StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
December 7, 2017

Did He Do IT? The Story of O.J. Simpson and the Famous Murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman

On the night of June 12, 1994, the bodies of Nicole Brown Simpson, ex-wife of Orenthal James (O.J.) Simpson, and Ronald Goldman were found brutally murdered outside Nicole’s town home in Brentwood, California.1 When police arrived on the scene, Detective Mark Fuhrman quickly recognized the body of Nicole, as he had covered a domestic dispute with her and O. J. prior to this event2 While other officers were inspecting the scene of the crime, Detectives Philip Vannattero and Fuhrman went to Simpson’s Rockingham Estate to inform him about Nicole’s death. When they arrived, one of the first things they saw and examined was an odd blood stain on Simpson’s white Ford Bronco, which began to raise suspicion. They soon after would attempt at contacting O.J., but would conclude that Simpson was not home after there was no answer when they tried paging him from the front gate. Desperate to find answers, Fuhrman jumped the fence, and to his surprise, he found a bloody glove behind Simpson’s guest house that was identical to a glove found at Nicole’s home. These findings quickly caused O.J. to be considered a suspect in the murder case. Once evidence came pouring in, the district attorney’s office came to the conclusion that there was enough evidence to indict Simpson for the death of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman.

Photo of the Bronco on the 405 Freeway l Courtesy of

When the police went to arrest O.J. in Encino, California, again to their surprise, they found that O.J. was not in the home where police expected him to be. Instead, he was in a Ford Bronco that belonged to A. C. Cowlings, trying to run away on the 405 freeway. In the Encino home, O.J. left a disturbing suicide note that was signed with a smiley face. In the back of the Bronco, O.J. apparently had a gun to his head ready to pull the trigger at any moment. This escape was televised nationally to over 95 million viewers. To anyone who lived in Los Angeles at the time, many remember where they were during the time of the attempted escape and “slow chase” of O.J. Simpson. The chase reportedly started to transition when O.J. was on the phone with Detective Tom Lange negotiating with him, granting Simpson’s request to go home and see his mother before he was arrested. Police decided that it was best to cooperate, and thus began one of the slowest police chases to ever happen. It would end with O.J. home with his family who were waiting desperately for him to surrender. Fans of O.J. were lined up to watch the chase either cheering him on to keep running, or people viciously accusing him of the murders he might have committed. Once he got home, the police formally arrested him and he was placed under police custody.3

O.J. was formally indicted on July 22, 1994, and the trial began on January 24, 1995 with Lance Ito as the presiding judge.3 The Los Angeles District Attorney’s Lead Prosecutor Marcia Clark and Deputy Attorney Christopher Darden took on the case in attempt to bring Simpson to justice for Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman. The two presented an accurate timeline to prosecute Simpson with the help of Rosa Lopez’s various testimonies to the police. Lopez was a domestic worker for one of Simpson’s neighbors, who at one point attempted to leave the country in order to avoid testifying.5 The timeline went like this: between 9:48-9:50 PM, Ronald Goldman leaves the restaurant with glasses left by Nicole’s mother. At 10:15, the first cries of help from Nicole are heard by a neighbor as well as Nicole’s dog constantly barking at the scene. At 10:40, Kato Kaelin hears three loud thumps outside the wall of his room. Allan Park, a limo driver, also arrives at Simpson’s Rockingham Estate to take him to the airport. At 11:00, Park buzzes the intercom several times to get no reply from Simpson. At 11:00, after calling his boss urging him that Simpson was not home, he buzzes the intercom one more time and this time O.J. replies. He claimed that he overslept and just got out the shower. Fifteen minutes later, Simpson left his home to go to Los Angeles International Airport to make an American Airline flight to Chicago. At 12:10, the bodies of the victims are found. The next morning, after finding a bloody glove behind Kaelin’s room, the Simpson house is labeled a crime scene, and the Police file a search warrant to investigate the house.6.

The prosecution team’s case for why Simpson was the killer was rooted mainly in DNA evidence found at both crime scenes. At the town home, there was a bloody glove found with the DNA of O.J., Nicole, and Goldman. There was also a knitted hat with pieces of Simpson’s hair found on it, as well as a bloody footprint that matched the sole pattern of a shoe O.J. owned at the time. At O.J.’s Rockingham Estate, there was a glove found that was identical to the one found at Nicole’s town home, with the same DNA evidence as mentioned earlier. This glove was found where Kaelin said he heard loud thumping behind his room. There was also blood found on the driveway along with one of Nicole’s bloody socks and a bloody footprint that matched the one found at the town home. When police went to talk to Simpson the next day, they noticed that O.J. had a cut on his finger, which was suspicious as he never gave a clear reason as to how he got the cut. Simpson also had purchased a knife before the events that occurred on that night. However, the knife and shoes were never found. Not only was this evidence strong, but Simpson also had a history with domestic violence, where Simpson had been abusive towards Nicole. This history with violence did not help Simpson’s desire to plea his innocence. In any ordinary case, this would have been enough to send someone to jail, but this was no ordinary case.

OJ tries on a glove found at the crime scene that does not fit on his hand l Courtesy of

The team of attorneys defending Simpson were known as the “Dream Team,” as many of them were high profiled lawyers. The team would be led by Johnnie Cochran, as he had created an accurate plan to profess Simpson’s innocence.3 Cochran’s plan was to turn this from a murder case and make it about race. His plan revolved around corruption in the LAPD with racist cops and a mishandling of evidence. The defense suggested that there were technical mistakes made by LAPD. Some evidence had not been packaged or contained correctly. There had been even some evidence that had been left in a van to overheat while other evidence used strange preservation methods, such as items being frozen and unfrozen. Not only that, but the gloves that were found at both crime scenes supposedly did not fit Simpson. O.J. was asked to try them on in court and when the gloves did not fit him, Cochran coined the famous line, “If the glove doesn’t fit, then you must acquit.” The team’s last case was directed towards Fuhrman, labeling him a racist. Fuhrman was found on record using racial slurs over forty times in one sitting when asked to talk about a case involving another black man. Fuhrman was also the first one at the Rockingham Estate and was the sole person to find the glove after he jumped over Simpson’s fence. This is critical, as the defense was able to claim that Fuhrman possibly planted the evidence at Simpson’s home, thus tainting the DNA evidence.8

Prior to this case, Police brutality in Los Angeles during the 1990’s was not a light topic. On March 3, 1991, Rodney King was brutally beaten by LAPD officers after King led police on a high-speed chase throughout L.A. County. Video evidence shows King being struck by police batons more than fifty times with over twenty officers on site. King would suffer from eleven fractures and other major injuries due to these beatings. It was later that Sergeant Stacey Koon and Officers Michael Powell, Timothy Wind, and Theodore Briseno were indicted by a L.A. grand jury in connection with the beatings of King, as they were the only officers to beat him. It was not until April 29, 1992, when the four LAPD officers were acquitted of all charged in the beating King. It was after this was announced that the riots began. It started at the intersection of Florence and Normandie in South Central Los Angeles with only chaos to follow. The riots went for over five days in the spring of 1992 resulting in fifty people dying and more than two-thousand being injured. Given the atmosphere of what it was like in 1992, the tension between the African-American community and the LAPD was almost like walking on a thread. This is where the defense’s case became relevant, leaving many to speculate that the LAPD might be doing the same thing to O.J. Simpson.9

The trial would last more than eight months, with over 150 different witness testimonies. Many different television providers would broadcast the trial as the general public took a great interest in it as opinions were largely divided along racial lines. A majority of African Americans believed Simpson was innocent while a majority of White Americans believed that Simpson was guilty. This racial divide sparked a nationwide debate. While people such as Clark and Kardashian drew fame from the case, people such as Darden became enemies in the public eye, especial to African Americans, as he was prosecuting “another brother.” Regardless, Darden would continue to say that he was very aware of the situation he put himself into. He would conclude by saying that he was in a “no-win situation.”10.

Simpson hearing he has been aquitted of the murder charges l Courtesy of

On October 2, 1995, the jury began to deliberate the different evidence given on both sides. To the surprise of everyone, the jury came to its conclusion after less than four hours of debate. Everyone was expecting weeks of deliberation, and for the jury to come to a conclusion in under four hours led many to believe Simpson would be found guilty. Judge Ito decided to delay the announcement of the jury’s decision a day for timing reasons. So, on October 3, the jury found Simpson not guilty of the deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. Whites were distraught and African Americans were supportive of the sentence. The hearts of the families of Nicole and Ronald Goldman were shattered as they believed that Simpson did it. There were even friends of Simpson who could not look at him the same way, as they too believed he did it. Even though Simpson was acquitted of the criminal case, the families of the victims would start a civil case about the murders, charging Simpson with a wrongful death lawsuit. Simpson would lose this trial and owe the families $33.5 million in damages. Recent statistics show that the percentage of Americans who believe that Simpson killed Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman has increased from 66 percent of people believing Simpson was the killer in 1994 to 83 percent of people believing Simpson was the killer in 2014.11. Today, Simpson is serving a sentence for a robbery he committed in a Las Vegas hotel in 2007, and is now eligible for parole.

The story of O.J. Simpson is a tragedy, where we watch a hero fall. He was an American icon, being a star football player in both college at USC and in the NFL with the Buffalo Bills and San Francisco 49ers. He also starred in different roles in the film and television industries. He went from a hero to a zero. Originally, Simpson would never be forgotten for his various talents on and off the field. Now he is remembered as the criminal who got away with murder.

  1. Encyclopædia Britannica, “O.J. Simpson Trial.” .
  2. Larry Karaszewski and Scott Alexander, The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story, Aired on FX, February 2, 2016.
  3. Encyclopædia Britannica, “O.J. Simpson Trial.”
  4. Encyclopædia Britannica, “O.J. Simpson Trial.”
  5. Salem Press EncyclopediaResearch Starters, 2017, s.v. “O.J. Simpson Trial,” by Devon Boan
  6. “O.J. Simpson trial: Night of the murders timeline,” CNN, updated December 31, 2007, accessed November 21, 2017.
  7. Encyclopædia Britannica, “O.J. Simpson Trial.”
  8. Michael Lynch, “The Discursive Production of Uncertainty: The OJ Simpson ‘Dream Team’ and the Sociology of Knowledge Machine,” Social Studies of Science 28, no. 5/6 (1998): 829-68.
  9. “Los Angeles Riots Fast Facts,” CNN, updated April 23, 2017, accessed November 21, 2017.
  10. Justin Maffett, “Christopher Darden Talks O.J. Simpson, Tension with Johnnie Cochran,” NBC News, July 25, 2017, accessed December 4, 2017.
  11. Buzzfeed Blue, “The Shocking Case of O.J. Simpson,” YouTube, March 4, 2017, accessed November 24, 2017.

Recent Comments


  • Lamont Traylor

    Even though the story of OJ and the murder of Nicole brown Simpson wasn’t apart of my time, I did get to witness the documentary which told all of the details of the case and the specifics of his trial. Based on all of the evidence and information that they provided, If I had to be on the jury and decide if he did it I would say that he did.

  • Rosa Castillo

    In the past I have done my fair share of research on the O.J. Simpson case for my previous classes in high school. I thought this article was very informative in telling the story behind the case. I do not necessarily agree with the conclusion of the article. I think the tampering of evidence and lack of causes the case to be hard to judge based on what was collected. I also do not think people should be making assumptions on whether or not he did. When live in a democracy where you are innocent until PROVEN guilty. I personally do not know if I think he did it or if I think he didn’t do it. I think there is no way for us to know due to lack of substantive evidence, while the case is tragic it is also unsolvable.

  • Madison Guerra

    This case is very controversial and has two different sides to it, but i believe that he did it. In my opinion i think the fact that he is a celebrity was one of the main reasons he was found not guilty. Nobody will admit to it, but celebrities get away with an extraordinary large amount of things that average people could never possibly get away with. This is not fair and the OJ case isn’t the first time a celebrity has gotten away. All of the facts point to him.

  • Julia Deais

    It’s crazy that Simpson was found not guilty! they had so many pieces of evidence against him that all made logical sense! Like his DNA on the glove, how would that just magically appear without him being a part of it? I think that he should’ve been founded guilty because they said that he has had a history of violence so that should’ve been a no brainer!

  • Lyzette Flores

    Growing up I would always hear people talk about the Oj Simpson case but I never really put much thought into it. This was actually my first time reading it and it was very well explained. I feel very bad for the family of the victims because they thought it was Simposon who commited the crime and it turned out he didn’t. In my opinion I feel like he did commit the act because he would show many signs of guiltness. It’s sad to see people with so much potential and sucess throw it all away.

  • Donte Joseph

    I had always been interested in the OJ case because I love looking at both sides of the story. I think that if his legal team were not as good as they were, it would have been over for OJ but they really knew how to play around the law and make their points while keeping OJ in a safe spot. I am just disappointed that his image will forever be tarnished because two murders and a court case.

  • Kathyleen Lauriano

    I didn’t know much about the case until I read this article. Of course they would bring in racism into a case like this. In my opinion OJ did commit the crime, I mean why else would he try leaving and try killing himself. The jury should’ve have taken more time than just 4 hours. But all in all the article was informative and well written, great job.

  • Hailey Rodriguez

    Of course, I had known about the case of O.J. Simpson before reading this article, however, I did not know about all the evidence that was found and the racial dispute. I think that it is not surprising that the African Americans thought he was innocent while the Whites thought he was guilty, as they have different views based on race. However, I couldn’t help but wonder if they ignored the color of his skin how many people would think he was innocent vs. how many people would think he was guilty. I am positive the number would be very different, as his skin color would not have been a deciding factor. I also find it crazy that there was so so much evidence found with the couples blood and Simpson’s DNA yet he was still found not guilty. I personally am not sure whether or not I think he is guilty, as yes, he does have a history of domestic violence, however, the idea of the police tampering with the evidence does seem highly likely as well.

  • Ethan Rodriguez

    I think that this was a very informative article and without a doubt I believe that O.J did it. Honestly, how did he ever get away with it? The article was very well written and I gained some new understandings from what I thought that I had previously known. I had no idea he had written a book regarding the entire situation. Furthermore, I believe that a guilty man roams free, acquitted of crimes he DID commit. Apart from this, I think that the author did a very good job explaining most of the information of the case. Overall a great read.

  • Sabrina Hsu

    I’ve always known who O.J. Simpson was but I never actually knew what happened, so I was really glad I came across this article and was able to learn about it. I definitely think that he did commit the crime, but that’s just my opinion. I think it really comes down to him in the car with the gun to his head, if he wasn’t guilty he shouldn’t have ran and he shouldn’t have been doing that. I actually didn’t know that he was a football player before all of this. I knew he was famous before this happened but I never actually knew why. I’m really glad I read this article because it filled in a lot of gaps for me and I was able to learn what actually happened in the famous O.J. Simpson case.

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