StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University



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  • Juan Aguirre Ramirez

    Hey guys first of all I want to congrats for winning the award! Your infographic was really good, great design and a really important message about ecological education, which is lacking in a lot of schools. It’s crazy to think about how we can make any progress without educating the younger generation. Loved the practical solutions you suggested for the future. And wow, can’t believe so many universities still don’t use clean energy. Your article was really informative and eye-opening. Great job, well deserved win!

  • Michaell Alonzo

    Hello and congratulations for receiving the articles award, Kaylah, Alaina, Jacqueline, and Karah. This infographic was extremely well crafted and fascinating to read. This page has an astonishing quantity of specific information. This article explains the significance of going green. This was really educational and truly made me grasp the significance of learning about the environment. I really adored the pictures you chose, which perfectly complemented the narrative you were presenting. I really appreciated how well-organized you were; it made the reading interesting for me.

  • Yaniev Ibarra

    Congratulations on the Award! I loved your infographic from the design to the message. Something that surprised me was the great percentage of college universities that do not use clean energy considering they should be educated on the ways to be more considerate of our environment. Hopefully, sooner than later more universities will implement ways to use clean energy. Great Job!

  • Olivia Flores

    Congratulations on your award! This infographic definitely deserved it. It was very well displayed and the topic was great. Ecological education seems to be something that is lacking in many schools. It definitely makes you wonder how we are ever going to create change without educating the younger population. I liked the solutions you guys proposed as they are not too complex yet perfect to implement tin the future. Great job overall and congratulations again!

  • Victoria Dubois

    It’s amazing how much more an infographic can convey than paragraphs in an article. I appreciated the use of color and images to illustrate the important issue discussed here, and how it educates readers on a relevant topic of our time. The more we learn and see, the better we can work together to improve. Overall, great job on this well-formatted and informative infographic!

  • Carina Martinez

    What a great job on all your parts! This was very well done. The aesthetics were nice as well. Congrats on your award ladies!

  • Analyssa Garcia

    Hello ladies,

    Congratulations on your nomination! It is clearly well deserved. I really enjoy the entire format, colors, and font as it is pleasing on the eye! But of course, the information is even better! I think more colleges and schools in the U.S. should implement this type of education in the classroom. Great work.

  • Christian Lopez

    This infographic was every well developed. From the well researched information to the easy to read layout, I have no complaints for this infographic. I especially loved the simplicity of the color palette that perfectly fit the theme and idea of the infographic. Its easy to see why this won an award!

  • Fernando Milian

    First of all, congratulation on your award. You all have made a great job creating this successful infographic. Ecological education is one of those topics of which we never have enough. Its divulgation is important because it fosters environmental awareness and promotes responsible stewardship of natural resources. We should have more of this, because by understanding the interconnectedness of ecosystems and the impact of our activities, we can make better informed decisions and adopt sustainable practices, contributing to the long-term health of the planet and its inhabitants. Well done!

  • Carollann Serafin

    Throughout the semester it has been nice learning more about ecological information. This article was well deserved for a nomination and winning the award. This article articulates on why it is so important to Go green this was very informative and really helped me understand why learning about the environment is so important

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