StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
Obesity Infographic
Childhood Obesity in Texas


I would like to thank Dr. Lori Boies for her help in the early stages of this project, particularly in helping me find a topic I am passionate about. I am most grateful to my parents for their encouragement to help me to see the importance of this project for how it could be helpful and useful to others in need of information.

Xena Rixter

I am a Bachelor of Science Biology major and Chemistry minor at St Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas. I was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. I am graduating with the class of Spring 2022.

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Recent Comments


  • Sierra Christa

    I loved this infographic! The colors and cleanness is perfect! I think your topic is interesting as even though people of lower income, especially Hispanic and Latino background are more at risk, yet they are not necessary the primary people suffering from this. I found that fascinating. I think you did a great job and it is a great example for those learning.

  • Kaylah Garcia

    Hello Xena, This infographic was most likely one of the most interesting ones I ever came across. I had no idea that children who are primarily Latino or Hispanic are more likely to become obese as children. I liked how you also mentioned a few programs that help with the problem and other things people may do at home. Now let’s talk about the infographic design, which was simple and effective. I liked how you illustrated the 1 in 5 children with the pie chart and the person/individual chart. Overall, excellent work.

  • Greitin Rodriguez

    As a human being you want to be healthy, live for a long time, and take care of yourself and the people you love. When you’re just a baby you don’t have stress, worry, and struggle. As you get older it is your responsibility to take care of yourselves and be conscious of what you should and shouldn’t do for your own bodies, minds, and well-being. Before we are born there are health factors and concerns that could not only affect the mother, but as well the child. With low income, lack of accessible healthy foods, and low nutrients in foods it could lead to serious complications that affect children; such as obesity. Obesity is a serious problem that not only affects the body, but also the mind. With our voices we could have an impact and lower numbers of obesity. As a community we need to advocate support for those in need to have access to healthy foods and to a healthy lifestyle.

  • Osondra Fournier-Colon

    Obesity is such a problem in the United States; however, seeing it focused in Texas is scary. Also, the fact that obesity does not just cause physical ailments but also mental issues that can worsen over time is just as daunting. Now with that prediction invested in children, akes all much more terrible since children should live happy lives and not worry about the problems of being obese. This infographic puts the problem in perspective within just Texas alone.

  • Melanie Fraire

    This was a very well-structured and informative infographic. What I found most interesting was the relationship between Latino and Hispanic children being most at risk for childhood obesity and also being low-income. I think this was an important thing to note since preventative treatment can look at those two aspects and focus on finding solutions around them.

  • Amy Hotema

    The way this is presented is different, and I actually rather like it. It shows us a pie chart of the many types of fat children while also outlining some causes and preventative measures to curtail this trend, which is on the rise. It identifies facilities where we may get assistance when necessary and draws attention to some of the other major issues associated with childhood obesity. Although I never experienced childhood obesity, I did have an early interest in nutrition and dieticians.

  • Andrew Ponce

    Topics like this are very much overlooked in today’s society. Society holds fast food and artificially created snacks so high that talk about the word ‘obesity’ are extremely discouraged. This article goes against the norm of what society deems appropriate to talk about through choosing health advocacy over society’s hold on appropriate topics. This article not only identifies the issue behind childhood obesity, but also highlights prevention steps and what can be done to help put an end to the issue. Health centers and different levels of prevention help the reader understand what it takes to stop the chronic issue of the State. Phenomenal job Xena!

  • Aaron Astudillo

    Thank you for the great infographic, it really showed a different way of absorbing information. The pictures aided in displaying the information that is needed to better spread awareness of childhood obesity. Furthermore, the pie graph really helps in better understanding the content.

  • Natalia Bustamante

    Hello, Xena! Such an important topic to talk about. I really enjoyed reading this obesity article, especially regarding childhood obesity in Texas. I feel like I knew this was a prevalent issue, but I did not know the severity of the obesity phenomenon. Again, thank you for explaining a very important topic in our current society. We should do everything in our power to reduce those numbers of childhood obesity not only in Texas but in the whole country.

  • Michaell Alonzo

    Hi Xena! This is an issue that us as a society must face and stand against. I really enjoyed that you included race and some potential health consequences that come with obesity. I also really enjoyed how at the end you included primary prevention, including how elementary schools are attempting to keep children healthy. The use of color really caught my attention and they way you put the information in order really helped me follow along.

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