StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
Obesity Infographic
Childhood Obesity in Texas


I would like to thank Dr. Lori Boies for her help in the early stages of this project, particularly in helping me find a topic I am passionate about. I am most grateful to my parents for their encouragement to help me to see the importance of this project for how it could be helpful and useful to others in need of information.

Xena Rixter

I am a Bachelor of Science Biology major and Chemistry minor at St Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas. I was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. I am graduating with the class of Spring 2022.

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Recent Comments


  • Maya Naik

    Hi Xena! Thank you for sharing this graphic. I appreciate you bringing attention to such a prevailing issue. I loved how you used this graphic to not only address the problem, but to also talk about prevention methods! Very well-written — Thanks again!

  • Carollann Serafin

    this article is very appealing to the eye. it is sad that children can be diagnosed with obesity knowing how much life they have to live but it is important to inform parents of the risks and long term affects. it also helps having steps to a process and allow there child opportunities to be healthy. I never knew how common it was.

  • Jocelyn Elias

    Hi Xena, your topic is really interesting to me and I think the bright colors for your poster is a major factor that attracted me to reading it. I personally never struggled with childhood obesity but I did take interest at a young age in nutriology and dieticians. I believe that your article has enlightened me into getting a grasp on the major causes for these types of problems. Very informative and well written.

  • Dylan Vargas

    The way this is laid out is unique and I quite like it, it gives us a pie chart of what kind of children are obese and also giving us some of the reasons and preventions to stopping this sort of thing that is on an increase. It highlights some of the other type of leading problems that comes with child obesity and giving us help with the preventions by naming centers to seek help when needed.

  • Sophia Phelan

    I think on some subconscious level I understood how the epidemic of obesity worked, but I was unaware of how large the numbers are. Your graphic addressed the intersectionality of race and I really thought that was a good addition to your piece.

  • Mauricio Rebaza Figueroa

    Hi Xena. I want to first congratulate you on your nomination. I think you deserve it for the really good article you made. Childhood obesity is a really important issue, not only in Texas but everywhere that everybody should know and be more aware about. Your sources were on point and made your work be trustworthy. Very good job.

  • Thank you for proving this informative information about Childhood Obesity which we need to concern about as the Obesity rate increases every year. Besides that people already have health problems that lead to obesity, mostly overconsumption of fast food and processed food that raise this rate as they are tasty, cheap, and always ready for us to consume. There are many health cheat receipts on the internet that we can base on them to cook prep-meals for our family and ourselves, it can help us be more healthy.

  • Grace Malacara

    This is a great infographic; the presentation is fantastic, and the information supplied is quite valuable. It stands to reason that minority communities are more sensitive to obesity since low-income people frequently do not have access to fresh produce or cannot afford to pay for fresh produce for their families. As a result, their primary food sources are low-cost snacks and basic dinners. It is a topic that is rarely discussed, and many people have a negative attitude toward someone who is obese. Congratulations on your nomination and excellent work!

  • Jesslyn Schumann

    Hi Xena! I first wanted to congratulate you on your nomination! This is a topic that seems to be brought up within discussion but no one really seems to explain where and why it is an issue. I want to say that I did not realize the factors that could play into the obesity and how it effects minorities as severe as it does. Good luck with the award ceremony!

  • Hello Xena,
    First of all, congratulations on your nomination and getting your article published!
    I must say, what a colorful poster! I really like the combination of colors, plus the information used for this poster is reliable and really summarized. The graphics also provided are visually-pleasing and the statistics combine with the article. It was surprising that 1 in 5 children in Texas are defined as obese.
    Overall, amazing work and good luck!

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