StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary’s University
Greta thunberg
Image result for greta thunberg
Greta Thunberg at the European Parliament (April, 2019) | Wikimedia Commons

Social media tends to distract its consumers from real-world problems. Internet trolls can make life-threatening issues into jokes and discredit the magnitude of real problems. Therefore, many ignore the increasing intensity of natural weather disasters occurring around the world and their connections to environmental degradation. People prefer to focus on an assumed future rather than on what is happening now, especially when they do not believe climate change is affecting them right now. However, there will be no future to worry about if we do not take steps to stop or at least slow down global warming immediately. Climate has changed over time, but we should not disregard the amount of human contribution in the acceleration of global warming and in the drastic intensification of planet climate related disasters. Many are just standing by as they watch the devastation of other region. Yet, some have taken more than drastic actions to address this tragedy, one activist is Greta Thunberg. A young teenager teaching everyone around the world that it does not take a lot to make our voices heard. Recently, she led over eleven million people to take action to slow down the number of forests that are being destroyed and to slow the extinction of already endangered species. The current leader of the biggest protest against global warming is only now seventeen years old.1

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Greta Thunberg at 16 years old, with the sign that changed it all (2019) | Wikimedia Commons
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Greta Thunberg (2019) protesting in front of Swedish Parliament | Wikimedia Commons

At seven years old, Greta Thunberg, learned about global warming. She could not stand being part of the problem and decided to work on a solution becoming the youngest Swedish activist. Her teacher had introduced her to climate change by assigning a book.2 Thunberg was instantly hooked. She became aware that the warming of our planet was due to an increase in greenhouse gasses, primarily as a result of human activity. This devastated her, she thought it was too horrible and that there must be someone doing something about it. However, to her surprise, nothing was being done. At fifteen years old, Thunberg began to take action by writing a sign “school strike for climate” and sat in front of the Swedish parliament to protest what she felt so passionate about3 This small act of protest grew into an effective movement and became the first of many strikes around the world. Thunberg created a revolution by standing up for and becoming part of the solution.

Her movement caught people’s attention and has grown to a worldwide action network that combines young school children and their parents and grand parents. Greta began informing her own community and asking them to take a stance and to act when most were not aware yet about climate change.4 Thunberg continued her advocacy and while she tries to avoid traveling, she now has people all over the world sharing her same values. Thunberg started to think bigger, she informed herself of what countries were polluting the most. Thunberg learned that Argentina, Brazil, France, Turkey, and Germany were some of the major contributors of carbon and greenhouse gas pollution in the world. So, she began a lawsuit against these five countries which claims that carbon-polluting countries are violating the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 5 She travels by land and oceans, instead of by airplanes that produce the highest levels of greenhouse gases. During these trips, she gives interviews to well known shows where she explains more of her concerns and why she began this movement. In one of the shows she mentioned that she began this movement with the thought of “even if I can’t make that big of a difference in this issue, I could look at myself in the mirror and know I did something.”6 Thunberg never forgets to express her frustrations about how the people in charge, are leaving her generation with the mess they created and that they continue to worsen. She is saddened about the amounts of forests that are being destroyed and animals are going extinct because of human activity.

30 school children from three local schools in Katowice, answered the call of Greta Thunberg (2018) | Courtesy of Flickr

Greta Thunberg impacts positively the lives of so many others around the world while battling her own challenges with Asperger’s Syndrome. Although, she does mention how being in the autism spectrum is such a gift because this allows her to think outside of the box and think of solutions for issues in different ways. She continues leading youths and adults to participate in the climate strike for change in over one hundred and fifty countries, including the United States. Thunberg received the support of millions of people globally. This does not minimize her anger when she remembers that government leaders do not care about how so many major businesses are overheating the planet. She gave a now-famous speech “How Dare You” in the United Nations meeting, she tells politicians “People are suffering, people are dying, entire ecosystems are collapsing.”7 “We are at the beginning of mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of endless economic growth. How dare you!”8. After this impactful speech, she continues inspiring youths by being a positive influence and showing us that no matter your age or the amount of money you have, you need to stand up for what you know is right. Thunberg gets emotional when she talks about how she does not think politicians are taking her seriously because of how young she is. She mentions in her speeches quite often how unfair they are being towards the next generation. Changes need to be made because they have ruined hers and all children’s childhood and have left a mess for the younger generations to clean up.9 Even President Trump noticed her movement. Although, he did share some sarcastic words towards Thunberg in one of his tweets he mentioned, “Greta must work on her anger management problem,” 10 The president could have possibly taken a different approach towards a teenager who is trying to make a positive impact in the world. If you ask me, I think it is great that she is using her anger in a passionate way that is benefiting us all.

Greta Thunberg continues her fight for progress, pushes for small actions to be implemented by the current leaders around the world. People hear her warnings and her call to action and discuss what a great impact she has been making in just under two years of activism. At only seventeen years old, Greta Thunberg has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for 2020.11 She was also chosen as the person of the year 2019 by TIME’s Magazine 12 Thunberg gives tips on how to become more Eco-friendly giving us the chance to take action. While she has stopped flying to minimize green gas emissions, other solutions are more practical, she has become vegan, she has adopted the shop-stop philosophy (which is not buying anything unless you absolutely have to), but most importantly she continues communicating the importance of slowing climate change to people in power. Sometimes life gets in the way or we have other responsibilities that do not allow us to be as involved in movements we support. However, is it responsible to dismiss the very real impacts of global warming because these are merely inconveniences in our lives while climate change severely impacts millions around the world? We must start making small adjustments to our daily lives, if we are to hope for a better future.

  1. Aylin Woodward, Greta Thunberg turns 17 today. Here’s how she started a global climate movement in just 18 months (New York:2020).
  2. After a lot of research, we have learned that Thunberg does not mention what this book was by name in any of her interviews in English.
  3. Greta Thunberg (Wikipedia).
  4. Charlotte Alter, Suyin Haynes, Justin Worland, The Power of Youth (New York:2019).
  5. Olivia Goldhill, While Global Leaders Messed Around, Greta Thunberg and 15 Kids Got Down To Business (New York:2019).
  6. Ellen DeGeneres, Join Greta Thunberg & the Climate Crisis Movement. (California:2019).
  7. Emily Chasan, David Weiner, Teen Activist Greta Thunberg to World Leaders: ‘How Dare You! (California:2019).
  8. Kalhan Rosenblatt, Teen climate activist Greta Thunberg delivers a scathing speech at U.N. (New York:2019).
  9. John Queally, ‘We Have Not Come Here to Beg World Leaders to Care,’ 15-Year-Old Greta Thunberg Tells COP24. ‘We Have Come to Let Them Know Change Is Coming’ (Maine:2018).
  10. Chris Cilliza, We should all be appalled by Donald Trump’s tweet about Greta Thunberg (New York:2019).
  11. Aris Folley, Greta Thunberg nominated for Nobel Peace Prize (Washington:2020).
  12. Charlotte Alter, Suyin Haynes, Justin Worland, Person of the Year: Great Thunberg (New York: 2019).

Tags from the story

Climate change

climate strike

green gas emissions

Greta Thunberg

high school student

nodel prize nomination

Recent Comments

Kendall Guajardo

My second comment but I really did love the message of this article. Since I am taking an environmental science class this semester I have learned so much about how the way our capitalist system sets us up for a looming disaster. Climate change is not just about measuring the differences in our water levels or air pollution but it is also about recognizing the main causes of this pollution and melting of the earth. Greta Thunberg has made tremendous progress by being a leader for the youth regarding environmental concerns. She speaks to world leaders, some of which cannot even accept climate change as a fact or the mere thought that the way countries are run can negatively impact our future. Being a champion of change can be hard when you are young but then again somebody should do it for the health and safety of future generations.



12:13 pm

Thiffany Yeupell

Thunberg’s actions are admirable, attempting to incite change through protests and altering her daily life for a more sustainable model. Hoping for others to follow, Thunberg has taken to the frontlines of the movement and brought attention to climate change to those in power. And although she has gained great recognition and been brought to the forefront of society’s attention, the amount of circling about is noticeable, as words are more prevalent among the officials and media rather than inciting action to the masses, as Thunberg had done.



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Matthew Avila

I didn’t know much about Gretta, but this article tells me a lot about who she is and what she’s about. I do appreciate that someone as young as Gretta is speaking up about global warming because since she’s young and she can inform more people about it. the places she’s gone and the things she has done at such a young age, I think is remarkable. I do think that it’s unfortunate that our political leaders don’t take her or global warming seriously.



12:13 pm

Hali Garcia

This is a great article! I have heard of Greta Thunberg but I did not know a lot about her so I learned a lot from this article. It is remarkable that such a young person, I did not know she was seventeen, is willing to step up and advocate for something that she is passionate about. I really admire her determination for speaking out about climate change because what is happening is very important. I applaud her for stepping up because it must be difficult especially since the leaders do not take her seriously.



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Nathaniel Bielawski

I wish you went into more detail about how Greta Thunberg plans to stop climate change. She might be the leader of a movement, but without solutions, the movement will only identify the problem but not the solution. Climate Change is a complex issue, and there is no clear way to solve the problem. Activists like Greta propose massive government spending, yet countries like the U.S. are trillions of dollars in debt with no end in sight. I hope that capitalism, not socialism will solve these issues with innovative technologies like solid state batteries, longer lasting solar panels, and ocean power in the near future.



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Savannah Alcazar

The title caught my attention to this article. I didn’t know about Gretta before this article. I believe the world’s youth is key to solving world-wide problems. It is cool to see how she can make such an impact and care so much at a young age. She has inspired so many people! I admire her dedication to the climate change issues.



12:13 pm

Andres Ruiz

Greta Thunberg makes me feel old, and I’m 20. Her attitude is that of strong resilience, which I must say is a nice change of pace considering that science is currently being dismissed. The way she carries herself in the face of a lot of criticism is an admirable quality in such a young girl. In the coming years, I look forward to watching Greta as she goes about the world and I am interested to see where she chooses to go. In my heart, I know that Greta Thunberg, no matter where she goes, will have a legacy as the girl who stopped the world.



12:13 pm

Nelly Perez

Greta is a young woman who is an activist for climate change. She had protested in front of the Swedish parliament. This sparked inspiration for other people to do the same around the world. What’s cool is that she was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize this year. TIME Magazine even chose her as perdón of the year. Outstanding person.



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Amanda Shoemaker

I’ve always thought that Greta Thunberg is an inspirational figure, even if you don’t agree with her political stance. This article does a really great job of giving Greta’s story. Most of what you hear about Greta can be very negative and harmful to her platform, so it’s nice to read an article about how she’s taking a stance in protecting the planet and doing something good.



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Berenice Alvarado

Very interesting and well organized article. I had never heard of Greta Thunberg this article was sure to include a lot about her and now I know who she is. Such a young person with a brilliant mind. There might not be a solution yet to climate change but she sure is trying to look for one while others sit at home and do nothing. I love what she is doing to save our species.



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