Acknowledgments: We’d like to thank Dr. Shackleford for guiding and advising us throughout the entire process of researching this graphic, your patience and willingness to help are beyond appreciated! We’d also like to thank student tutor Franchesca Tinacba for her support and guidance through the revising and editing of this project, as well as our classmates for their advice throughout the revising process as well. Thank you all so much!

Your info graphic really caught my eyes because of how you designed it, it’s easy to read and made me want to continue to read and learn more. I didn’t know there was so much unknown about the nucleus, for example I didn’t know that the syntropy model has a hypothesis that the nucleus was formed from an archaeon that made its way from inside of a sulfate- reducing deltaproteobacterial cell with the mitochondria joining them later. I never thought about how everything came about in our cells, and it’s shocking to find out that scientist don’t know either. Another fact that caught my eye on the infographic is that the nucleus wasn’t discovered until 1911, which is a while ago. But in reality, isn’t that far ago. Thank you for this great information!
Jakob Hanks
Very neat infographic! I really enjoyed reading through all of it and strengthening my knowledge on the nucleus and where it originated from. This infographic is organized very effectively and the colors and images all go together very well. I like the fact that you all stressed the importance of the origin of the nucleus at the end. The way you all related the nucleus to the brain made perfect sense and helped me to realize how important the nucleus is to all eukaryotic cells. Overall, this infographic was very well rounded and I learned new facts pertaining to the nucleus after reading it. Awesome job!
Evan Villarreal
First thing that jumped out at me was the color! The contrasting color made the infographic very pleasing to read. The fun fact regarding the sand was a great hook and it engaged my curiosity more. Having four models of where the nucleus originated was a smart move because this theory can never be 100% true. I really think it’s interesting how the nucleus is so important yet we are not really sure where it came from. Great job!