StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University

Isabel Gerwig

Isabel Gerwig is Class of 2027 Political Science and International and Global Studies Dual Major. She is passionate about researching Space History, Women's rights, and Global Affairs.

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  • Martin Martinez

    It’s shame that we haven’t gone back sooner. I understand that there are new safety precautions, but sadly we don’t have the wartime and our need to prove our “superiority” driving us to be greater. Hopefully Artemis II isn’t pushed back again. I’d really love to see where we can get in 2025.

  • Stela Naomi Sifuentes

    What an infographic! The race to the moon captured the imagination of people around the world and inspired generations of scientists, engineers, and explorers. Each success in space exploration was used for propaganda purposes to showcase the superiority of one political system over the other.

  • dandrews2

    Hi Isabel, I really like this timeline overall. First, it is visually appealing and as any reader can see how you split up the events by placing the United States race to the moon events on the top half and Soviet Union race to the moon events on the bottom. Second, you did a great job displaying all the information with the proper images and sources. Thirdly, the background was a good choice to reflect the space theme here but not standing out too much. Very well done.

  • Esmeralda Gomez

    Hi Isabel! I loved the composition and the way you laid out the timeline! This was a great usage of space and colors that were well thought-out. Your timeline is very interesting to me, as someone who is interested in space and the human fascination with it, this was a very delightful read! Amazing work and I wish you the best with your nomination.

  • Luis Ramirez

    This timeline that you created is one of the most interesting infographics that I have gone over. You did an excellent job with selecting your images for the timeline. You also did a good job when displaying your information you did it in a way where the text is appealing to read. Finally, you did a good job of selecting a background that is interesting but not to where it is distracting. Very well done

  • The space race was an amazing feat of human ingenuity. I find it interesting that this great feat of humankind was so heavily influenced by conflicts such as the Second World War. The invention of the V2 rocket was meant for the Germans to bombard deep into England, but to learn this rocket was also the foundation of modern space travel is fascinating!

  • Bella Gutierrez

    I love this infographic! Very well done and fun to look at.

  • Patricia Jaramillo

    Excellent use of citations and well-written narrative.

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