StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
sUStainability starts with US



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  • Mikayla Trejo

    This info graphic reflects one of the basic principles of civic engagement, which is, it starts with you in your own community. To encourage students to ensure the well-being of the community that they reside in is noble and imperative. Thank you for encouraging individuals to lead a life of service and sustainability.

  • Alexis Silva

    This infographic does a nice job at incorporating pictures that tie into the topic. The colors chosen also help the information flow well. I really like the title, it helps draw the audiences attention and realize that in order to create change, everyone has to do it. Overall, The infographic helps the audience by proposing ways they can implement positive environmental changes into their daily life.

  • Fernando Garza

    Very-well informed infographic. I was able to follow along nicely and appreciated the bold words, however I do also think that many of the text boxes were a little wordy. The design is very nice and appealing, I very much enjoyed the lighter colors and images used. Overall the message is a great way to remind us of how our everyday habits can improve the world around us.

  • Andrew Ramon

    I really like how to title has “us” clear and up front to emphasize that it takes us all to help our planet. I think the graphics and colors used in this go well together and the information provided is very helpful. That statistic about how in 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean is very shocking and sad to read. I think our campus here at St. Mary’s does a great job at promoting sustainability with recent events like the clothes market and the reusable to go boxes in the cafeteria. 

  • Maria Guerrero

    This topic is extremely essential in today’s culture, and the material provided does a fantastic job of teaching the audience about it. Additionally, the graphic promotes volunteerism and discusses significant environmental challenges. The author makes the case that although business behaviors and government laws have a role in tackling climate change, it is primarily up to every individual to make changes in our daily routines that contribute to a more sustainable future.

  • Andrea Realyvasquez

    This infographic is a great and easy way for college students to learn about how they can do their part in becoming more conscious about their decisions regarding the environment. Considering the methods mentioned are extremely easy and accessible for students and any other reader to try on their own, this infographic does a good job of portraying the idea of how sustainability is a call to action for multiple people, not individuals.

  • Lauren Sahadi

    I was a little confused in the beginning of the infographic with the goals. It went from goal 1 to 4 and 5. I think I understand it now, but am still a little unsure. The infographic is visually gorgeous and the color theme of it goes with the material. I loved how it was short in sweet, but you get a good amount of information. Overall, great infographic.

  • Eduardo Saucedo Moreno


    Really good job with your infographic. Out of all the ones I have seen so far, I think this is the most simple one I’ve seen. This topic relates to Civic Engagement because in order for our planet earth to be considered a safe space to live in, we need to do our part in making sure we, as a community, are able to clean our living space as well as the public areas to make sure we don’t end up having our environment too contaminated. Something I liked about this infographic is the length. The length made this look simple to understand and it never felt like the information was too clustered together. Something that I would hav changed would be to probably make it a little longer because I think that you guys could have expanded more on this topic.

  • Daniel Gutierrez

    Streamline and effective! This poster uses a great tone to effectively provide information while not limiting the amount of information that was given. Though my only gripe is the length of information that was placed inside the poster. I know all the information is important but if there is any way to condense to keep readers intentions I would recommend the change.

  • Luis Dena

    Hello, this was a very good infographic. I thought that this was an overall well known topic by many but It was still very interesting. I enjoyed the fact that it started off by talking about students and schools and how they can help to become more sustainable. There was also a very good use of colors and visuals to help engage the reader. Overall a well done infographic

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