R. 4911, July 22, 2004, 108th Congress 2 D Session.
  12. Bob Richter, “Consider the other side of the ‘Longoria affair,'” San Antonio Express News, January 7, 2012.
  13. Elaine Ayala, “Longoria marker to get new spot in Three Rivers,” San Antonio Express News 2015.

Lulu Guadalupe Avitua-Uviedo

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Recent Comments


  • Victoria Dubois

    Great Article! It is very disappointing that there is racism in these small towns around the world. It is very sad to know that this man fought for our country and was not getting a proper burial due to his ethnicity. It is very interesting that one person can speak up can make a huge impact in their hometown as well as their country, people have to see that there is still discrimination.

  • Osondra Fournier-Colon

    This article’s connection to Civic Engagement connects to fighting for civil rights through petitioning and contacting senators to create change. Not only just contacting senators but also engaging an entire community of people affected by discrimination to speak up in ways the privileged cannot ignore. Some criticism of the article is that it depicts how the community of Mexican Americans may have reacted to the call for change. How did this change improve lives within Three Rivers for Mexican Americans? If it did not, what was the reason?

  • Amy Hotema

    This article made me realize just how hard it has been for my fellow Mexican community to be accepted. I have lived my whole life in Texas and I have always been faced with slurs and rude comments on my ethnicity and race. But this article expanded my thoughts on how much we as a Mexican community have always fought for our equality as Mexican-Americans. I really enjoyed reading this Article because it gave the back story in summary and then also continued to share up to the most recent events happening all from the roots of a brave man who fought for our country. This is truly inspiring to continue to fight for our equal rights as both American and Mexicans.

  • Naya Harb

    This article made me realize how unjust the world was and still is. Having to serve and die for your country but not even being recognized or appreciated for it is not acceptable. Felix E. Longori was still discriminated against even after his death. Mexican Americans have obviously endured a lot in the United States; being considered as a “second class citizen” in the 1940s. It is really interesting to find out what Mexicans did to get their rights. The civil right movement organized by Dr. Garcia was a big step to help Mexicans be recognized and treated as “equals” in the US. I really liked this article because it helped me learn more about Mexicans’ history.

  • Olivia Flores

    I share a personal connection with the town of Three Rivers as some of my closest family members have grown up there. To read this story was astounding to say the least, as I have never known this side of the history of this town. Learning about the racism and dishonor given to Private Longoria and his family is disheartening, but the uplifting turn of events was a light at the end of the tunnel. The proper civic action taken to ensure that he was laid to rest with his honors is the exact justice and reason that we strive for today. This story was inspiring and encouraging for a young reader who desires change. After reading this story, I found myself looking back at the title and applauding the author for the way this entire story is connected so beautifully from the title to the last sentence.

  • Bijou Davant

    I really love learning about WWII. I feel like the Latin population doesn’t get enough recognition. As a Latina woman in Texas, it’s nice to see things such as this and know someone got recognized. Especially because one of my Latino great-uncles fought in WWII Knowing that some people disagree that this issue is about race is upsetting. These things are almost always about race, especially knowing the war involved many racial issues, such as Hitler’s distaste and hate towards the Jewish community, and even the discrimination against all Asian Americans, not even just the Japanese. So, yes I believe things around this time were very focused on race and racial issues.

  • Alexis Zepeda

    Hello! As a first time reader of Private Longoria’s story, I am truly blown away. I can appreciate how much insight this article holds. From the family’s mourning of Private Longoria’s sacrifice to the description of how much racial and ethnic discrimination truly plagued our country to the historical imprint his life alone has left in the Mexican American community, I enjoyed this article through and through.

  • Daniela Garza Martinez

    It astounds me that these stories are rarely taught in contexts other than Mexican American Studies courses at the university level. I had previously learned about the treatment of Mexican Americans upon their return to their hometowns after World War II, but I thoroughly enjoy learning about a particular individual, in this case Private Longoria. I believe that while learning a general topic or historical event overview is effective for learning, learning the story of an individual is not only a privilege, but also provokes a deeper method of education. While the majority of learning is fact-based, this method incorporates the human element of empathy for the situation. I cannot agree more with this article’s conclusion, which I adore. The ghosts of these heroes, Private Longoria included, were the soldiers and stepping stones for the rights Mexican-Americans and many others experience today. As disheartening as the treatment was to him, this article was beautifully composed with the utmost regard for Private Longoria.

  • Illeana Molina

    This article gives great background on this history and sheds light on Mexican American World War II Heroes from Texas. As it relates to civic/ civil engagement and duties, this community discriminated against Longoria and his family after the war had ended. Unfortunately, his ethnicity had more attention this time than his bravery in fighting for this country. An individual such as Longoria of such honor should receive a formal, proper burial. Due to the amazing content of this article, Hector P. Garcia being the civil rights organizer is well known. As stated in the article’s title, it is an affair that various individuals would rather not remember. This article was an interesting read that kept me intrigued with the content and wanting to do more research!!

  • Estefania Walther

    This article was very eye-opening and informative. I hadn’t heard about Private Felix E. Longoria before this article, and I am glad I know who he is now. Being a Mexican woman in Texas has been a roller coaster. Sometimes I feel included and at home since we are so close to the border but at time I feel judged and like I don’t belong. It is very sad that Private Felix did an amazing deed for our country and wasn’t recognized in his hometown just because of where he came from. People like him are heroes when it comes to the civil rights movement for Mexican-Americans.

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