StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
April 5, 2024

The Secret to Life on Earth: Cyanobacteria

Angie Mogollon

I’m a first-gen first-year student majoring in forensic Biology from Asturias, Spain.

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  • Byron Marinelarena

    This is a great infographic that informed me about cyanobacteria and what it can do to humans. I was completely unaware of its importance for oxygenation prior to reading this infographic. Good job!

  • This is very interesting! I think we often associate oxygen with plants, and forget that there are more oxygen producing organisms with immense impact too. I love how this infographic can be a conversation starter about cyanobacteria and their very important role on earth. I definitely learned a lot about them. There are very nice images and they all follow the green color scheme!

  • Martin Martinez

    For a long time I thought that plants were the only major autotrophs in the oceans and land. I didn’t even know that these types of cells existed. Is this a primitive cell? Were these cells some of the first to have existed? One could conclude that it is probable. I would also like to see where these cells branched off from plant cells.

  • Maria Fernanda Guerrero

    Oh wow! This is very interesting. I didn’t know humans have such a high percentage of getting sick from cyanobacteria, even higher than pets is shocking. I liked how you illustrated all the negative effects cyanobacteria causes. Now I’m curious what are some actions we can do to prevent this bacteria from building? Or if it does manifest what is the protocol of getting rid of it? Would there be any long term effects if humans or animals have it?

  • Bella Gutierrez

    Hi Angie! This is a great infographic, and it made me realize how little I know about cyanobacteria. I didn’t realize that humans could get sick from it and that it was dangerous to nature. However, the importance of this bacteria in different habitats is clearly highlighted in his infographic, along with the negative effects. Congrats on your nomination!

  • Quinten Mero

    Great infographic! I appreciated the format you created for this infographic it was very easy to follow and wonderfully informative. I found it interesting that this bacteria has such a significant influence on the natural environment of bodies of water. It was also interesting to learn about the potential harm an excess of this bacteria could cause to not only these same environments but also to human and livestock populations that come into contact with it.

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