StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
October 4, 2016

Ransom E. Olds: Drawing the line

Few people know the name of the person who was awarded the very first United States patent for automobile carriages. Even fewer people know that this person was also responsible for a number of other patents and inventions, such as a chair, the gasoline engine, trucks, and tractors. He invented two automobiles, ran two companies, and had a city named after him.1 The name Henry Ford probably pops into your head. However, the person responsible for these various patents and accomplishments is Mr. Ransom Eli Olds. Olds, a victim to the sands of time, is remembered by only a few, even though he is credited for having some of the most impactful ideas for the automotive industry.

Ransom Eli Olds | Courtesy of Farmer Collector
Ransom Eli Olds | Michigan| Courtesy of Farmer Collector

Ransom E. Olds was born June 3, 1864 to a blacksmith (Pliny Fiske Olds) and a pattern-maker (Sarah Whipple Olds) in Geneva, Ohio. By 1880, his father established a machine shop in Lansing, Michigan, and so it was there that the Olds’ roots were planted.2 Like many of the innovators of the 21st century, Old’s only had a formal education up to high school (technically having dropped out at age 16).3 His education, however, did not impede his dexterous abilities. He went to work for his father after dropping out. His father welcomed him in and even encouraged his tinkering with the machines.4 From the onset, Olds had a vision of a horseless carriage. After working for his father for two years (without pay), his tinkering finally paid off with his first steam-powered engine. Impressed by his son’s creation, Olds’ father began paying him fifty cents a day. After noting how impressive the steam engine was, however, his pay was quadrupled to two dollars a day.5

Oldsmobile Curved Dash, 1902 | MIchigan | Courtesy of General Motors Corp.; RM Auctions
Oldsmobile Curved Dash | 1902 | Michigan | Courtesy of General Motors Corp.; RM Auctions

Old’s purchased a half-share in his father’s business and rebranded it to P.F. Olds & Son.6 Olds’ successes continued, and in 1893, his steam powered horseless carriage became the first American automobile exported to India.7 In 1897, following the immense success of his engine, and only a year after his patent was accepted, Olds founded Olds Motor Vehicle Company to begin manufacturing some of the first steam-powered engines, by method of gasoline. Two years later he sold a large share of his company and it was renamed to Olds Motor Works and relocated to Detroit to begin mass producing the Curved Dash Oldsmobile.8. The Curved Dash Oldsmobile would go on to be one the first commercially available vehicle for the mass market. Starting at just $650 it was this price point that allowed accessibility for citizens of various backgrounds to purchase them.9 One of the reasons it was so cheap to the consumer was because it was being built through an assembly line, the first of its kind.

The assembly line at the Chrysler plant in Windsor, similar to how the assembly line worked at the Old Works Company| Ontario| Courtesy of Flickr images
The assembly line at the Chrysler plant in Windsor, similar to how the assembly line worked at the Old Works Company| Ontario| Courtesy of Flickr images

Ransom E. Olds, not Ford, was the pioneer of the assembly line.10 It allowed for huge workloads to be broken down into various smaller tasks. Apart from cost reductions, it also provided a more efficient work environment. The assembly line led to faster production too. More and more products could be sold at a faster rate and reduced cost. The assembly line paired with industrialization was the catalyst that turned our nation from agriculture towards the modern day machine-driven world we know today. Much thanks is due to Ransom E. Olds, the creator of the assembly line.

  1. George S. May, R. E. Olds: Auto Industry Pioneer (Ann Arbor: Michigan State University, 1979), 363-365.
  2. Encyclopedia of the History of American Management, 2006, s.v. “Olds, Ransom Eli” by Morgen Witzel.
  3. Encyclopedia of the History of American Management, 2006, s.v. “Olds, Ransom Eli” by Morgen Witzel.
  4. May, R. E. Olds, 16, 41.
  5. Bill Vossler, “Man of Vision: Manufacturer Ransom E. Olds Left Lasting Imprint on Early Automotive Industry,” Farm Collector (2012).
  6. Bill Vossler, “Man of Vision: Manufacturer Ransom E. Olds Left Lasting Imprint on Early Automotive Industry,” Farm Collector (2012).
  7. May, R. E. Olds, 186.
  8.  “Ransom E. Olds,” R.E. Olds Foundation, September 30, 2011,
  9.  Charles H. Hindersman, Harold W. Fox, and George Fisk, “History and Trends,” Journal of Marketing 28, no. 3 (July 1964): 103.
  10. May, R. E. Olds, 7, 192, 363.

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Sergio Avila Roque

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Recent Comments


  • Joshua Breard

    I found this article to be very eye opening as it gives credit to where credit is due. Until reading this article, I did not know of Olds who really oversaw the assembly line in the automobile industry and was not given enough credit for what he did. This article highlights people like him who deserve the recognition they deserve for being instrumental to revelations like the assembly line.

  • Karina Nanez

    This is an incredible read, to think that the iconic name and man Henry Ford is not actually responsible for the inventions that made him a household name is astounding. It makes me wonder if Ransom Olds and his father look down on American history for almost completely scrubbing his name out of the history books. I also find it interesting that although he did not have a complete education he was still able to create the steam engine just from tinkering in the workshop.

  • Gabriela Serrato

    It is articles like this one that make me so grateful to be on this website. It gives credit to the true man responsible! It is so sad that Henry Ford has such a bright light shone on him because so many believe he began and invented what Old actually did. I feel so enlightened to now know the truth and that I can share and pass it along. It is incredible how rich our history is, but it is so important to give correct credit.

  • Lianna Ybarra

    Very well done! Your opening paragraph grabbed my attention because you’re right, you typically think of Ford when you think of the automobile business. But it’s sad that Mr. Ransom didn’t get any credit at all where it was deserved and how we was the reason for the assembly line and automobile. I like how you talked about the life and career of Ransom and how it shed more light on him.

  • Hayden Hollinger

    I found this article very informative and it was very surprising to me that an invention so popular and important was credited to the wrong person. I found it very admirable at the amount Olds did and invented during his life. I can’t believe I have never heard of Ransom Eli Olds given the importance of his inventions. I like how this article corrected many misconceptions that people may have.

  • Aimee Trevino

    Really informative article! I truly believed Henry Ford started the entire automotive business, so it is really interesting to read that it is actually Ransom E. Olds. Really sad that he does not get this recognition. I also really liked how you included the wages, as it is so cool to compare it to now! Overall, it is clear you did your research, and I really enjoyed reading this article.

  • Tyler Sleeter

    Great information in this article. I distinctly remember watching a video in high school that proclaimed Henry Ford the inventor of the assembly line, and I am stunned to learn it was actually invented by a man I have never heard of before. The story of Ransom Olds reminds me of the story of Tesla. Two great men that invented great things that have (or in Tesla’s case could have) changed the way of life in America but never got the credit they earned and rightfully deserved. Such a shame for history textbooks to get it so wrong.

  • Briana Bustamante

    Wow very informative article! I believed that it was Henry Ford was the man who invented the automobile industry. Also, I did not even know who Ransome E. Olds was until I read this article. The photo’s that you chose fit your article very well. You chose a great list of sources to work with. Thank you for doing research and informing us about Ransome E. Olds. I feel that now many people who will read your article, will too, be informed and shocked about this discovery.

  • Alyssa Valdez

    Wow very interesting and informative article! I am honestly a bit surprised after reading this piece as I was was completely unaware of Olds. While in high school we were taught in my history class that Ford was the one who manly established automobiles. I had truly never heard of Ransom E. Olds. How sad that he doesn’t get the recognition that he deserves.

  • Sam Vandenbrink

    Its hard to think sometimes that aimless tinkering can lead to incredible inventions and Mr. Ransom really proves us wrong by being able to have incredible success, really starting by just tinkering. Very well written article. I learned allot about Mr. Ransom and all his success, I didn’t know much at all around the topic and now I feel like I could describe it to someone.

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