StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
April 5, 2022

E-Cigarette Usage Among the Youth

E-Cigarette Infographic
E-Cigarette Usage Among the Youth

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Midori Flores

I am a first-generation, senior Environmental Science major with a Biology minor and will be graduating in May 2022. Born and raised in San Antonio, Texas, I am very excited to move to Boston, MA soon to start my PhD in Biological Sciences in Public Health at Harvard University where I hope to study Space Toxicology. I am currently the President of the National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS) St. Mary's chapter, Founder and Vice President of StMU Humanitarians, and have been a MARC U*STAR scholar for almost 2 years. I also angle myself as a business-scientist, as I have authored a children's book (We Are All Human) and avidly market it to bookstores/bookshops. In my summers as a St. Mary's student, I have completed research projects at Michigan State University, Rutgers University, and with University of Louisville.

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Recent Comments


  • Naya Harb

    Hey Midori! I really liked how simple and straight to the point your article was. It’s sad to know how many kids are using these e-cigarettes today and they probably are not aware of how harmful it is to them and their health. I have heard so many bad things that happened to teenagers in the last few years about and it is sad to know that nothing changed. Thank you for raising awareness on this crucial issue.

  • Alexis Zepeda

    Hello Midori! I think this is an interesting topic because teen vaping is an epidemic a lot of people do not even consider an epidemic. I appreciate that you mentioned the risks and symptoms caused by vaping because a lot of teens believe that vaping is not as bad as regular cigarettes. I think the vaping epidemic is a topic that needs more awareness than it has now. Considering how mainstream vaping is, I think this infographic captures how dangerous vaping really is. I think this infographic is a good step in the right direction to bringing more awareness to vaping.

  • Osondra Fournier-Colon

    This infographic feels basic in its approach to such a health risk among youth, but it still conveys the message overall. The formatting is well done, and I like the stylistic choice of making the graphic look like torn notebook pages. It offers help to those who want to quit vaping and shows the risk of vaping through pictures and research.

  • Carollann Serafin

    Throughout my years in High school I think everyone I knew thought having a vape and stuff was cool. I knew early on the causes and effects. It causes lung damage and it is also an addictive substance nicotine. I’m not sure why they are sold knowing they damage they cause. Why not just legalize weed or something of a more beneficial substance. I am not a supporter of vapes or any form of vaping as a whole due to the damage it does long term and that’s what we don’t see often times. The poster created is very formal and straight forward and all through simplistic is gets the message through. This should be spread and pasted in schools to inform their youth. We should offer health “ pens “ that don’t damage the body.

  • Jocelyn Elias

    Hello Midori, I appreciate this informational e-cigarette poster that you’ve created. I feel like it’s very important to recognize that many teens have now started to use drugs because they think it’s a trend. you also implemented facts about withdrawals which can happen when people use these types of Narcotics for long periods of time. I think you should add more information about the withdrawal symptoms that come with vaping or any use of e-cigarettes. Other than that great poster.

  • Idaly Oropeza

    Congratulations on your award. Personally I have never vaped. The risks and affects that e cigarettes can have on your body aren’t worth it for me. I think your infographic has some great information and brings awareness to young kids who want to start. In my opinion, when young kids start vaping, it’s not necessarily for the feeling it gives you it’s more of trying to fit in.

  • Kayla Braxton-Young

    I want to start off by saying Congratulations on your award. This is a really good article and it really focuses on the issues that we as teens and young adults are having. As life continues to go on, you see more and more people smoking vapes and e-cigarettes. I feel as though some people just do it for fun, while others really do need it, as it helps them to focus and not stress as much. I really enjoyed this article and how you provided a lot of important information about something that has risen in the world.

  • Jacob Adams

    In my view, vaping has some good things about it, the bottom line is that vaping is not as harmful actual cigarettes. 6 years ago vaping helped my dad quit smoking, and it saved his life. My dad has struggled with asthma all his life, when I was a kid I associated my dad with constant coughing, wheezing, and puffing on his inhaler. However, when my my dad started vaping, he rarely ever shows any symptoms at all and now he doesn’t smoke at all. So, whenever I see anti-vaping propaganda I roll my eyes, its not going to keep kids from getting there hands on more dangerous substances. Instead, teach kids to value themselves to a point where they aren’t going to self medicate when school stresses them out.

  • Hi Midori, it is a really well decorated and informative infographic, you deserved this nomination. I saw some of my friends did ask me if I want to try e-cigarettes and told me that it is not as harmful as a normal cigarette but I knew that it was misinformation. They caused a lot of problem to our health and their smell were not nice also. Especially for this adolescent age, it was a waste of money to purchase and addict to them.

  • Jesslyn Schumann

    Hi Midori! I wanted to say congratulations on the nomination for best infographic! Overall, it was short and sweet but still got the point across. It let readers like me to easily follow along and know the harms of e-cigs and how it has influenced the new generation. I have had a lot of friends go through phases with these things so I understand how harmful and impactful it can be to those who use it. Good luck at the award ceremony!

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