StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
April 14, 2023

Heart Disease

I would like to thank Dr Boies for her assistance in helping me create this infographic for the first time. I would also like to thank my mother Dr Irene Nicolet for the support and suggesting the topic as well as all the other help she has given me. 

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  • igutierrez14

    Very informative infographic with quick facts and reminds people to take care of themselves to prevent heart disease in the future.

  • awojnar

    I really enjoyed the simplicity of your infographic. It gives all the information you need to understand the impact of heart disease while not overwhelming the reader with information. The graphics used were nice and I enjoyed how you got them to match the white and blue theme. I did not know that loss of consciousness could be considered a sign of heart disease while after reading it, it does make sense.

  • egonzalez95

    Good evening, Jett. I love your infographic. It raised awareness of the causes that can lead to heart disease but also the ways that it can be prevented. I would have liked to see a website or link where I can find out more about heart disease, the ages that are more prone to that disease, the areas that it is most common in, and the other ways heart disease can occur. There are countless ways heart disease presents itself especially that of familial ancestry. I want to thank you for raising the issue and the possibilities there are to combat this disease.

  • Emilee Luera

    This topic is honestly very informative about heart disease and its affect on those who have it. The symptoms that are listed, are some that I didn’t know were the effects of it. This provided got ways to be able to prevent it and how you can avoid it.

  • Justine Ruiz

    This specific topic hit close to home since my mother has a heart disease. It is very informative in ways that could potentially help you avoid getting a heart disease as you get older. I did not know dizziness is also included as a symptom. It’s crazy to realize that 30 million people in the United States currently have a heart disease!

  • Muhammad Hammad Zafar

    Unbelievable! more than 30 million have heart diseases like one out of four Americans die from heart disease and interesting fact you can overcome it through exercises and healthy diets.

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