StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
November 5, 2023

Music: Societal Harmony in the Making

Infographic designed by Martin Martinez

Martin Martinez

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  • cgonzalez106

    Hi Martin! Amazing infographic! I love how it’s simple but at the same time so informative. As someone who can’t live without music, I now have learned other benefits of it. I feel well informed, and I didn’t have to watch a 40-minute video! Overall, love the graphic designed! Great job!

  • Mikayla Trejo

    Thank you for placing emphasis on the importance of the arts. I appreciate how you provided empirical evidence on how the arts can positively impact an individuals life. The symbols colors and font used in this info graphic work on theme with the topic and we’re eye-catching without being too distracting. Great info graphic congrats on publication.

  • Alexis Silva

    Really nice infographic! The information is clearly conveyed. Music is a powerful tool that is produced all over the world. I really like how you added health facts providing that music is good for us. It is nice to hear positive news. I also like how you provided a quote from George Washington, this helps strengthen your infographic.

  • Johana Solís

    Music takes part of our day-to-day life even if we do not know it. I do agree that music does help us with our health even when driving during traffic I get so much anxiety and by just turning on the radio whatever song is playing calms me down and I can refocus on driving. This infographic is well informative! Love that you included a little section with what skills you can use with music and what jobs you can get with music.

  • Ana Barrientos

    This infographic was super interesting because I didn’t know that music has health benefits. It decreases PTSD and other health issues and builds skills. I liked the colors that were used. The whole infographic flowed well, and the pictures/icons were perfectly placed on the infographic. It was simple and organized well, but it had a lot of information. Overall, great job!

  • Amarie Pollard

    I love music. I never knew that music could be so powerful. I really enjoyed your topic because it is creative and you thought outside of the box with this topic. I would’ve liked to see information about what music has done with cancer patients and patients who are in a lot of pain does it ease the pain or help make the treatment work more quickly?

  • Linda Aguilar

    I enjoyed your infographic, it was enlightening to know how music can have health benefits. Music education is an important tool for engaging youth. It was enjoyable to observe the attendance, test taking, and increase of students attending college with a music education. I admired the skills and abilities of music education in people. I concur that playing musical instruments has a soothing effect. Great job Martin.

  • Andrea Realyvasquez

    I really enjoyed reading this infographic and completely agree that music has such as positive impact on so many people’s lives. Being a part of music groups throughout most of my childhood and all throughout my high school years, I have come to love and appreciate the memories and lessons it has taught me. I’ve also seen firsthand how music can not only bolster student participation and engagement but also the tranquility that comes with immersing yourself in your favorite music genre.

  • Andrew Ramon

    The importance of music cannot be understated. I know of course that it was beneficial to motor skills and intelligence, but I didn’t know it had such strong health effects. Martin it’s clear after getting to know you how big of a part music plays in your life. I’m glad you covered its positive effects.

  • Haley Aleman

    Hello, Martin! As an avid music lover and person who suffers from both PTSD and diabetes, I can definitely attest to the many benefits that music can have on an individual’s mental health. Interestingly enough, I am also often told that I have an impeccable memory, I wonder if this has anything to do with the many 100,000 minutes that Spotify reports me listening to my favorite albums. Many people, especially school districts, I think have become very dismissive of the arts and the benefits that they can have on our society. I mean this not just regarding well being but that as you mentioned, it can greatly benefit and stimulate the economy in many ways such as concerts from beloved artists, to small local community performances. Truly, thank you for bringing the spotlight back onto the arts. Amazing job on your infographic.

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