StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
November 2, 2024

Diet and Inflammation


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Lori Boies for her informative Food & Nutrition class, which sparked my interest in the vital connection between food and health. I am also thankful to my classmates for their valuable feedback on my infographic, which significantly aided my editing and improvement process.

Jacqueline Plata

Author Portfolio Page

Recent Comments


  • arosales11

    as someone who’s constantly trying to watch out on their diet this article was extremely helpful in looking into half foods and things actually cause inflammation/ bloating in the body. I like that you offer the goods and bads of foods that we eat on almost a daily basis. offering the health problems that it could lead to was also interesting to look into and learn about.

  • Freya Hayes

    I really like this infographic and the way in which it is laid out. I think this is an interesting topic to cover and one that more people need to pay attention too. Through this article I learned that nuts are an anti-inflammatory food as well as olive oil. I really enjoyed the visuals used and the overall set up of the infographic as it was easy to follow and clearly outlined the information being discussed. I like that it was a class that sparked the authors interest in this particular topic and I think more people should be made aware of this concept. I don’t think anything needs to be changed regarding this infographic.

  • Macarena Machado Combe

    I found the infographic really helpful and enjoyable to read. In today’s media, body inflammation has become a common topic, often leading to misinformation or difficulty in understanding. This infographic clearly explains the topic, allowing me to understand it better and to follow the information given by incorporating anti-inflammatory foods into my daily diet. The designed its appealing, but it could improve by adding more icons or images that complement the text. The color palette and fonts align well with the theme of diet and inflammation.

  • Byron Marinelarena

    This is a great infographic that can help individuals get a good base overview of how to diet for the benefit of their health. Good job!

  • Emilio Orona

    The inner text citations at the introductory paragraph shows its trustworthy medical information and scholar advice rather than some TikTok scam. The use of space and shapes is good since the topics are aligned left and right indents and creating a symmetrical infographic. This infographic really is a hidden gem for people struggling to lose weight and trying to do better in the health department.

  • Hello! I like how well This infographic shows and explains how food can fight inflammation, a body’s reaction to injury or infection. It’s easy to follow along with the lists of good foods (like fish and veggies) that help, and bad foods (sugary drinks and fried things) that hurt. I also think it’s nice that you offer a solution by talking about how inflammation can lead to serious health problems.

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