Five years ago, on December 6, 2013, the world lost a remarkable man who helped change so many lives. This man was given the name ‘Rolihlahla’ by his father when he was born, which is a name commonly referred to as “troublemaker.” However, most people know him by the name given to him by his school teacher: Nelson.1 Nelson Mandela grew up spending his life fighting for freedom in his country of South Africa. Since 1948, the social infrastructure of South Africa had been transformed into a system of apartheid, which literally translates to “apartness.” Apartheid separated people based on the color of their skin. Although white persons made up the minority of the country, they had complete control over it. They created laws that mandated the lives of both black and colored persons, which are a mixed-race people in South Africa. Blacks and colored persons were restricted to certain areas and could hold only certain jobs.2 People were kept apart to protect the privilege of the few white descendants of settlers at the price of daily poverty and oppression. Apartheid also meant blacks and colored had no right to vote and they were stripped of their citizenship. This system institutionalized and legitimized policies that violated human rights of all non-white people in South Africa. Nelson Mandela was an anti-apartheid activist who played a central role in triggering mass protests and campaigns against the racial segregation the people were facing.
In 1944, a few years before the beginning of the system of apartheid, Nelson Mandela joined the African National Congress (ANC), which is a political party that was formed in response to the discrimination towards colored and black persons living in South Africa. Mandela joined the ANC when he helped to found the ANC Youth League. The ANC worked closely with other anti-apartheid organizations.3 Apartheid was implemented in 1948. Shortly after, the ANC launched a Defiance Campaign. This campaign encouraged people to engage in nonviolent acts such as strikes and protests. The ANC supported nonviolence, whereas other militant groups, such as the Pan African Congress (PAC), used violence as a way of making their voices heard.4 Mandela was appointed as the Defiance Campaign’s national volunteer in chief. This position gave him the responsibility to travel across South Africa to get as much support as he could for the campaign. Mandela was able to form a significant alliance, made up of black South Africans, and other colored South Africans, united against apartheid.5 Nelson Mandela’s efforts resulted in the number of members rising from about 7,000 to over 100,000.6 While he was traveling to recruit people into the ANC, Nelson Mandela was arrested on June 26, 1952 for violating the curfew that had been set in place for black and colored South Africans. He was later released and was able to witness the spread of the Defiance Campaign.7 In 1960, both the ANC and the PAC were involved in an anti-apartheid protest with around 5,000 people. Without warning, they were shot at by the South African Police Officers. 69 protestors were killed and at least 300 of them were injured. This became known as the Sharpeville Massacre. Following this event, the South African government decided to ban the ANC and PAC.8 Despite the fact that they were banned, the ANC continued meeting in secret. The government was not listening to them, so they decided that they would have to adopt militant measures to produce the change they wanted.9 This led to the creation of the guerilla army Umkhonto we Sizwe (also called MK or Spear of the Nation) in 1961, which was later adopted as the armed wing of the ANC. Nelson Mandela became Umkhonto we Sizwe’s first commander in chief. Nelson Mandela had contemplated taking up arms for several years, but after the Sharpeville killings, he felt that the time had finally come.10

As a leader of the MK, Nelson Mandela launched bombings and other guerrilla activities.11 Nelson Mandela was even smuggled out of South Africa so that he could learn about armed struggle from other countries. Mandela learned a lot from the Algerians and their armed struggle for independence against the French.12 Following his travels, Mandela went back South Africa and was later captured by the police on August 5, 1962, and charged with leaving the country without proper documentation. Mandela was found guilty and was sentenced to five years of hard labor. His trial, however, did not end there. He along with several others were charged with recruiting people for sabotage, the use of guerrilla warfare, and threatening to overthrow the South African government.13 In his book, Long Walk to Freedom (1994), Mandela tells his readers that the armed struggle was his strategy for bringing the National Party to the negotiating table, not a campaign to overthrow the government.14 Mandela took this trial as a chance to explain himself and speak up against apartheid. While on the witness stand, Mandela delivered a famous speech in which he stated,
During my lifetime I have dedicated myself to this struggle of the African people. I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.15
On June 12, 1964, the court judge reached a decision. Mandela and eight of the other defendants were found guilty. Mandela was given a life sentence and was sent to a maximum security prison on Robben Island. While he was incarcerated, Mandela was forced to live in extremely harsh conditions. His cell had nothing but a bucket, a floor mat to sleep on, and a small desk. Mandela, just like all the other black persons, was forced to wear shorts instead of pants. This was the prison’s way of infantilizing them so that they would be just “boys” in the eyes of the guards. Mandela would spend his days hammering stones into gravel carrying out his inhumane punishments alongside all the other prisoners.16 Despite the difficulties he and the others were faced with, Mandela remained strong and served as a mentor to his fellow inmates. He encouraged them to improve their lives while in jail and he motivated them to educate themselves. Mandela even completed a bachelor’s degree program during his time on Robben Island. In April 1982, Mandela was transferred to another maximum-security penitentiary known as Pollsmoor Prison due to an illness he had contracted. In 1985, the State president of South Africa, P. W. Botha, offered to release Mandela if he agreed to refrain from armed struggle. Botha, however, did not do this simply because he wanted to. Botha was pressured after the Red Cross report on Mandela’s poor health. Mandela had contracted tuberculosis and his health was declining. In the end, Mandela rejected his offer. In 1988, Mandela was moved to minimum security facility and in 1989, Botha suffered a stroke and F.W. de Klerk took his place as State president. On February 2, 1990, de Klerk after discussing a path forward with Nelson Mandela, removed the ban on the ANC. After 27 years of imprisonment, de Klerk freed Mandela.17 Upon his release, Mandela delivered a speech in which he stated, “We have waited too long for our freedom. We can no longer wait. Now is the time to intensify the struggle on all fronts. To relax our efforts now would be a mistake which generations to come will not be able to forgive.”18 When Mandela delivered this speech in Capetown, he addressed an audience of half a million. He had unwavering support from so many people despite his imprisonment. Books, articles, films, poems, plays, and songs were dedicated to Mandela while he was in prison.19 It is also important to note that following his release, Mandela used his platform as a symbolic figure to convey the message that South African women played an important role in their country’s fight for freedom. He stated, “‘I pay tribute to the mothers, wives and sisters of our nation. You are the rock hard foundation of our struggle.'” 20 His release was truly a symbol of transformation in South Africa.

Even though Mandela spent nearly three decades locked up, his commitment to ending apartheid was stronger than ever. He still supported an armed struggle, and he traveled outside of South Africa to stress the importance of going against the apartheid system. It was only a few months after his release that he came to the United States to campaign against South Africa’s apartheid.21 He spent the next two years in negotiations between the South African government and the ANC. Mandela was considered “the greatest negotiator of the twentieth century.” 22 He utilized different types of negotitation strategies including good practices and tactics. Good practices assert interests, build relationships and trust, and use effective communication. Tactics include making extreme first offers to create room for concessions, exaggerating arguments and threatening to leave the negotiation.23 Mandela was able to use these techniques successfully even in a heated and complex South Africa. In 1993, an agreement was reached, and the State president de Klerk agreed to form a government which would end apartheid and open the political process to all South African citizens. Mandela’s ideal democracy was a non-racial democracy that would defeat racism.24 In 1994, Mandela was elected President of South Africa and he aimed towards reconciliation between the white and black South Africans.25 This was the year that black South Africans were able to vote in national elections, and this event marked the end of apartheid.26 In December 1997, Mandela stepped down as the president of the ANC. Two years later, he stepped down as the South African President. After his presidency, Mandela spent his time advocating for human rights and helping out with numerous charities. He helped to raise funds for children’s charities, and for the treatment of AIDS. Mandela also spoke out for justice on issues such as racial discrimination, gender equality, and poverty. He wanted peace, freedom, and social justice. On November 10, 2009, the United Nations General Assembly declared July 18 as ‘Nelson Mandela International Day.’ This was done in response to Mandela’s years of service in promoting and protecting human rights. On Nelson Mandela International Day, the UN invites people to take action and make a difference in their community.27 On June 1, 2004, Mandela announced that he would be withdrawing himself from public life. This was because of his several hospitalizations caused by his prostate cancer that he had been diagnosed with three years earlier. On December 5, 2013, he died from a lung infection at the age of 95.28
The name Nelson Mandela is one known around the world; it is a reminder of courage, strength and wisdom. He taught his country and those across the globe very valuable lessons. Mandela taught them to be fearless, and to work towards making their communities a better place. Change is not always a bad thing; sometimes it is the best thing that could happen. Change is what was needed to achieve Mandela’s vision of peace and social justice. Nelson Mandela never gave up, and he always kept his head held high. He fought for a better life in South Africa, and despite being treated cruelly, he managed to love and forgive. “‘The lesson is forgiveness. You must not allow hate to fester your brain. You can never allow racism, hatred and bitterness to rent space in your head.'”29
- “Names,” Nelson Mandela Foundation, accessed November 28, 2018, ↵
- Emma T. Lucas, “Apartheid,” Salem Press Encyclopedia (2014). ↵
- Stephen Ellis, “Nelson Mandela, the South African Communist Party and the Origins of Umkhonto We Sizwe,” Cold War History, 16 (1): 3. ↵
- Angela Harmon, “African National Congress (ANC),” Salem Press Encyclopedia (2017). ↵
- Michael W. Williams, “Nelson Mandela,” Salem Press Biographical Encyclopedia (2013). ↵
- Raymond Suttner, “The African National Congress Centenary: A Long and Difficult Journey,” International Affairs (2012), 88 (4): 727. ↵
- Michael W. Williams, “Nelson Mandela,” Salem Press Biographical Encyclopedia (2013). ↵
- Olutavo C. Adesina, “Sharpeville Massacre Focuses Global Awareness on Apartheid,” Salem Press Encyclopedia (2013). ↵
- Angela Harmon, “African National Congress (ANC),” Salem Press Encyclopedia (2017). ↵
- Stephen Ellis, “Nelson Mandela, the South African Communist Party and the Origins of Umkhonto We Sizwe,” Cold War History (2016), 16 (1): 8. ↵
- Angela Harmon, “African National Congress (ANC),” Salem Press Encyclopedia (2017). ↵
- Michael W. Williams, “Nelson Mandela.” Salem Press Biographical Encyclopedia (2013). ↵
- Michael W. Williams, “Nelson Mandela,” Salem Press Biographical Encyclopedia, (2013). ↵
- Steve Davis, “Struggle History and Self-Help: The Parallel Lives of Nelson Mandela in Conventional and Figurative Biography,” African Studies (August 2014), 73, no. 2: 170. ↵
- Emma Rathbone, “Mandela’s Prosecutor,” Virginia Quarterly Review (2013), 89 (4): 163. ↵
- Emma Rathbone, “Mandela’s Prosecutor,” Virginia Quarterly Review (2013) 89 (4): 168. ↵
- Michael W. Williams, “Nelson Mandela,” Salem Press Biographical Encyclopedia (2013). ↵
- Nelson Mandela, “Nelson Mandela’s Speech upon Release,” (2017). ↵
- Horace Campbell, “Nelson Mandela Is Free,” Third World Quarterly (October 1990), 12 (3/4): 148. ↵
- Horace Campbell, “Nelson Mandela Is Free,” Third World Quarterly (October 1990), 12 (3/4): 153. ↵
- “After Prison Release, Mandela Brought His Plight To The World’s Attention.” 2013. Time.Com. ↵
- Hal Abramson, “Nelson Mandela as Negotiator: What Can We Learn from Him?” Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution (March 2016), 31 (1): 19. ↵
- Hal Abramson, “Nelson Mandela as Negotiator: What Can We Learn from Him?” Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution (March 2016), 31 (1): 30. ↵
- Horace Campbell, “Nelson Mandela Is Free,” Third World Quarterly (October 1990), 12 (3/4):155. ↵
- Michael W. Williams, “Nelson Mandela,” Salem Press Biographical Encyclopedia (2013). ↵
- A. Bilski and C. Erasmus, “A New Beginning,” Maclean’s (1992), 105 (13): 22. ↵
- “Nelson Mandela International Day, July 18, For Freedom, Justice and Democracy,” United Nations, accessed November 28, 2018, ↵
- Michael W. Williams, “Nelson Mandela,” Salem Press Biographical Encyclopedia (2013). ↵
- Armstrong Williams, “The Lion and Prophet of South Africa Has Died,” New York Amsterdam News (December 12, 2013). ↵
Raul Colunga
It takes great people like Nelson Mandela to challenge institutions and fight against racism. Not many people can do what he did, but it is unfortunate that he had to resort to violence. It is a theme however that nations do not change without strife especially in South Africa where apartheid had been in place for so long. Not only did Mandela help take down a racist system, he also brought about democracy and became a beacon of inspiration for other nations.
Rhys Kennedy
The story of Nelson Mandela is one that is widely known, but it feels as though it is one of those stories that people cannot recite in much detail. Much to my satisfaction, this article goes into a great amount of detail unlike what is commonly seen. It truly highlights the road and steps that Mandela had to take in good detail in order to tell a propper telling of his story.
Martha Day
I just want to make a correction, although I admire Nelson Mandela, I have to defend what Miguel Hidalgo did as well. The picture in this article referring to Nelson Mandela is completely wrong, that statue is in downtown Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico in la Plaza de la Liberacion. I know it for a fact, because I was born there and I have been there a million times. This should have been corrected imediately. The statue in the picture is of Father Miguel Hidalgo Roman Catholic priest and revolutionary leader who is called the father of Mexican independence.
Martha Day
Here is the correct picture of Nelson Mandela in Pretoria South Africa
Briana Montes
This was a very well written article and went described how Nelson Mandela made an impact not only on his country but in the world. He was a hero to his people and he never gave up on their freedom no matter how badly people had treated him he kept going and fighting for what he believed in. I can’t imagine having to go through something like that and being so strong to keep going no matter what.
Mark Dominguez
A very fascinating and informative article. I had of course heard of Nelson Mandela prior to reading this article but there was still a lot of things I did not know about him before reading. I had no idea that he spent 27 years in prison and still had the perseverance to continue fighting for what he believed in, he was such an inspirational person who had a major effect on not only South African people, but on the world. He has made such a large impact on history, he fought for what he thought was right and for the freedom of his people.
Cassandra Sanchez
Nelson Mandala was incredibly brave for fighting for his rights, with amazing determination. He spent his life making a difference for his community and bringing about great change. He went through many difficulties and rough patches but with persistence he finally achieved greatness. He left a great legacy and gave his people hope, faith, and encouragement to always stand up for what is right and what they believe in.
Sebastian Azcui
Nelson Mandela is one of the most recognized human beings as he is a historical figure that did many things for his country and race. He was a man that reserved more respect and recognition and not be treated like that for what he was doing. He was very brave by standing up for his country, race and culture. All the hard work he did at the end paid off by him being elected as President. He is a role model for everyone.
Hannah Hennon
Nelson Mandela was a great activist and leader for South Africa. I knew he was arrested and went to prison, but I thought he was only arrested once and not three times. I never knew specifically why he was arrested either. It is hard to believe he was arrested the third time for just returning to South Africa and not having papers for being back in the country. The article did well on explaining what had done.
Nawaf Almarwaie
since i was a child and im hearing about Mandela and what did he does for his people to give them freedom and to set up democracy in his country, i know that he struggled to achieve this goal, Mandela is one of the most people who has wide influence on people not only in his home country but all over the world, moreover, he is known for many people from different generation. an amazing man
Isaiah Torres
I’ve always seen this picture multiple times all Llover but I’ve never understood the meaning or the story behind it. It’s great to see how one man can have such a powerful influence and all of the things that he did to fight for his country. He didn’t about race nor anything else classify who or what he stood for. I enjoyed this article, it was very interesting to read about.