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Walter McMillian lived an ordinary life alongside his wife Minnie McMillian and their three children. McMillian had a business of his own and was an upstanding member of his community. Aside from having a misdemeanor charge from a barroom fight, he had a clean record and no other charges to his name. His loving friends and family spoke very highly of him and of everything he did for his community.1

On November 1, 1986 in Monroeville, Alabama, shocking news struck the town. There was a tragic murder of eighteen-year-old Ronda Morrison. The crime took place at the Jackson Cleaners in Monroeville. The community heard about the tragedy as many had gathered for a fish-fry at McMillan’s home to raise money for their local church. McMillian clearly recalled the moment the news got to them. McMillian was shocked and absolutely saddened to hear about it. Little did he know that the murder of Ronda Morrison would impact his life in a major way later on.2

On June 7, 1987 at around 11:00 a.m, McMillian was peacefully driving down Route 84. Suddenly, State Troopers, city cars, sheriffs, and deputies surrounded his car. They stopped him with guns pointing at his face, and they shoved him up against his truck. McMillian was completely clueless as to why this was happening to him. When he asked for an explanation, they loudly and angrily said that he was being charged with sodomy for assaulting a man. This left McMillian even more clueless as they didn’t provide him with an explanation for how or why he was being charged with such a crime. He was then taken to the local jail where the charge was quickly dismissed. A deputy then revealed to McMillian that the initial charge was only a way to impound his truck. His truck was later examined by Bill Hooks who claimed to have seen McMillians’ truck at the cleaners. Hooks later testified at McMillians’ trial. At the trial, Hooks kept his testimony and claimed to have seen the truck near the Jackson Cleaners at the time of Ronda Morrison’s murder.3

Pictured above is the sign of the Monroe County Courthouse in Alabama | Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

McMillian was innocent. He knew it, his family knew it, and his friends knew it. As a black man living in southern Alabama, McMillian didn’t stand a chance. That one testimony of Hooks’ was all it took to convict him for the murder of Ronda Morrison. Within weeks, McMillian was transferred to a maximum-security state prison in Atmore, Alabama. McMillian was then placed in a cell on death row where he waited for a year before his trial took place. McMillian recalls his time there as a terrible experience. He was allowed forty-five minutes of exercise per day and a few hours in the day room per week. His days were spent twenty-three hours a day in a dark cell. The visits from his family were the only thing getting him by in his time there. His time spent in prison was torture not only to McMillian but to his family and friends as well. They knew their statements against a white man’s perjured testimony didn’t stand a chance.4

Bryan Stevenson took on Walter McMillian’s case while he was on death row and eventually helped set him free | Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

McMillian’s trial lasted two days. He had about half a dozen of his friends and family members testifying that they were with him at the time of the crime. Despite having various witnesses on his side, it seemed useless. All he could do was sit there and listen as three witnesses for the prosecution lied in their testimonies. The false testimonies claimed that they had seen McMillian near the cleaners the morning of the murder. Each testimony had inconsistencies in their stories, but that did not matter. The jury then found McMillian guilty despite that there was no physical evidence that linked him to the crime. McMillian was looking at two options for his sentence: death by electrocution, or life in prison. After the jury took a vote, the final decision was made, and McMillian was sentenced to death.5

In 1988, freshly graduated from Harvard, Bryan Stevenson was eager to help inmates on death row. Stevenson came across McMillian’s case and met with him and began working on appealing his case. Stevenson presented the newfound evidence at hearings and appeals before the Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals. Part of the evidence revealed a tape where a witness confessed to having been pressured to frame McMillan. On March 3, 1993, the County District Attorney finally dismissed the charges. At last, Walter McMillian was a free man again, after spending six years on death row.6

Seal of the Unified Judicial System of Alabama | Courtesy of Wikipedia

Once McMillian was free and returned to his hometown, he sought compensation. He filed civil lawsuits against state and local officials for his wrongful conviction. He also filed civil lawsuits for his sentencing to death row. The officials involved in prosecuting McMillian received no punishment or removal from their positions. While McMillian did receive an undisclosed amount of compensation, it was less than he had hoped for. Those six years on death row traumatized McMillian in many unthinkable ways. It took a significant toll on his health and led to him developing early-onset dementia. Walter McMillian passed away on September 11, 2013.7

  1. Pete Earley, Circumstantial Evidence: Death, Life, and Justice in a Southern Town (New York: Bantam Books, 1996.) 31.
  2. Michael B. Ross, “The Execution of Innocence,” Peace Review 10, no. 3 (1998): 481–483.
  3. Pete Earley, Circumstantial Evidence: Death, Life, and Justice in a Southern Town (New York: Bantam Books, 1996), 122.
  4. Pete Earley, Circumstantial Evidence: Death, Life, and Justice in a Southern Town (New York: Bantam Books, 1996), 150.
  5. Michael B. Ross, “The Execution of Innocence,” Peace Review 10, no. 3 (1998): 481–483.
  6. Michael B. Ross, “The Execution of Innocence,” Peace Review 10, no. 3 (1998): 481–483.
  7. Pete Earley, Circumstantial Evidence: Death, Life, and Justice in a Southern Town (New York: Bantam Books, 1996), 394.

Melanie Fraire

Author Portfolio Page

Recent Comments


  • Emmett Pena

    This story is sadly a tragic one. McMillian being framed for a crime he did not commit, merely for the color of his skin, is despicable. The court of law should not have gone the way it did and its effects were astronomical. A man lost precious time with his friends and family and hurt mentally because of false accusations against him. The author did a phenomenal job reporting the various trials and tribulations McMillian went through and the unnecessary use of racial discrimination that was against him.

  • Yaniev Ibarra

    As weird as this might sound, I was upset as I read this article because of the great injustice Walter McMillian faced. It is just a complete tragedy that an innocent man was racially discriminated and convicted for the murder of an 18 year old girl. Luckily, Bryan Stevenson looked over the case and was able to get the potential charge of murder off Walter McMillian. However, this article outlines the amount of falsely accused people have to serve the consequences for someone else’s actions, that is system failure, a sad reality. The article was very descriptive and informative! Great job!

  • Caroline Bush

    Great article about a tragic event. I find it disturbing that none of the people who prosecuted McMillian received any kind of punishment and that he did not even get the full amount of compensation that he so rightfully deserved. This is another example of the justice system hurting its citizens instead of protecting them, which should never happen. I find it incredibly tragic that McMillian died haunted by his time on death row, his only solace was that he was finally proven innocent for the crime he did not commit.

  • Aqsa Khan

    This story is heartbreaking and shows the brutal reality of the criminal justice system. It’s sad to see that someone could be found guilty solely based on the color of their skin. It’s crazy how some verdicts are based off of testimonies as some testimonies are false or could be mistaken for. It’s frustrating to see that the officials who were involved with the prosecution faced no consequences.

  • Alexis Lopez

    This was a great article to read and learn about William McMillian. This was a sad story to read the fact that this man didn’t do anything and yet was still put to death makes me question the system that we have in play of course this something that we still see till this day and it’s starting to happen more and more. It’s even more heartbreaking that everyone involved in this crime were not charged or punished but the innocent man was. This article is a great read and very detailed!

  • Rhys Kennedy

    The article went about telling this sad story in a very well done way, highlighting key information while still keeping a level of emotion to the telling. I would have liked to think before reading this that incidents like this would not have been steeped with this kind of blatant racism at the turn of the century, but I would stand corrected.

  • Alexandria Garcia

    This was a wonderful story that was clearly displayed in the Movie “Just Mercy”. Although a horrible time in history with a horrible situation, McMillian’s time on death row was a blessing in disguise because it allowed for Bryan Stevenson to come along and serve justice for so many other black males in Alabama death row. This not only was a clear statement of racism and prejudice to the community-but also led the way for many black lawyers, lawmakers and those who wanted to change the anti-minority sentiment.

  • Alison Morales-Aguilar

    This is such a sad story. I mean I’m sure those people involved in this case probably went on to condemn more innocent people just because of their skin color. When people think about the criminal justice system, they think it is amazing and just but all these stories just go to prove that there is still a lot of work to be done.

  • Haley Ticas

    This story is unfortunately the reality of the criminal justice system. Walter McMillian’s case is a clear example of racial discrimination in the justice system. This is the first time I have learned about this case and it was evident that there was a lack of evidence presented. McMillian was convicted of a crime he did not commit and it is truly shocking how many people are falsely accused and imprisoned. I am glad to have read that he was helped by Bryan Stevenson and was able to have the charges dismissed.

  • Caroline Bush

    A great article about a terrible tragedy. It’s upsetting that the justice system meant to protect its citizens and uphold justice is so easily tainted by racial discrimination. The fact these officers and everyone involved in Mr. Mcmillians sentence were not charged or punished in any way is horrible. Thank goodness that Mr. Stevenson took a look at Mr. Mcmillians case or an innocent man would have been killed because of racial discrimination.

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