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December 13, 2019

The Becoming of Dr. Death: Harold Shipman

What happens if the doctor in charge of your life decides to play God? What happens if the doctor decided to end it? On September 7, 1998, Dr. Harold Shipman was arrested for the murder of Kathleen Grundy. October 5, 1999, his trial began at Preston Crown Court and he was accused of killing fifteen elderly patients. On January 31, 2000, he was sentenced to life in prison for all fifteen counts of murder.1 But this is only the end of Shipman’s career. How does someone become this kind of killer? Was there always this desire lurking within him? Or is this the path that was shaped by his past? This begins the becoming of Dr. Death.

Harold Shipman was born as the middle child into a working-class family on January 14, 1946. He was born from his father, Harold Frederick Shipman, who was a truck driver and his mother Vera Brittan.2 Both of his parents were devout Methodists. Harold would become the favorite child of his domineering mother, which allowed her to instill a sense of superiority in him. This would taint most of his later relationships, leaving him an isolated adolescent with few friends, despite being an accomplished rugby player in youth leagues. However, Shipman’s life would be forever altered at the age of seventeen, when his mother was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer.3 He would willingly look over her well being and would later become fascinated by the observations he made about the effect that the administration of morphine had on his mother’s suffering. She would pass away on June 21, 1963, and devastated by his loss, Shipman would decide to go to medical school. Shipman received a scholarship to medical school and was admitted to Leeds University Medical School after having failed his entrance exams, before serving his hospital internship. On November 5, 1966, at the age of nineteen, he would marry a farmer’s daughter, Primrose May Oxtoby, when she was seventeen and five months pregnant with their first child. Shipman graduated from Leeds University in 1970.4 Then he would begin working at Pontefract General Infirmary in Pontefract, West Riding of Yorkshire. Then in 1974, as a father of two, he took his first position as a general practitioner at the Abraham Ormerod Medical Centre in Todmorden. Initially, Shipman thrived. However, this changed when he developed an addiction to the painkiller Pethidine.

Pethidine (meperidine) is a narcotic that can be used for moderate to severe pain. It was first described by German chemist Otto Eisleb and Austrian pharmacologist Otto Schaumann in 1939 as being a compound derived from a series of potential atropine-like spasmolytic compounds, but having morphine-like analgesic activity.5 Atropine is an involuntary nervous system blocker, and spasmolytic is a drug or treatment that can relieve spasm of smooth muscle.6 Analgesic activity indicates the acting of pain relief.7 Addiction is described as a complex condition that often results in an emotional and physical dependence on the drug, even when met head-on with harmful consequences. Sections of the brain and spinal cord contain cells that have opiate receptors, structures that normally bind to the body’s natural painkilling chemicals. When the natural chemicals bind to the receptors, the pain signals that travel to the brain are diminished. Because the structures of the natural chemicals are very similar, it allows the narcotics to bind to cells’ receptors for natural painkillers. However, the pleasures of narcotics are quickly short. After a short amount of time, a user finds that the small dose that originally produced the effect is no longer effective. This occurs because the presence of narcotics in the brain causes it to stop using its built-in pain-blocking mechanisms, causing the drug to lose some of its effectiveness. As a result, the user needs increasingly larger doses of narcotics to experience the same feeling as before. This condition is called habituation or tolerance. Those who are addicted to narcotics and many other drugs suffer long-term health problems. Users tend to lose appetite, suffer long-term constipation,  scarred or collapsed veins, infections of blood vessels and the skin, and hypoxia. Since opiates cause slow, shallow breathing, addicts do not take in enough oxygen to maintain normal levels in their blood. In the brain, lack of adequate oxygen can cause irreversible damage to neurons.8

After being caught forging prescriptions of pethidine, Shipman was fined £600 and briefly attended a drug rehabilitation clinic in York. He became a general practitioner at the Donneybrook Medical Centre in Hyde near Manchester, in 1977.9 He masked himself as a hardworking doctor, who enjoyed the trust of patients, although he had a reputation for arrogance among junior staff. He continued working as a general practitioner throughout the 1980s, and began his surgery in 1993, and became a respected member of the community.10 In 1983, he was interviewed on the Granada television documentary World in Action on how the mentally ill should be treated in the community. A year after his conviction, the interview was re-broadcast on Tonight with Trevor McDonald. However, in March 1998, Linda Reynolds of the Donneybrook Surgery, prompted by Deborah Massey from Frank Massey and Sons’ Funeral Parlour, expressed concerns to John Pollard, the coroner for the South Manchester District, about the high number of deaths among Shipman’s patients. The most concerning was a large number of cremation forms for elderly women that Shipman had needed to be countersigned. The matter was brought to the police. However, they weren’t able to find sufficient evidence to press charges; the police were later blamed for assigning inexperienced officers to the case. On April 7, 1998, the police abandoned the investigation. How did he get away this time?11 By his method of administering lethal doses of diamorphine (pharmaceutical heroin) into his unknowing victims.

Diamorphine was Dr. Harold Shipman’s method of murder | Courtesy of Wikipedia

Forensic toxicology is defined as the application of toxicology for the law. Toxicology is a branch of science that surrounds the nature, effects, and detection of poisons. Toxicologic investigations are important in cases such as homicides, where many deaths are drug-related.12 Many of Shipman’s victims’ bodies were cremated. However, they were able to exhume twelve victims. Analysis of the skeletal muscle disclosed that there were significant quantities of morphine, to which the deaths were attributed.13 Julie Evans, the forensic scientist who analyzed the levels of morphine found in some of the victims’ bodies, submitted evidence to the court. A substantial amount of the drug was found in samples taken from the thigh and liver of Kathleen Grundy. Other samples were taken from the bodies of other victims Bianka Pomfret, Winifred Mellor, Joan Melia, Ivy Lomas, Marie Quinn, Irene Turner, Jean Lilley, and Muriel Grimshaw, all of whom also revealed morphine.

Harold Shipman Mug Shot | Courtesy of Wakefield Prison

Shipman, however, wouldn’t get away with it forever. His last victim was Kathleen Grundy, a former ceremonial Mayor of Hyde and active wealthy 81-year-old widow, who was found dead at her home on June 24, 1998. Shipman was the last person to see her alive and later signed her death certificate. Grundy’s daughter, lawyer Angela Woodruff, became concerned when solicitor Brian Burgess informed her that a will had been made, apparently by her mother. The will excluded Woodruff and her children but left £386,000 to Shipman.14 At Burgess’s urging, Woodruff went to the police, who began an investigation. Grundy’s body was exhumed and examined, was found to contain traces of diamorphine. Shipman claimed that she was an addict, and showed them comments he had written to that effect in his computerized medical journal; however, an examination of his computer showed that they were written after her death. Shipman was arrested on September 7, 1998, and was found to own a typewriter of the kind used to make the forged will.15 Other deaths Shipman had certified were then investigated by the police. They discovered a pattern of his administering lethal doses of diamorphine, signing patients’ death certificates, and then falsifying medical records to indicate that they had been in poor health. Shipman’s trial presided over by Justice Forbes, began on October 5, 1999. Shipman was charged with the murders of Marie West, Irene Turner, Lizzie Adams, Jean Lilley, Ivy Lomas, Muriel Grimshaw, Marie Quinn, Kathleen Wagstaff, Bianka Pomfret, Norah Nuttall, Pamela Hillier, Maureen Ward, Winifred Mellor, Joan Melia, and Kathleen Grundy, all of whom had died between 1995 and 1998.16 On January 31, 2000, after six days of deliberation, the jury found Shipman guilty of killing fifteen patients by lethal injections of diamorphine and forging the will of Kathleen Grundy. The trial judge sentenced him to fifteen consecutive life sentences and recommended that he never be released.

This image shows photos of some of Dr. Harold Shipman’s victims | Courtesy of The Sun (UK News Company)

The Shipman Inquiry was the report produced by a British governmental investigation into Shipman. The inquiry released its findings in various stages, with its sixth and final report being released on January 27, 2005. It was chaired by Dame Janet Smith DBE.17 While Shipman was convicted of fifteen murders, the inquiry in July 2002 established that he had killed at least 215 people, and may have killed as many as 260, or even more. The inquiry took approximately 2,500 witness statements and analyzed approximately 270,000 pages of evidence. In total, the six reports ran to 5,000 pages and the investigation cost £21 million.18

Shipman’s life ended when he hung himself in his cell at Wakefield Prison on January 13, 2004, on the eve of his 58th birthday.19 A Prison Service statement indicated that Shipman had hanged himself from the window bars of his cell using bed sheets. Today the number of lives that Shipman took from this earth is still unknown. However, we remember the names of the fifteen known victims. Marie West, Irene Turner, Lizzie Adams, Jean Lilley, Ivy Lomas, Muriel Grimshaw, Marie Quinn, Laura Kathleen Wagstaff, Bianka Pomfret, Norah Nuttall, Pamela Marguerite Hillier, Maureen Alice Ward, Winifred Mellor, Joan May Melia, and Kathleen Grundy.

  1. Alec Samuels, “Doctor Harold Shipman,” Medico-Legal Journal 68, no. 2 (2000): 37.
  2. Robert M. Kaplan, Medical Murder : Disturbing Cases of Doctors Who Kill (Crows Nest: Allen & Unwin, 2009), 84.
  3. Robert M. Kaplan, Medical Murder : Disturbing Cases of Doctors Who Kill (Crows Nest: Allen & Unwin, 2009), 84.
  4. Trevor Jackson and Richard Smith, “Harold Shipman,”  British Medical Journal 328, no. 7433 (2004): 231.
  5. Laurence E. Mather and Peter J. Meffin, “Clinical Pharmacokinetics Pethidine,” Clinical Pharmacokinetics 3, no. 5 (1978): 352,
  6. Neville McBrien, Moghaddam, Reeder “Atropine Reduces Experimental Myopia and Eye Enlargement via a Nonaccommodative Mechanism,” Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 34, no. 1 (2015): 205.
  7. Kyoichi Shimomura, “Analgesic Effect of Morphine Glucuronides.” The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine 105, no. 1, (1971): 47,
  8. Drug Education Library, 2003, s.v.‌ “Narcotic Addiction and Abuse.”
  9. Richard Baker, “Implications of Harold Shipman for General Practice,” Postgraduate Medical Journal 80 (2004): 305.
  10. Alec Samuels, “Doctor Harold Shipman,” Medico-Legal Journal 68, no. 2 (2000): 37.
  11. Dame Janet Smith, The Shipman Inquiry (London: The Stationery Office, 2002-2005), 108.
  12. Barry ‌Levine, Principles of Forensic Toxicology (United States: AACC Press, 2003), 3-4.
  13. Derrick Pounder, “The Case of Dr. Shipman.” American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology 24 (2003): 219.
  14. Owen Dyer, “Shipman murdered more than 200 patients, inquiry finds,” BMJ (Clinical research ed.) 325, no. 7357 (2002): 181, doi:10.1136/bmj.325.7357.181/a
  15. Maxine Frith, GMC strikes Shipman off medical register (London: The Independent, 2000)
  16. Michael Kennedy, “Dr Shipman, Murder and Forensic Toxicology,” Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences 41, no. 1 (2009): 3-6,
  17. Owen Dyer, “Shipman murdered more than 200 patients, inquiry finds,” BMJ (Clinical research ed.) 325, no. 7357 (2002): 181, doi:10.1136/bmj.325.7357.181/a
  18. Dame Janet Smith, The Shipman Inquiry (London: The Stationery Office, 2002-2005), 5.
  19. Robert M. Kaplan, Medical Murder : Disturbing Cases of Doctors Who Kill (Crows Nest: Allen & Unwin, 2009), 84.

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Kathryn Martinez

My name is Kathryn Martinez. I am a forensic science criminology major with a minor in biology, graduating in the fall of 2022.

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Recent Comments


  • Emilia Caballero Carmona

    Hey Kathryn, your article was so interesting to read! What caught my eye was the title “The Becoming of Dr.Death: Harold Shipman”, after reading the article I can assure you that title fits him perfectly. I really liked the part where you mentioned Forensic Toxicology and how for these cases it was such a crucial part proving he was guilty because by doing toxicology reports on the victims, they proved the victims had high levels of morphine in their bodies.

  • Ashley Perez

    The fact that a man who started his career in medicine with such passion, later deliberately took the lives of innocent people is dreadfully ironic. Shipman could have used his knowledge to make such a positive impact in the world, yet he chose to leave the disturbing legacy described in this article. Situations like these leave people wondering how someone seemingly so driven to do good could turn out to be so deranged. Perhaps the passion he showed the world was just a cover up for his true intentions all along. Hopefully in future cases, it takes people less time to see through facades like Shipman’s.

  • Chloe Martinez

    After reading this article, it made me realize how scary a doctor’s position can be. I wondered how the pharmacy wouldn’t question the amount of diamorphine being given out due to Dr. Shipman’s request, however it occurred to me that he had a PhD and was seeing thousands of patients. Therefore, it wouldn’t be weird to distribute a common opioid medication. It just blows my mind that he would abuse the power of prescription to not only fulfill his addiction, but to also use it as a weapon to kill 230+ patients. This article also reminded me of a case in which this nurse, Beverly Allitt, was convicted in 1993 for intentionally killing patients, one of which was due to an overdose of insulin. Even though, she did not have any power in prescribing medication, she would use her role as a nurse to kill patients. This perks my curiosity, how can we prevent this sort of action from happening? Would there now be a need of an overseer to check prescriptions per each patient case?

  • Michaela Jeanis

    This article is very informative. I have watched a few true crime videos about Harold Shipman before and wasn’t aware of his addiction. I knew about his strange behavior that made many wary of him, including other doctors who had worked with him. He is one of many serial killers who had intense relationships with their mothers that was later seen to be related to their killings. It’s interesting his mother’s reaction to morphine may be related to his use of it to overdose elderly patients. He abused the trust his patients and their families had in him as a doctor and to take care of elderly family members. He broke his oath to do no harm.

  • Berenice Alvarado

    This article was very interesting. I think it is crazy that a Doctor who is sworn in to protect life would go to become such a killer, but at the end of the day he was only human. I put so much trust into my own doctors, but after reading this I realize that they’re not as perfect. Now every time I go visit a doctor I’m going to think about this article and be scared.

  • Stephen Talik

    You did a good job conveying the horrific murders Shipman committed. It’s cases like this that show the argument for more oversight over the elderly and gravely injured.

  • Aracely Beltran

    Great explanatory article. However, this was so sad and upsetting to read. It really makes me mad how some people could be this way. I know that a lot of people might use the death of his mother to excuse his heinous behavior. There is no excuse, we all lose people but that doesn’t mean we want to murder everyone!

  • Francisco Cruzado

    I would have liked to know more details about the actual becoming of Dr Death, more about his troublesome youth and his deeds when younger. The article gives an excellent explanation of certain medical terms I was not aware of and got me engaged since the second digression. I wonder how the last referred investigation went, it sounds insane that such a man could have killed over 2 thousand people.

  • Nelly Perez

    No one should be afraid to put their lives into the hands of their doctor. We do have worries about something going wrong, but things like Shipman did terrify me a little. His mom was overbearing to him which is a little toxic parenting because he needs some air to breathe. The science behind addiction and chemicals really explained the causes which was interesting to learn. It’s sad to hear that 15 lives were lost because of Shipman’s doing.

  • Sara Guerrero

    For some reason Dr. Harold Shipman reminds me of Jack Kevorkian, the doctor who also killed elderly patients, but Kevorkian’s patients wanted to die willingly. It’s still debatable whether it was unethical for Kevorkian to kill these patients. Anyways, reading this story of Dr. Shipman in a way it does make me wonder if these patients ever wanted to die willingly, but seeing that he was addicted to Pethidine it probably made him crazy and I feel sympathy for the elderly people that died in his care.

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