StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University


We would like to thank Dr. Shackleford for her guidance, insights, and support throughout this project. Her expertise and encouragement helped shape our work and pushed us to achieve our best. A special thank you to Franchesca Tinacba for her feedback and assistance in the final stages of this project, which were crucial in refining our infographic. We would also like to extend our appreciation to our peers for their constructive feedback and support.


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  • Freya Hayes

    This infographic is very neatly laid out. I think it covers a topic that is extremely educational to many individuals. One thing that I learned from reading this article is that 90,000 people are diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease every year. That is a lot more people that I would have originally thought. I really liked the way this infographic was laid out and I think it looked very professional. The color scheme and the visuals added a greater depth to the infographic itself and overall I found it to be really educational. If I could ask any question it would be what prompted the authors to write and research this topic. Overall this was a very educational infographic and I feel as though I have gained a lot of knowledge that I didn’t previously have.

  • Byron Marinelarena

    Seeing more research in different cures would be very interesting and beneficial to those who need it. Great infographic with great information. Good job!

  • Hello! I like how this infographic goes into further detail on Parkinson’s disease and explains how mitochondria, the “powerhouse” of the cell, plays a role in Parkinson’s disease. It highlights the importance of research into mitochondrial function to find potential treatments. I like the message because it raises awareness about the complex nature of Parkinson’s and the potential for new therapies.

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