StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
November 10, 2024

The Amyloid Protein Invades the Brain: The dangers of Alzheimer’s on a Molecular Level





We would like to extend our thanks to Dr. Shackleford for the patience, and guidance throughout this research project. We would also like to thank RSC tutor Franchesca Tinacba for her thoughts and creative ideas into helping put our ideas and research out as well as giving thoughtful feedback into our research project. Dr. Shackleford’s input and eye in design helped guide our project to be able to achieve confident results as well as Franchesca Tinacba’s support and tutoring.


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  • Byron Marinelarena

    I was very interested in psychology at one point and had learned that nicotine is beneficial to Alzheimer’s and can stop it entirely. However, the forms we ingest it in such as vaping and cigarettes is carcinogenic, meaning it can cause cancer. Great infographic.

  • Hello! I like how this infographic goes into a deeper explanation on how Alzheimer’s disease affects the brain on a molecular level. It shows how the amyloid-beta protein disrupts the cell membrane, leading to cell death and brain damage. I like the message because it raises awareness about the complex science behind Alzheimer’s and how it affects the brain. The use of clear images and simple language makes it easy to understand.

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