StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
April 7, 2019

Nothing keeps Amberley Snyder from getting back on the horse

It only took three seconds for Amberley Snyder to look down at her phone. She had chosen not to buckle her seat belt in her black truck on that cold morning. She drifted off the road trying to gain back control, while her steering wheel took control of her future. Sounds of metal crashing and bending, screams… and then black out! The truck rolled over and over creating dust in the air making it hard to see what had happened for the people driving on the highway. She was thrown from her truck up against a metal pole. As she landed on the dusty ground, against the pole “everything slowed down and I couldn’t feel my legs or my toes move.”1

Amberley Snyder’s horrible car crash as a result of texting, and not wearing a seatbelt. | Courtesy of People January 2010

As she was leaning on the metal pole in pain, she was able to reach her phone, panicking, to call her dad to tell him that she was in an awful car crash, and was laying on the side of the highway. Her dad, who had been sleeping, answered the phone, and then called her mom to deliver the bad news. When she arrived at the hospital, she found out that her daughter was paralyzed from her waist down. She also had bones in her back broken. The doctors told her, “If you’d had your seatbelt on, you would have your legs.”2 That one choice she made had cost her a consequence for a lifetime, leaving her in a waterfall of tears. Her mother then told her as she was sitting in the hospital bed, “We can not go back; your legs are still attached. We’re just going to work on it from here.”3 On January 10, 2010, Amberley’s dreams of becoming a famous rodeo barrel racer came to an end.

At the age of seven, Amberley always aspired to be an award-winning horse rider. She “took her first horse riding lesson at the age of three and was immediately hooked.”4 Her passion grew when she received her first horse from her parents and named him “Power.” She knew from the very beginning that the connection between her and Power would never fade away. She had always “had a great sense of communication with her horses” that nobody could ever understand. With the connection between her and Power, she was able to qualify “for the National High School Finals in the pole bending and won the National Little Britches Rodeo Association All-Around Cowgirl World Championship.”5 This was only the start of her journey in rodeo.

After the car crash incident, Amberley had many different obstacles to face. Rehab was the first out of many tough obstacles. Every time she would attend rehab, she lost more and more faith. She was not even able to use her upper body strength to push her wheelchair up the rail. She would cry more and more every time she could not make it. As months passed, she was able to gain balance and push her wheelchair up the rail on her own. She told the “physical therapist that she was able to balance better on a saddle than anywhere else.” The physical therapist gave in to her and let her parents bring it in to help her in rehab.6

Amberley Snyder’s horrible car crash as a result of using her phone, and not wearing a seatbelt. | Courtesy of People January 2010

Amberley came home after rehab to her home, her family, her friends, and her best friend, Power. The moment they laid eyes on each other they both knew it was not the same. Power failed to recognize who Amberley was anymore, due to her restrictions in the wheelchair. She was devastated because she knew things would never be the same again between her and her horse. She even “refused to go anywhere near the stalls for almost a year,” at one point telling her mom to just sell them, since she couldn’t ride them anymore.7 Her parents were saddened to see her like this and thought it would be in her best interest to find a way for her to get the most out of what she had. Amberley’s face gleamed in amazement when she saw her parents design a contraption for her saddle for her to be able to ride safely. The contraption consisted of a seat belt from a junkyard, “velcro strips on her pants to secure her legs and a nylon strap across her left side to keep her centered on top of her horse.”8 This contraption was the start of her determination to get back to rodeo and compete. She knew that she had no other choice than to go back to barrel racing and prove bravery and fearfulness.

The time had come. All the preparation that Amberley did was about to pay off, at The American rodeo. “In March 2015 she won a fan exemption to compete against the top barrel racers in the world” at “The American” rodeo at Cowboys Stadium.9 The American was only made for the best of the best. Knowing that, at the age of seven, Amberley had always dreamed of this moment, and now it was finally time to come true.

Amberley Snyder at the American Rodeo. | Courtesy of New Mobility. July 1, 2018

Amberley was waiting in the tunnel nervously with her mom, ready to take on the arena full of fans. Her mom gave her a little pep talk, telling her there was no turning back now and how proud she was of her to see her where she is today, and to have seen all the obstacles Amberley had overcome. Amberley was ready to take the arena, as she kissed her mom for good luck. She waved nervously but excited as she entered the arena with the American Flag waving behind her. She was all saddled up in her contraption and felt better than ever. Her fans were screaming with excitement as Power pranced, hooves hitting the ground creating dust in the air, with Amberley on the saddle. Her friends and family were standing in the arena cheering her on, and the announcer introducing her, as the girl that has beaten incredible odds to get here, and a heart as big as Texas, Amberley Snyder. This only created more confidence in herself and in her horse. Power stomped around the arena one time, then approached the barrel, and it was their time to shine. Right before they took off, Amberley whispered to Power “this is the same thing we always do, you and me, today is our day.”10 Power then dashes off full force, leaving Amberley Snyder in the top of the board with some of the top riders in the world, with a time of 15.3 seconds.

“We are capable of overcoming whatever those challenges are,” confidently quoted by Amberley Snyder the first teenage girl to be paralyzed waist down and come back and place in rodeo.11 She is now an inspiration to the people in the rodeo world, that have undergone a medical disability. Amberley is now currently telling her inspirational story on all platforms of social media, and “works as a rodeo coach at Mount Pleasants Wasatch Academy.”12 She also still continues to compete in rodeos across the western United States. She never let her crash create a barrier for her and for her passion for rodeo. She never gave up on the dream that she had since she was seven. “Her strength has come from the things she thought she couldn’t do, and the fire inside of her now is brighter now than the fire around her,” said her friend Jolene Farnsworth.13 This only continues to show us that no matter what obstacles we are faced with, we always have support from friends and family.

Amberley Snyder and her horse Power. | Courtesy of 2019

With the platform she has reached by placing with some of the top barrel racers from across the world, she has been able to use it to share her inspirational story. She stresses how important it is to not use your phone while driving, and to always put on your seatbelt when you get in the car. She “answers every question and e-mail, tweets and has her own YouTube channel. She has posted a ‘Wheelchair Wednesday’ video on her Facebook page weekly for the past two years.”14 The video ranges from what she uses to keep her mounted to her horse and saddle to getting on her horse, teaching people that they do have a purpose in life, and that they are more than capable of doing anything a normal person can do. Although there are restraints to discourage people from going back to what they love, they have to find their true passion and never give that up. Amberley Snyder says, “I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason….no matter what, only you get to choose your attitude every single day, and I choose to have a good one.”15

  1. Cathy Free, “Paralyzed Utah Barrel Racer Continues Career After Car Crash: ‘Anything Is Possible’,” People (online) March 22, 2017,
  2. Natalea Watkin, “Amberley Snyder: American Cowgirl,” New Mobility (website) July 1, 2015,
  3. Natalea Watkin, “Amberley Snyder: American Cowgirl,” New Mobility (website) July 1, 2015,
  4. Kimberley White, “Car Crash Paralyzes Championship Rider. 1-Yr-Later Tells Doctors To Put Her Back In Saddle,” InspireMore (blog), June 25, 2017,
  5. Amberley Snyder, “My Story,” Amberley Snyder (biography) 2019,
  6. Caroline Gottlieb and Scott Stump, “Rodeo champion Amberley Snyder back in the saddle after paralysis 6 years ago,” Today (blog) March 6, 2016,
  7. Kimberley White, “Car Crash Paralyzes Championship Rider. 1-Yr-Later Tells Doctors To Put Her Back In Saddle,” InspireMore (website), June 25, 2017,
  8. Cathy Free, “Paralyzed Utah Barrel Racer Continues Career After Car Crash: ‘Anything Is Possible’,” People (online) March 22, 2017,
  9. Natalea Watkin, “Amberley Snyder: American Cowgirl,” New Mobility (website) July 1, 2015,
  10. Netflix Official Site, “Walk. Ride. Rodeo.” Netflix (film) March 08, 2019,
  11. Chris Spargo,”Paralyzed Rider Amberley Snyder Says She Was ‘humiliated,” Daily Mail (article) February 22, 2019,
  12. Cathy Free, “Paralyzed Utah Barrel Racer Continues Career After Car Crash: ‘Anything Is Possible’,” People (article) March 22, 2017,
  13. Cathy Free, “Paralyzed Utah Barrel Racer Continues Career After Car Crash: ‘Anything Is Possible’,” People (article) March 22, 2017,
  14. Natalea Watkin, “Amberley Snyder: American Cowgirl,” New Mobility (article) July 1, 2015,
  15. Natalea Watkin, “Amberley Snyder: American Cowgirl,” New Mobility (article) July 1, 2015,

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Recent Comments


  • Maria Garcia

    This story is incredibly heart-warming. The beginning of this story is so captivating because the sensory details and imagery that is put in really allows the readers to picture the incident vividly. One of the parts of the article that gave me that heart felt moment is when Amberley spoke to Power before they began racing. It’s really motivational writing about an incident like this because it comes to show that even through the worst conditions, you can overcome your obstacles if you really put your mind to it.

  • Hali Garcia

    This is a great story of perseverance, dedication, and hard work. It astonishes me to read about how Amberley was paralyzed in a car accident and in the end, was able to place in a rodeo. Your style really made me feel her pain and had me hooked from the beginning. I am so amazed at how she would keep asking to try a saddle and my heart broke a little when she thought she couldn’t do it. Great job and congratulations on your nomination!!!

  • Dalton Moy

    This is an awesome story. This girl when from feeling hopeless, to sharing her story of hope to many. It is great that her parents designed a saddle for her, so she could build up her confidence. I’m very glad to hear that she is staying active in trying to raise awareness, to prevent the injury she suffered from. Very inspirational.

  • Tala Owens

    I’m glad this article introduced me to Amberley Snyder and her story. Overcoming first, a car crash, then physical therapy is something very intense and requires a great deal of strength and dedication. Especially, since Amberley wanted to a rider added on more pressure. I’m glad that she never gave up and kept pushing and her dream eventually came true.

  • Mariah Garcia

    This was a powerful article to read. The adversity that Amberley Snyder faced, coupled with how well the author introduces us to the conflict in the first paragraph worked together to create a perfect storm of interest. To have gone through such adversity as this, it is easy to say that you would handle it in stride, yet we all know that not all of us are that capable of persevering.

  • Paola Arellano

    It is truly unfortunate to learn of someone who might of lost many opportunities for a dumb mistake. Of course it is important to remember the safety precautions that we should take especially when on a vehicle. I’m glad she was able to overcome this hardship. I think what broke my heart the most was when her horse Power did not recognize her. That must of really made her feel guilty and helpless. This story is proof that it people with obstacles can still reach their goals then there is no excuse for the rest of us. Great article!

  • Priscilla Reyes

    This was a very inspirational story and she is right about one choosing our own attitude. I was especially impacted by her accident because I am one to never wear my seatbelt while in the back seat. Therefore, it is great that this article was written because it teaches a lesson and leads the reader to make better decisions. I feel sorry for Amberly but I am amazed at her outlook on the entire situation and how she forgave herself for not wearing the seatbelt. I find it interesting that in the last picture only half of her body is shown but her smile makes up for everything else. Thanks for writing.

  • Sarah Uhlig

    For this woman to have been paralysed from one accident shows how horrific things can happen in those one in a million chances. Her story of eventually getting back to doing what she loved is truly inspiring and it shows how passionate she is about doing what she loves. It was sad to read about her accident and how it affected her, but reading about her dedication to horseback riding was simply moving and again inspirational.

  • Antonio Coffee

    The opening paragraph really set up the rest of the article in an interesting way. It begins with action and crisis that sets up the conflict for the rest of the party. The rest of the article is also very interesting as it must have taken so much bravery to go back out there. She could have given up but instead, she kept trying and persisted in doing what she enjoyed.

  • Rebeca Escobar

    A story that tells many of its readers that anything is possible though passion and determination. Amberley’s accident is one that can happen to anyone, and unfortunately it is one that some do not survive. Her story is very inspiring to me, because I find myself so unmotivated to do anything even though I have full capability of doing it. I am blessed to have never been through an accident like Amberley’s, yet her story makes me feel so ashamed because she shows so much more motivation than I do, and it definitely makes me want to do more.

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