James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, Kirk Hammett, and Cliff Burton, also known as Metallica, is a well-known band who rips the roofs off of arenas, and brings lots of people together with their heavy metal, and fast-paced music. Today, Metallica’s name is being mentioned with some of the most legendary bands such as Kiss, AC/DC, Guns N’ Roses, and The Rolling Stones. Many talk about how successful they are, and how their music brought them to the top of the charts. However, it is on rare occasions that the grind and fights that Metallica had to push through, are talked about. Struggles, blood, sweat, and tears were put into the efforts that it took for Metallica to make a name for themselves. Metallica started to make their music, which forced their way into the music industry because of their popularity and their unique sound that nobody else had created before.1
It all started in 1983, when Metallica decided that their love and passion for music should be shared a lot more around the world. Metallica started to make their music, and realized that a true, and successful band would come about if they just followed their dreams of Rock-n-Roll. After the album Kill Em’ All was released, Metallica released their second album Ride the Lightning in July of 1984. The release had some good success that followed, and was a hit that gained Metallica more fans and more fame. Other bands such as Megadeth, Slayer, and Diamond Head all made music that was all similar and rarely diverse.2 This was great motivation for the band because they had realized they were doing the unthinkable, and beating odds that nobody would had suspected them to do. Metallica wanted to continue going down the road of being the best they can be, and wanted to show the world what they had to offer. Metallica continued to work on their music through the year, and decided that it was time to bring another hit to the table.

Metallica released their third album Master of Puppets on March 3, 1986, and gained really huge success. The album went gold, and the band had just gained another huge milestone.3 The success that Metallica thrived for was starting to pick up quite a bit, and the music awards they received weren’t much of a surprise to people. The heavy approach was the unique sound that came with different notes being put together that hadn’t been done before. The peak of Metallica’s music was at an all-time high, and the heavy approach that they came with, gave the fans something new.4 Songs started to get radio play a lot more, and the popularity of their music went on to being spread among millions of people.

The album was so popular, that the band decided that the music should be brought to the crowd live. Metallica took their music on the road, and went on tours around the world to promote their album. The most recent concerts at the time took place in Birmingham and London, England; Lund, Sweden; Lillestrom, Norway; and would return back to Sweden once again.5 While the band was on the tour bus, they were all getting rest, and preparing for their next concert. The promotion was going well, and the band was set to have another in Copenhagen, Denmark, on September 27, 1986, at the “Saga.” While on the bus, the band unfortunately faced tragedy.
While on the way to their next concert, the band was unfortunately involved in a rollover accident, that resulted in the bus flipping off of the road. According to band member James Hetfield, Metallica was in Sweden on the way to Denmark, and drummer Lars Ulrich stated there were suddenly “loud noises.” Everybody was worried and alarmed about what was going on. Lead guitarist Kirk Hammett was caught off guard when he realized that there was unusual movement coming from under the bus. Hammett then stated, “It wasn’t an earthquake, it was the back wheels of the bus jumping.” He also stated that the first thought he had was that the bus was “going off a cliff.”6 The bus was at a still, and turned over on the side of the road. Eventually, everybody started to find their way out of the bus. Everyone was shouting, crying, and looking around at the aftermath, trying to get everybody accounted for. Hammett then nervously noticed that he was hearing everybody’s voice except for Burton’s. As Hammett started to briefly search the area, he came across a chilling sight. He looked over at the direction of the bus, and saw that Burton’s feet were seen sticking out from under it.7 It was a wistful and hard to believe sight, but it was clear that he had been crushed after being ejected. The emotions were mixed and running wild as Metallica had to deal with an unfortunate loss at an unexpected time.

The loss of Burton caused future concerts on the tour to be canceled, and made Metallica second guess whether they wanted to continue as a band. However, the death of Burton also had some more dramatic effects over time. It led to Metallica taking a more passive approach with their music, rather than the fast-paced and heavy sound. Fans were upset that the style changed, and it was even said that the band had become a “sell-out.” The fan base dropped, and it was as if not many people were interested in Metallica anymore.8 Metallica then acknowledged that Burton would be the last person to want them to stop moving forward. The band regrouped, and after canceling all concerts from September 27 through October 26, Metallica acquired its newest member of the band, bass player Jason Newsted. Returning to the United States, Metallica continued the tour and started to slowly work their way back up. Through the next few years, Metallica made another album with Newsted in 1988 titled And Justice For All. The album was a huge hit and Metallica was finally back on top where they belonged.9

- Salem Press Encyclopedia, 2018, s.v. “Metallica (music group),” by Angela Harmon. ↵
- Glenn Pillsbury, Damage Incorporated: Metallica and the production of Musical Identity (New York: Routledge, 2006), 4. ↵
- Salem Press Encyclopedia, 2018, s.v. “Metallica (music group),” by Angela Harmon. ↵
- Glenn Pillsbury, Damage Incorporated: Metallica and the production of Musical Identity (New York: Routledge, 2006), 10. ↵
- “Metallica.com,”Metallica, (website) https://www.metallica.com/tour/past/?year=1986&sz=21&start=84. ↵
- “Cliff Burton Death Documentary HD,” YouTube video, 5:00, posted by “ciberneticometallico,” September 27, 2012, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1pScu7zMyo. ↵
- “Cliff Burton Death Documentary HD,” YouTube video, 5:00, posted by “ciberneticometallico,” September 27, 2012, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1pScu7zMyo. ↵
- Salem Press Encyclopedia, 2018, s.v. “Metallica (music group),” by Angela Harmon. ↵
- Salem Press Encyclopedia, 2018, s.v. “Metallica (music group),” by Angela Harmon. ↵
Juan Arceo
I have never really been a big fan of rock or anything like that, but I have friends that listen to that genre and especially Metallica, and I can say that i may give this type of music a second shot. I never knew that this unfortunate death occurred to their bass guitarist, Cliff Burton, and the impact that it had on not just the fanbase, but ultimately on the entire band for years to come, and the change was so significant, that it even came to the point that fans decided to drop. I will definitely look more into this alongside my friends and see if my perspective on rock may change.
Angelina Gonzalez
I personally have not listened to he band and their music. I do know of them however. My parents listened to them when they were younger so that is where the familiarization comes from. I never knew they had lost a member, and in that way is extremely sad. I’m actually really surprised they welcomed a new member later on. This article was interesting to read because it taught me something I did not know of before.
Hector Membreno
I have listened to Metallica from my father for quite some time now and had no idea of this tragedy that occurred. I noticed that certain songs had a slower flow to them but I did not realize that it due to the mourning of they’re fellow band member Burton. It is tragic and sad how they’re fans boycotted them through hard times but it shows how close and much of a family the band was when they able to pull through and continue making music like they used to in the name of Burton.
Jacqueline Mendez
Metallica is my second favorite band, I have heard their albums and especially And Justice for all which was a total banger! I never knew this tragedy. I’ve followed Metallica for years, such a tragedy and such an awful way to die. I did more research and its truly such an awful way to die. Definitely appreciate their music from their first album a lot more then before.
Judson Ruddick
For an article about the tragedy overseas, not much is said about the accident and it’s impact on the band and the music world in general. Kirk and Cliff were fighting over who got the window bunk and drew cards to see who won and obviously Cliff did. This is a crucial part of the story that should have been included and is largely to blame for Kurt’s personal guilt about Cliff’s death. The background information given on the band is accurate but is a bit long-winded and takes away from what the purpose of the article seems to be. The bit at the end about Metallica taking a “passive” approach to their music has no direct correlation to Cliff’s death since they wrote and recorded And Justice for All which is a critically acclaimed album that still had the original Metallica sound. That passive sound came with the Black Album which was after And Justice for All, so the claim that they started making passive music right after Cliff’s death is false.
Zachary Fisher
Metallica is one of my favorite bands and one of the best live concerts I’ve ever been too. I’ve heard the story of the bus crash that killed Cliff Burton, but I never thought about the toll it took on the other band members. In metal music, most people dismiss bass players because they are overshadowed by loud and fast paced guitars. But Cliff Burton was different, he was probably the best metal bassist of all time and his influence in music continues, even three decades later.
Samantha Estrada
I am glad to have stumbled across your article because not only is Metallica my favorite band but I was aware of the accident that killed Cliff. After reading this article it hit me that it truly WAS a tragedy. Who would have thought that anything like that would happen at their peak moment in their music career. One thing I did learn was that for a while they had been losing fans. It’s shocking but I obviously couldn’t have known because it happened before I was even born. After going to two of their concerts it’s clear that they still love and miss Cliff because they do a bass solo for him with his picture up on the big screen but of course some piece of Metallica will never be the same.
Rahni Hingoranee
I knew of the band Metallica before reading this article, but knowing the sad history gives a different perspective of the band. I knew they were a heavier sounding, rock band, but that’s about it. Losing a band member is never beneficial to a group and this proved to be true to them. I’m very happy to know they picked back up after gaining a new member. That shows just how even when you’re down, you can get back up again. I have a different view of the band Metallica now.
Jose Chaman
This is a very shocking story. I’ve always listened to Metallica’s music, but I had never ventured to find out about the band’s background. I cannot imagine how terrible that experience should have been and above all, I admire the strength of the group to move forward. Something that surprised was the little support of the fans when this terrible accident happened, I do not see a clear reason for the anger of the fans because of the change in the music style of Metallica. That was going to happen, they had just witnessed the death of their friend and bandmate… It is incredible how selfish can we sometimes be.
Bruno Lezama
I’ve listen about Metallica because of my garage band. Metallica has really good songs to play with a band. I didn’t know the history of their first bass player, Cliff Burton. It was a big lost for Metallica. However, I like how despite of the fact that their lost an important member of the band, they could move forward and became the famous metal band. It is true that Metallica could never found someone as good as Burton. But they are still being a good band.
Audrey Uribe
Being a musician, I notice the outstanding self expression the band shared with the world which was very bold. It was controversial at the time and was a very new and original style of music. Having other bands create similar music such as Slayer, Megadeth and Diamond Heal really pushed rock-n-roll music to a high point. Creating a new genre of music is never easy, especially when a member of the original authentic group passes away in a prime time of the bands career. If Burton was still around today he would be happy with the success of the band he helped create and that the band is still creating abstract music today in age. Respect to all music, especially genres such as rock-n-roll that are controversial in the music industry because they had a much harder journey and this article is an amazing representation of what Metallica worked for.