StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
April 5, 2022

The Silent Killer – The Effects of Tobacco in the U.S.

Tobacco Infographic
The Silent Killer - Tobacco Use in the US


I would like to thank my parents for their support and constant encouragement throughout the writing process. I am also indebted to Dr.Boies and Diana Donnel for their assistance in the editing phase of the project. And I am most grateful to Dr. Boies for her encouragement to help me to see the importance of this project for how it could be helpful and useful to others.

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Samantha Beltran

I was born and raised on the border of Texas and Mexico in the city of El Paso. Upon graduating in the Spring of 2022, I will receive a bachelor’s degree in Biology with a minor in Chemistry and a certification in Public Health. After graduation, I will pursue a Doctorate degree in Medicine that specializes in urology or gastroenterology. While at St. Mary’s University I assisted in the founding of “Girl Up StMU,” an organization empowering women leaders all around the world to defend gender equality. Additionally, I participated in a Research Fellowship under the direction of Dr. Gray. Moreover, I am also a part of other organizations such as, Sigma Sigma Sigma National sorority where I served as President and as College Panhellenic Council Chair. In my spare time, I volunteer at University Hospital, where I have had the opportunity to interact with patients and tutor students from underserved communities through the organization, “Learn To Be Tutoring.”

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Recent Comments


  • Emilee Luera

    The content was really simple to follow, and the pictures supported it without distracting the reader. Not only is nicotine a very addictive chemical, but it may also cause cancer, which I feel deserves more attention in general, therefore it was great that you brought that up. Quitting smoking early is preferable to suffering later in life. Suffering from several conditions raises the risk of incurable illness.

  • Jocelyn Elias

    Hi Samantha, you presented many facts about tobacco, some of which are known nationwide and some that are still unknown to many people and should be available to the public. Through this poster, you depicted certain facts that are not known to the public and you condense all those facts into one page which gives you new information mixed in with prior knowledge. Great poster.

  • Sudura Zakir

    Smoking creates harmful impact on human due to dangerous toxic substances. E-cigar contains nicotine which results premature death, heart disease, lung cancer and many more. Tobacco contains variety of toxic substances. In early stage, different respiratory disease symptoms are found which later turn to incurable diseases. Prevention is better than cure. It is better to stop smoking in early stage instead of suffering in later life. Suffering from multiple diseases will increase possibility of incurable disease. That’s how smoking is like intaking poison. To lead a better healthy life smoking should be avoided.

  • Dallasstar Johnson

    I think you did a great job of covering the major aspects of what nicotine addiction really is. Not only is it a highly addictive chemical, but it can also cause cancer which is something I feel needs more attention in general so it was good that you highlighted that point. I didn’t realize how young someone can begin smoking nicotine, so that kind of blew my mind.

  • Sophia Phelan

    We were taught the DARE program growing up so I find the specifics really interesting. This graphic is so informational and important to impressionable teens as they begin making decisions that they may not be educated about.

  • Jesslyn Schumann

    Hi Samantha! This infographic was very informational and extremely easy to follow along. I didn’t realize that smoking had rose that much within such a short amount of time. Especially within middle and high schoolers. The stats that you provided was very informational and eye opening. Good luck with the award ceremony!

  • Anissa Navarro

    Your infographic was super information, I do not think the public realizes the severity of tobacco use. I had no realization of the numbers of the rise of e-cigarettes. There are so many health reasons that I do not think smokers take into consideration; not only are they causing their health to deteriorate but others as well. I hope many learn from your infographic.

  • Hello Samantha,
    First of all, congratulation on your nomination and getting your poster published!
    This is a very well-written and creative poster. The use of information for this poster is excellent chosen and the graphics add more style to the poster. I’m hoping that people can understand that smoking can be really bad and the consequences can attempt to your life.
    Overall, great information and poster itself, and good luck!

  • Madeline Emke

    An amazing poster! The information was extremely easy to read and the images supported the information while not distracting the reader. Additionally, the information is extremely pertinent today because of how common tobacco use is within teens and college students. Congratulations!

  • Kayla Cooper

    First of all, I love the format of your article. It is very unique and could be used as a newspaper around a school. It is crazy to think that smokers will live 14 years less than a non-smoker. I love how you added that fact because I had no idea. I like how you added the diseases that can be caused by the use of tobacco. It can be very addictive to people that start that they forget about the risks that they are taking. Your article was very well written and very informative!

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