StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
October 5, 2016

Louis Armstrong- The Time of Chicago

One man, Daniel Louis Armstrong, gave many people from 1901 to 1971 the gift of music. His life was full of what he loved, and he had opportunities in music that nobody would think of doing at the time. Louis Armstrong had a style all his own. People from all backgrounds and colors loved him. It did not matter where a person came from or what language they spoke, people would come just to hear him play and sing. Armstrong knew how to please a crowd with what he had, and he always performed the best he could. He was given opportunities that took him far in his career as a trumpet player.

Louis Armstrong playing his trumpet while being presented with an award. Courtesy of Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.
Louis Armstrong playing his trumpet while being presented with an award | Courtesy of Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division

He left from New Orleans to Chicago in the year 1922. He arrived at the Chicago train station at about eleven o’clock at night.1 While in Chicago, Louis Armstrong went through many social situations that occurred in his time there. He went through the time of Prohibition, which gave rise to the illicit social environment in which jazz—and his career—flourished.2 This brought on challenges for any jazz player in Chicago during the time because of what was going on in the world. Many of those that would hire jazz players were hoodlums or quasi-hoodlums.3

Louis Armstrong was just getting used to being in Chicago, where he could do anything with his music because he had those opportunities. It took him time to embrace the Windy City fully because for Louis, this was unknown territory for him. Louis had taken their music out of its infancy and given it a powerful breath of new life and independence.4 He flourished in his style of jazz and created something much further than anyone could have thought. He could take any song and make it his own. His whole life he had a love for music, but during this time in Chicago he really started to show what he could do. After some time away from Chicago, he would come back as a solo act at the Regal Theater.5 Even though he had left Chicago for a time, he would always come back to experience the great joy that had brought him there in the first place.

He would do great things by himself, even though he always kept in contact with people he had played with before. He took time to be with his friends and family, playing whether it would be by himself or with bands that were with friends that he had made along the way. He accomplished many things in his lifetime, becoming one of America’s legendary musicians. He was very passionate about his music and he loved to please a crowd. He had a great life filled with many people that praised and loved him, helping him on his journey of being an amazing player.

  1. Laurence Bergreen, Louis Armstrong: An Extravagant Life (New York: Broadway Books, 1997), 175.
  2.  Bergreen, Louis Armstrong: An Extravagant Life, 194.
  3. Bergreen, Louis Armstrong: An Extravagant Life, 195.
  4. Bergreen, Louis Armstrong: An Extravagant Life, 200.
  5. Terry Teachout, POPS: A Life of Louis Armstrong (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2009), 132.

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Vanessa Carrillo

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  • Alyssa Valdez

    Very interesting article! I’ve always had a nice place in my heart for jazz music! Once while I was in New Orleans, I actually got to learn a bit about Louis Armstrong since Jazz music is so big there so reading your article brought back some nice memories. I have to say that I found your Article very informative and organized! Great job!

  • Mariana Govea

    Great Informative Article!! I did not know any of this about Louis Armstrong!I was always aware he was a great contributor to jazz music! But I did not know he had that much influence on people! But after reading your article I was more than informed you did a great job emphasizing his achievements!As well as I did not know that he had to overcome all those racial obstacles to make jazz music a piece for everyone no matter where they came from to listen!its wonderful how no matter what the circumstance where Louis Armstrong was determined to bring all kinds of people together for the sake of one love and that was music! Great topic!

  • Sergio Cervantes

    This article took a different route than what I am usually accustomed to reading to. It explained the life of an iconic man, one who played an important role in the history of jazz. His music is amazing and it does tend to move the soul, especially when he plays his trumpet. It is interesting to read about the different social movements that he lived through and to see the effect they had on his life. The fact that he was hired by hoodlums during the Prohibition is astonishing. It shows the type of men he met and the different experiences he had while playing for them. Louis Armstrong was a wonderful man and it was nice to see that he has not been forgotten.

  • Alexis Soto

    It is difficult for myself to see a trumpet and not think of Louie Armstrong. Its impossible to not mention Louie Armstrong when discussing Jazz or Chicago! Truly an American music icon. I remember learning about him as a middle school student. I had joined the schools band and was introduced to jazz and Mr. Armstrong. This article was well written and managed to bring back some fond memories of mine.

  • Nelson Smithwick

    Louis Armstrong was one of the greatest jazz musicians of all time and I would consider myself a fan, but it’s so easy to forget that during the early part of his career, jazz had a bad reputation due to its connection to speakeasies. This article reminded me that it was very difficult to become famous for being a jazz musician during this time because jazz was considered music for criminals.

  • Erick Martinez

    I enjoyed this article, it spoke on how music can touch everyone. I learned that Louis Armstrong was a great jazz musician with great values. He cared greatly for his family and friends, and as he toured and journeyed on his career he always went back to Chicago. The place where he grew to become the trumpet player we remember today. This shows his loyalty to those who meant the most to him.

  • Gabriela Serrato

    It is great to read about other’s and their passions because it proves just how far they can take one in life. With Louis Armstrong’s endurance and determination, he left a shining light upon his name in music and an inspiration to many as well. He not only inspires those in music, he inspires all to follow their dreams and pursue what brings them joy.
    I also admire the fact that his music united people. As the article states “it did not matter where a person came from or what language they spoke…” Armstrong did what even to this day people struggle doing: getting along. Music is a universal language and love and it truly is powerful in the way it can lighten and unify.

  • Erik Rodriguez

    This is a very intersting and informative article! Before reading this, I didn’t know too much about Louis Armstrong. I could not imagine the setbacks and adversity he had to go through. He without a doubt grew up to be one of the most influential and successful musicians of all time. Something about his music is just so smooth and a pleasure to hear.

    Great job!

  • Maalik Stansbury

    I agree. I like how you emphasized how excellent he was as a musician. Not that many people know that, so i think you did an excellent job describing and explaining him to people. The way you did so was very interesting as well, it created a form of story that one would read in like a book. In love it

  • Tina Valdez

    I am a fan of Louis Armstrong’s, but must admit, I did not know any of this about him before reading your article. Having his own style seems to have been what really pushed him forward in his career. Today practically everyone knows his name, even if they are not familiar with his music, that speaks to the fame and legacy Mr. Armstrong left behind. All the obstacle she overcame socially speak to his passion. I love that he took time for his family and kept in contact with those he performed with. Very enjoyable read!

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