Humanity, impartiality, and voluntary service, are just a few of the fundamental principles of the Global Red Cross Network. The American Red Cross was established to “prevent and alleviate human suffering in the face of the emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors.”1 To this day, the American Red Cross continues to help alleviate suffering and help those in need, all thanks to the contributions and relentless efforts of its founder Clara Barton.

The American National Red Cross Society, known as the American Red Cross, in Washington, D.C., was established on May 21, 1881 by Clara Harlowe Barton.2 Before establishing the American Red Cross, Barton served in the International Red Cross during the Franco-Prussian War, where she helped save the lives of countless men.3 The International Red Cross was established through the Geneva Convention of 1864. The Geneva Convention authorized the “Red Cross Treaty.” This treaty allowed for protection of those not participating in a conflict or battle, such as prisoners of war (POW), soldiers wounded on the battlefield, doctors, nurses, and hospital units displaying the Red Cross emblem.4 President Rutherford B. Hayes had not endorsed the Geneva Convention of 1864 due to the fact that it would seem that the United States and the European Nations were forming an alliance; however, Barton was not discouraged. Instead, she continued to lobby President Hayes in order to convince him to endorse the Geneva Convention treaties. Although her argument seemed persuasive, President Hayes was still dubious of the treaty and rejected her petition.5
Barton was undaunted and on May 21, 1881 she was able to establish the American Red Cross Society. She worked laboriously in order to ratify the Geneva Convention so that the American Red Cross could link up to the International Red Cross. In 1882, Barton was able to tie the American Red Cross back with the International Red Cross due to the signing of the Geneva Convention of 1882. With this task completed, Barton was able to focus on beginning her next campaign: making the American Red Cross the central relief agency in the United States.6
Throughout the remainder of her life, Barton continued to help those in need. Some of her work included helping people affected by natural disasters and those involved in war. Barton continuously traveled, seeking funds and support from the public, and although she was able to help hundreds of people throughout her time working for the American Red Cross, she was constantly criticized for not keeping track of her expenditures. Barton kept the American Red Cross very decentralized, which gave all of the local chapters hands-on authority. Many of her followers did not agree with this. Mabel Thorp Boardman wanted to centralize the American Red Cross based on new theories of “scientific management.” After Bordman’s countless efforts to take over Barton’s presidential seat, Boardman decided to instigate a congressional investigation into the organization. Due to Barton’s lack of keeping track of expenditures and donations, the investigation vindicated her and in 1904, Barton was forced to resign.7

Thanks to the relentless efforts of Clara Barton, we now have a source of help for all Americans suffering and in need of emergency relief. Today, a stone monument along with a Red Cross is displayed on the Antietam battlefield paying special tribute to her exceptional service. The memorial reads: “Clara Barton — During the battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862, Clara Barton brought supplies and nursing aid to the wounded on this battlefield. This act of love and mercy led to the birth of the present American Red Cross.” At the base of the monument is more text: “This symbolic Red Cross has been made from a brick from the chimney of the home where Clara Barton was born at North Oxford, Massachusetts, on Christmas Day, 1821.” Clara Barton was, as one doctor at Antietam declared, “the true heroine of the age, the angel of the battlefield.”8
- American Red Cross, “Mission & Principles | American Red Cross Mission Statement,” (accessed September 27, 2016). ↵
- Marian Moser Jones, The American Red Cross from Clara Barton to the New Deal (JHU Press, 2012): xviii. ↵
- Glenn W. LaFantasie, “The Trials of Clara Barton and Triumphs,” America’s Civil War 18, no. 2 (2005): 38-39. ↵
- Howard Markel, “Clara Barton’s Crusade to Bring the Red Cross to America,” PBS NewsHour, (accessed September 20, 2016). ↵
- Howard Markel, “Clara Barton’s Crusade to Bring the Red Cross to America,” PBS NewsHour. (accessed September 20, 2016). ↵
- Salem Press Biographical Encyclopedia, 2016, s.v. “Clara Barton,” by Fred R. van Hartesveldt. ↵
- Laura Morrow, “Clara’s Heart,” Policy Review, no. 75 (February 1, 1996): 64. ↵
- Glenn W. LaFantasie,”The Trials of Clara Barton and Triumphs,” America’s Civil War 18, no. 2 (2005): 40. ↵
Daniel Gimena
Beautiful, worth knowing story.
People like mrs. Barton, who fight to protect human life over everything else, not taking into account skin color, religion, political support or beliefs, seeing just the human being before everything else, are the people who shape a better world to live in.
It is obvious that I knew what the Red Cross is, but I had never heard of this woman. It is inspiring how, despite critics, monetary difficulties and other problems, this woman did everything what was in her hands to safe human lives.
Lauren Castaneda
I was aware that Clara Barton had been the founder of the American Red Cross, but did not know she was out there on the battlefield helping the wounded individuals. Ms. Barton was a true American hero who fought endlessly trying to help out others, and made an impact not only in her lifetime but for future generations to come. Her bravery was immense throughout the Prussian and Antietam war leading her to be known as “a true heroine of the age, and angel of the battlefield.”
Gabriella Urrutia
This article was well written and very informative. I didn’t know much about when the American Red Cross was founded and by who. Its very interesting to read about someone who tried so hard to help others. Thanks to Clara working very hard to create the American Red Cross, they are able to help all those that are in need.
Sebastian Portilla
The American Red Cross has saved so many lives and has impacted many. This article is great because I feel like organizations as such don’t get enough recognition. The American Red Cross is full with hard working and passionate individuals who want to make a difference in the world and we need many more like them.
Ashley Martinez
This was a well written article that did a great job at displaying factual evidence. Before reading this article I had no idea who had founded the American Red Cross. Clara Barton founded a wonderful organization that has positively impacted the lives of many people over the course of many years. Clara Barton was a wonderful woman who was very hardworking and dedicated to her work and these characteristics lead to the founding of the American Red Cross. People in the battlefields and or areas hit by natural disasters have recieved aid from this organization. Clara Barton was a wonderful woman that will be remembered forever.
Ruby Wynn
Excellent article. I enjoyed reading about Clara Barton when I was younger. She founded the American Red Cross and showed bravery in caring for soldiers on the battlefield. It is unfortunate that someone would want to take over the position of President of the American Red Cross and change how it is run so much that they would instigate a congressional investigation.
Samantha Ruvalcaba
It’s always great to read about women making an impact. Barton created a society that would help so many lives in America, and because of her efforts, that help would extend to foreign countries as well. Not only should Barton be recognized for her creation of this society, but also the people who continued and improved her legacy ought to have some credit for their efforts.
Michael Hinojosa
I was in love with this article, it was so informative and interesting! I didn’t know that the American Red Cross had been well established for over one hundred years, and I didn’t even know the origins, creation, and founder of the organization either! Whenever I thought about this organization I never really put too much in depth thought into it as it was an already established group, so to be able to read about how it was made was definitely a great time!
Marina Castro
Great article! People in the 20th underestimated the role of women and the impact that they had in society. Specifically, nurses were seen as less than a soldier, when in reality their role was just as important. It came times in which women were able to prove how important their role was, like Barton did. At that time people probably thought their actions were not as important, however the Red Cross plays a crucial role in society.
Richard Morales
This article was very interesting as it told the story of the founding of The American Red Cross. Clara Barton was a persistent woman who worked hard for the greater good. The Red Cross is such an important organization that has served so many people since it establishment in 1881. It is amazing to me that she continued to fight for her cause even after her petition was rejected by the president. Thankfully her hard work paid off after over a decade.