StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
November 10, 2024


Emilio Orona

My name is Emilio Luken Orona Flores, and I am currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Political Science with the goal of advancing to law school. I am proficient in three languages, and I hold a strong commitment to principles of justice, which guides both my academic and career aspirations.

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Recent Comments


  • Kaitlyn Villanueva

    Great job on your infographic!! I loved all the different images you used and how you correlated them with your information. I also really liked the title of your infographic. I think its funny, yet intriguing and pulls the reader in as to what your infographic will be about. Congratulations on publishing!

  • Natalia De la garza

    I appreciate the effort you put into this infographic. Even though I’m not familiar with Saul Goodman, your use of real-life examples effectively illustrates how this character from Breaking Bad is perceived as a marketing genius.

  • Byron Marinelarena

    Great infographic! It is funny and gives good information on Saul. Good job!

  • Cesia Gonzalez

    I like your piece, the use of colors and font used makes it look more professional. Really informative and appealing to the eye. I can see the effort you put into this piece! Muy buen trabajo! Le doy un 10/10

  • Hello! Even though I have no idea who Saul Goodman is, good job on using real life examples in this infographic and showing how Saul Goodman, a lawyer from the TV show Breaking Bad, is viewed as marketing genius. It highlights his unique personality, tactics, and success rate. I like the design because it’s visually appealing and easy to understand. I also appreciate the use of humor and pop culture references. It’s a creative way to showcase the character and his impact.

  • Alejandro Zuniga

    This is legit—simple, but packs really good info.

  • Rene Barbier

    Great infographic Emilio! The characteristics you describe from Saul Goodman are definitely crucial to being a succesful lawyer, and I totally see how you represent them!

  • René Barbier

    Great infographic Emilio! The caracteristics you describe from Saul Goodman are definitely very important toward being a sucessful lawyer, and I totally see thm represented in you!

  • Gregorio Carrillo

    Emilio I strongly enjoyed your creative metamorphosis illustration. I also liked how spaced out and organized all of your information is. A friendly critique that may strengthen your infographics aesthetic look would be to move the work cited page into a separate page.

  • Jonas Lokensgard

    I love the infographic! You highlighted the innovativeness and adaptiveness that Saul Goodman symbolizes effectively. I also gained a deeper understanding of Saul. Keep up the good work!

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