StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
April 3, 2017

Fastest Man Prevails Over Evil: James “Jesse” Owens vs. Adolf Hitler

Winner of the Spring 2017 StMU History Media Awards for

Best Article in the Category of “People”

On January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany. Hitler quickly turned Germany’s fragile Weimar democracy into a one-party dictatorship. During his rule, Hitler pursued a plan to harass one half-million German Jews to leave Germany. Hitler promoted a “master race” scheme that sought to keep the so-called Aryan race pure from racial contamination from all other races he deemed to be inferior. This Aryan race consisted of only Germanic peoples who had the characteristics of blond hair, blue eyes, and light colored skin. Three years after taking power, Hitler hosted the 1936 Olympics in the German capital of Berlin. This was his opportunity to put his “New Germany” on display for all the world to see.

Adolf Hitler becoming Chancellor in 1933 | Courtesy of History Resource Cupboard

As Hitler’s Nazi government prepared for these Olympics, athletes from the United States were also preparing themselves for the coming competition in Berlin. In the United States, African Americans were dealing with their own problems of racism. Not only was life hard as an African American in the 1930s, but life was even harder as an African American athlete. One African American, who would later become one of the most famous athletes in the history of Track and Field, was James Cleveland “Jesse” Owens. At the age of eight, he had moved to Cleveland, Ohio with his family, who had sought for better work and educational opportunities. “On his first day of school, he introduced himself as ‘J. C.,’ but his teacher misunderstood him to say “Jesse.” The young Owens bashfully accepted the mistake, thus taking on the name by which he would become famous.”1 Jesse Owens would grow up loving to run. He was the fastest runner in his school and loved competing against others. His dream was to attend the University of Michigan, but there were no scholarships offered in those days and his parents could not afford tuition. Instead, he attended Ohio State University, where he worked for the boosters to pay for his expenses.

In the Summer of 1936, at the Olympic trials, Jesse finished first in all three of the events that he competed in. He had trained hard in the preceding months, and the hard training paid off, allowing Owens to attend the Olympics of 1936, known as “The Nazi Games” or as “Hitler’s Games.” In actuality, these Olympic games were not originally intended to be games hosted by the Nazis:  the “Nazis were never invited to host the Games—and probably never would have applied to do so. Instead, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) had awarded the Olympics to Germany’s Weimar Republic in 1931 before the Nazi takeover as a way of welcoming Germany back to sports respectability.”2

Jesse Owens crosses the finish line in the 100-Meter dash | Courtesy of Sport and Culture

Ironically, Adolf Hitler knew nothing about sports and expressed little interest in hosting the Olympics; instead he wished to host an all-German athletic celebration. “But Dr. Josef Goebbels, the influential minister of propaganda, glimpsed how Germany might score a tremendous public-relations coup and convinced Hitler to support both the Winter and Summer Games.”3 Influenced by Dr. Josef Goebbels, Hitler used these Olympic games as a political relation with other countries.

Several weeks after the Olympic trials, Jesse Owens competed in the Berlin Olympics and made a name for himself. He won four gold medals, in the 100m, 200m, 4x100m relays, and in the long jump. Jesse Owens had set records and represented America in a humble and most respectable way, considering the circumstances. Even though many have claimed that Adolf Hitler refused to congratulate Jesse Owens, others go further by claiming that Hitler actually “snubbed” Owens:

By the end of that fabulous week in Berlin, an attractive yarn attached itself to the name of Jesse Owens. Supposedly, he was ‘snubbed’ by Adolf Hitler, who reportedly refused to congratulate him publicly after his victories. Actually, the story was concocted by American sportswriters, who were all too willing to read the worst of motives into Hitler’s behavior and to assume innocent excellence from America’s newest hero. Although it had no basis in fact, the story of ‘Hitler’s snub’ was repeated so often that people took it as truth. It remains one of the great anecdotes of American popular culture.4

The Jesse Owens Plaque at Ferry Field at the University of Michigan | Courtesy of U-M Athletics

Racism was as alive in the United States as it was overseas in Germany in the 1930s. German Jews were a persecuted minority in the 1930s, and African Americans were experiencing similar treatments of racism in 1930s America. “World reaction to Hitler’s program resulted in a movement to boycott Nazi goods and services, which included a movement to take away the 1936 Olympics from Berlin in an attempt to force the German government to cease its discriminatory practice against the Jews.”5 It was not until the United States entered World War II that sentiment against racism began to penetrate the American social consciousness. Even though Owens continued to face white racism in his own country subsequent to his Olympic victories, he later reflected on his experiences of racism: “What I’ve done is no more than countless other Negros (and Jews, Poles, Greeks and just Americans in general) have done…. I’ve been a Negro in America for fifty-seven years, and I want to tell you that [being black in America] can be pure hell at times and can shake anyone’s sureness. Often it’s worse if you were the world’s fastest human.”6 When Owens returned to the United States after the Olympics, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt refused to acknowledge his accomplishments or even invite him into the White House. It was not until 1979 that President Jimmy Carter presented Jesse Owens with the Living Legend Award. Forty-three years after his Olympic victories, Jesse Owens had finally been properly recognized for his great achievements.

Despite all the controversy that Jesse Owens encountered while doing what he loved, he is a true representation of perseverance and determination. Jesse Owens passed away in March of 1980 from lung cancer.


  1. Salem Press Biography Encyclopedia, January 2017, s.v. “Jesse Owens,” by William J. Baker.
  2. John Rodden and John P. Rossi, “Berlin Stories,” Commonweal 143, no. 13 (August 12, 2016): 25.
  3. John Rodden and John P. Rossi, “Berlin Stories,” Commonweal 143, no. 13 (August 12, 2016): 26.
  4. Salem Press Biography Encyclopedia, January 2017, s.v. “Jesse Owens,” by William J. Baker.
  5. D. A. Kass, “The Issue of Racism at the 1936 Olympics,” Journal of Sports History, no. 3 (1976): 223.
  6. Joseph Boskin, “Jesse Owens: Running in the American Dilemma,” Review in American History, no. 3 (1987): 457.

Briana Bustamante

Author Portfolio Page

Recent Comments


  • Evelin Joseph

    This article was great! I loved how it contrasted Germany and its racism toward Jews to America and its disrespect toward African Americans. The article really shows how discriminated African Americans were in the United States and how wrong it truly was. It is really inspiring that even through all the challenges he faced, Jesse Owens was able to prevail and represent a country that didn’t even accept him. I am glad he has finally gotten the recognition that he deserves and I hope that this serves as an example to never resort to racism.

  • Valeria Hernandez

    Briana Bustamante created a great narrative of the life of James “Jesse” Owens. She was able to develop a climax that both interest readers to continue reading whether they are familiar with the story or not. The article is written with much precision and technique; Bustamante’s article flows perfectly. Yet, she is still able to convey her main message. The article describes the discrimination epidemic the world was experiencing during the 1930s. providing an example of an individual who despite the neglect still proved to be a success.

  • Justin Garcia

    This is not only a very informative article but it is also very engaging. The way that the events of Jesse Owens preparations for the Olympics are written in a way that it ties into the events happening in Hitlers Germany is truly spectacular. I also left this article with more information about a topic I didn’t know about which is in my opinion the test to know if you have written a great article. This article was clearly deserving of the award it was given.

  • Alexis Renteria

    The article was very informative and interesting. I have to say that I’m impressed with the amount of determination and perseverance Jesse showed throughout his athletic career. Constantly having to deal with racism in his own country and then being discriminated in Germany as well. However I’m glad that at the end he was given the recognition that he deserved for his great accomplishment.

  • Yahaira Martinez

    My respect for this gentleman is at an all time high. For a person who is constantly being oppressed because of something that they cannot control is a mind blowing concept as it is already, but for someone with the determination and the perseverance this young gentleman displayed and the goals that he accomplished for himself and his positive attitude towards the whole situation not just across seas, while he was competing but even at home towards himself and his family. Regardless of the fact that he did not get recognized until years later, his attitude towards life and the future never shifted. I am absolutely amazed at how well written and informative this article was, amazing job !

  • Amanda Perez

    The information in this article really goes to show that African Americans were not only looked down upon by the country in which they resided, they were also oppressed by other countries and political leaders. Not even president Roosevelt gave Jesse Owens his credit even though many people view him as an influential man in the history of our country.

  • Gabriela Serrato

    I must applaud Jesse Owens for many reasons. For sticking to his passion of running no matter the obstacles he faced, for having the bravery to represent himself in front of the demon Adolf Hitler, and for even representing a country that did not show their pride in him. He is an extremely courageous man and it is hard to express how much I respect his actions. He truly is the greatest athlete just by this alone. He is such a strong example for all to look up to and learn from.

  • Joshua Breard

    Jesse Owens is one of the strongest people in sports. I still find it crazy to see how much racism he encountered along with constantly being told he was not good enough. This article does a great job of articulating his story as a struggle but also as a source for motivation to persevere through any challenge life has to offer. I also gained a bigger respect for Jimmy Carter for being someone to break boundaries and present Jesse Owens with the Living Legend Award. He indeed remains a living legend to athletes today and will forever be one of the most famous American Olympians of all time.

  • Kelley Salinas

    The article did an exquisite job of comparing The United States and Germany during the 1930’s. When pondering history, we fail to realize that we were on the same scale as Nazi Germany. Jesse Owens is a pure example of how we failed to acknowledge the accomplishments of African Americans across the nation. However, despite tremendous obstacles, he was still conquerable of his dreams.

  • Matthew Rios

    It’s still odd to think about how this even happened. This was a good moment for Nazi Germany to prove they could co-exist with America and other European nations, but I don’t think they gave it their best effort. The regime had a real chance to further legitimize themselves as a state on the world stage, but power and the vision for the ethno-state made them greedy. We’re fortunate though that the regime was incapable of fully capitalizing on certain events, and that they made many mistakes.

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