StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University

the nightly encampments upon the historic Alamo Plaza, in the heart of the city, had been a carnival, a saturnalia that was renowned throughout the land.1

In the town of San Antonio, the Alamo Plaza transforms from a daytime marketplace into a lively nighttime fiesta. The plaza is bathed in twilight and flickering mesquite fires. The only other sources of light are distant street lamps and kerosene lanterns placed upon makeshift tables spread throughout the plaza. The lanterns shine and glimmer through colorful glass bottles, giving the plaza an effervescent glow. The sounds of the evening are boisterous, filled with the strum of guitars, the songs of troubadours, laughter, and a constant hum of conversation. Neighing horses, barking dogs, and cackling fowl can be heard in the distance. The aroma of simmering chili, grilled corn tortillas, and bitter coffee permeate the air. Hundreds of caterers sell their goods, and thousands of patrons wait to partake. This is the Chili Queens in their heyday, before it all came tumbling down. Eventually the plazas would silence, and the legendary Chili Queens would be lost to history.2

Chili Queens of San Antonio in Haymarket Plaza, 1933 | Courtesy of the San Antonio Light Photograph Collection

From dusk until dawn, the Chili Queens inhabited a nocturnal world in the plazas of San Antonio. But who were these legendary mujeres? What was it that elevated them to culinary royalty? “The Chili Queens” references the original purveyors of chili con carne, distributed at night throughout the plazas of San Antonio. These Queens were known for their delectable dishes ranging from their namesake, chile con carne, to enchilades, frijoles, tamales, chili verde, tortillas and to wash it all down, strong coffee, dark hot chocolate, or sweet atole. For a mere ten cents, you could enjoy a large bowl of chili with corn tortillas and cup of coffee.3

Aside from minor textual references dating back to the 1880s, historical accounts of individual Chili Queens do not exist. Researchers have pieced together components of their day-to-day lives through photographs, paintings, and various sources of journalism. Contrary to their royal title, Chili Queens were tough women working the night shift for a physically arduous job, with the goal of providing income for their families. Much like small, family owned restaurants of today, the process of operating a chili stand required all hands on deck. The family rented a plot of land in the plaza, and each day the pots, pans, food, and drinks to supply the stand had to be transported using a burro and wagon. The women of the family prepared portions of the food at home before bringing it to the plazas at night, where it was kept warm on charcoal braziers. Traditionally, the matron of the family was the main cook while the eldest daughter worked as hostess and served the patrons. Every morning, the supplies had to be packed up and transported back home until nighttime, when the cycle would repeat. Much more than just a nightly fiesta, life on the plazas was their livelihood.4

Chili Queen in San Antonio, March 1939 | Courtesy of Wikipedia Commons

At the turn of the twentieth century, the Chili Queens became known for their charm just as much as their culinary creations. Patrons came to the plazas to eat but they stayed for the beguiling Chili Queens, who joked, bantered, and flirted with their customers. The Chili Queen image transformed from a hardworking mother into a dark haired Mexicana with a sharp wit and bewitching allure. Soon, the Chili Queens gained notoriety beyond San Antonio, garnering attention from reporters and tourists alike. In a 1927 Frontier Times article, Frank Bushick described the “raven-haired, flashing-eyed senoritas of more or less pulchritude who served the customers and presided with an easy grace.”5 In a 1934 publication entitled Glamorous Days, Bushick provides a more intimate portrait of a Chili Queen: “The Chili Queens were adept at the art of rolling their own cigarettes with corn shucks and black tobacco, and they would roll cigarettes for customers, some played guitar and sang, and when given a tip, the chili queen curtsied.” Bushick also alludes to their adeptness in dealing with the often rowdy clientele, “They had the gift of banter, could kid around with customers, and could swear to slow down familiarity or diffuse rough stuff.”6 Although the chili stands were a popular tourist destination, not all reviews were kind. Stephen Crane, author of Red Badge of Courage, wrote in 1895 that “upon one of the plazas, Mexican vendors with open-air stands sell food that tastes exactly like pounded fire-brick from Hades — chili con carne, tamales, enchiladas, chili verde, frijoles.”7 The compilation of reviews, both positive and negative, made one thing clear — the Chili Queens made a name for themselves as a vibrant force in San Antonio history.

Throughout their two hundred year history, the Chili Queens migrated throughout the plazas of San Antonio, forced to move by city expansion and civic reform. In 1877, the arrival of the railroad in San Antonio marked a boom in tourism and spurred business for working class vendors. According to Jeffrey Pilcher, a Mexican food historian, many of these visitors settled permanently, “tipping the demographic balance and pushing the Mexican population out of the city center into segregated barrios on the west side.8 Military Plaza, or Plaza de Armas, was the site of San Antonio’s first marketplace and the first home of the Chili Queens. In 1889, a new city hall building erected on Military Plaza forced the Chili Queens to move west of San Pedro Creek. The Chili Queens also operated out of Main Plaza, Alamo Plaza, Haymarket Plaza and Milam Park, continually on the move due to municipal restrictions. In the 1900s, the vendors ignored a ban on their business and returned to the Alamo Plaza, where city officials tolerated their presence. When World War I began in 1914, San Antonio became an important military training center, which again moved the Chili Queens out of the Plazas and across San Pedro Creek. This back and forth movement continued for the next few decades until finally the vendors were all secluded into the Westside of San Antonio, where a majority of the Mexican population lived in crude shacks called jacales, made up of dirt floors and grass roofs.9

Chili Queen displaying health cards for the public | Courtesy of the San Antonio Light Photograph Collection
Mrs. Victorio Senorio cooking on gas stove in kitchen | Courtesy of the San Antonio Light Photograph Collection

Questionable sanitation was the pervasive theme responsible for the chili stand shutdowns. In 1937, with an election looming, Mayor Charles Kennon Quin deemed the chili stands unsanitary and banned them once again from the plazas. After much public outcry, the stands reopened. In 1939, Mayor Maury Maverick created a central commissary kitchen, with stipulations requiring each vendor to pass health inspections and display their passing cards for the public. The Chili Queens received official sanction to operate, but only within screened-in structures. This seemingly innocuous restriction stole the romanticism once emanated by the plazas. No longer could you enjoy a bowl of chili con carne under a starry Texas sky while captivated by an enchanting Chili Queen. The customers diminished, and the chili vendors followed suit. By 1943, health officials shut down the last remaining chili stands for unsanitary dish-washing facilities. The once lively plazas became abandoned and empty.10

The struggle for cultural and racial hegemony likely contributed to the end of the Chili Queen reign. An 1897 review from the San Antonio Express cautioned, “Ignorance in the details of their manufacture is necessary to the complete enjoyment of tamales. The abstinence seldom lasts long, however, for tamales have too rare a deliciousness to be renounced on account of a trifle of dirt.”11 It is debated whether the “trifle of dirt” the author mentions refers to the sanitary conditions of the prepared food or the racial quality of the women who made them. Early Anglo settlers claimed that “coyotes refuse chili seasoned Mexican carne.”12 These claims were especially damaging because Mexican women held the responsibility as carriers of culture, so the idea that chili stands were unsanitary enforced the harmful stereotype of the “dirty Mexican.”13 According to scholar Jeffrey Pilcher, “Anglos invented the chili queens in order to populate their fantasy heritage.”14 Thus, the exoticized and eroticized image of Chili Queens popularized in the 20th century was partly a product of Anglo marketing.

Eventually, entrepreneurs outside the Mexican community transformed the popular chili queen fare into a lucrative business opportunity through commercialization of chili powder, canned chili, and even canned tamales. The food processing industry was a profitable way to enjoy chili con carne without the imagined threat of racial contamination. In 1932, Elmer Doolin created a Tejano inspired snack from toasted corn tortillas, which he called Fritos. In addition, San Antonio was the birthplace of the first Pace Picante sauce.15

The Chili Queens may have vanished from the plazas of San Antonio, but their legacy will live on forever. These purveyors of chili con carne are the pioneers of Tex-Mex food. Once thought of as exotic dishes created by the descendants of Aztecs, Tex-Mex food is now a soothing and comforting dish, oozing nostalgia in each tasty bite. In 1977, the Texas Legislature even proclaimed chili con carne as the official state dish. Popular food trucks today owe their start to these open air chili stands.16

Aside from spurring a Tex-Mex revolution, the Chili Queens created a lasting impression. The plazas were almost otherworldly, a place where silk-hatted tourists, rough-handed vaqueros, soldiers, merchants, and traveling musicians were all were free and equal, sitting side by side to enjoy a bowl of chili con carne, happily spellbound by a Chili Queen. Although these mujeres dazzled many with their charms, they should be remembered as hard-working mothers, toiling day in and day out in grueling conditions. These women used their culinary skills to claim a public presence that was otherwise denied to them, and helped to pave the way for generations of women thereafter. According to scholar Pilcher, “Perhaps the greatest legacy of the chili vendors was their struggle to assert a form of cultural citizenship that helped to legitimize the Mexican presence in the multicultural mosaic of the United States.”17

Chili Queens Juanita and Esperanza Garcia making tortillas | Courtesy of the San Antonio Light Photograph Collection


Chili Stand in Haymarket Plaza, 1933 | Courtesy of the San Antonio Light Photograph Collection

It wasn’t just Mexican food on sale, but rather the romance of a vanquished people, a slice of Old Mexico in a state that hadn’t yet fully joined the Republic.18

  1. O. Henry and Paul J. Horowitz, “The Enchanted Kiss,” in Collected Stories of O. Henry (New York: Avenel Books Crown Publishers, 1979).
  2. Marian L. Martinello, The Search for a Chili Queen: On the Fringes of a Rebozo (Fort Worth, Texas: TCU Press, 2009), 1-11.
  3. Will Chapel Rogers III, “A History of Military Plaza to 1937” (Master’s thesis, Trinity University, May 1968), 48.
  4. Marian L. Martinello, The Search for a Chili Queen: On the Fringes of a Rebozo (Fort Worth, Texas: TCU Press, 2009), 39.
  5. Frank H. Bushick, “The Chili Queens of San Antonio,” Frontier Times 4, no. 10 (July 1927): 4-5.
  6. Frank H. Bushick, “Glamorous Days” (San Antonio, TX: Naylor, 1934).
  7. Frank W. Jennings, “Popular Chili Queens Graced San Antonio Plazas,” Journal Of The Life And Culture Of San Antonio (n.d.),
  8. Jeffrey M. Pilcher, “Who Chased Out the ‘Chili Queens’? Gender, Race, and Urban Reform in San Antonio, Texas, 1880–1943,” Food and Foodways 16, no. 3 (2008):176.
  9. Edmund Tijerina, “Chili Queens Once Ruled Alamo Plaza,” San Antonio Express News, January 28, 2015,
  10. Donna R. Gabaccia and Jeffrey M. Pilcher, “Chili Queens’ and Checkered Tablecloths,” Radical History Review 110 (Spring 2011): 109–26, doi:10.1215/01636545-2010-028.
  11. Jeffrey M. Pilcher, “Old Stock’ Tamales and Migrant Tacos: Taste, Authenticity, and the Naturalization of Mexican Food,” Social Research 81, no. 2 (2014): 441–462, doi:10.1353/sor.2014.0018.
  12. Jeffrey M. Pilcher, “Who Chased Out the ‘Chili Queens’? Gender, Race, and Urban Reform in San Antonio, Texas, 1880–1943,” Food and Foodways 16, no. 3 (2008):179.
  13. Jeffrey M. Pilcher, “Who Chased Out the ‘Chili Queens’? Gender, Race, and Urban Reform in San Antonio, Texas, 1880–1943,” Food and Foodways 16, no. 3 (2008):175.
  14. Jeffrey M. Pilcher, “Who Chased Out the ‘Chili Queens’? Gender, Race, and Urban Reform in San Antonio, Texas, 1880–1943,” Food and Foodways 16, no. 3 (2008):175.
  15. Frank W. Jennings, “Popular Chili Queens Graced San Antonio Plazas,” Journal Of The Life And Culture Of San Antonio (n.d.),
  16. Frank W. Jennings, “Popular Chili Queens Graced San Antonio Plazas,” Journal Of The Life And Culture Of San Antonio (n.d.),
  17. Jeffrey M. Pilcher, “Who Chased Out the ‘Chili Queens’? Gender, Race, and Urban Reform in San Antonio, Texas, 1880–1943,” Food and Foodways 16, no. 3 (2008):195.
  18. Arellano Gustavo, Taco USA: How Mexican Food Conquered America, (New York, NY: Scribner, 2012), 32.

Sara Ramirez

I am a graduate student in the Public History program at St. Mary's University and alumni of the Alexander Briseno Leadership Development Program. I work as a Library Assistant at the San Antonio Public Library, where I teach a STEAM program for kids. I am interested in bridging my Science background with the humanities by exploring Environmental History and Science Communication.

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Recent Comments


  • Eric Hernandez

    This was a really fun article to read. I love reading about Texas culture. It was cool reading about the type of culture that was sparked by the Chili Queens. The whole environment sounded really fun to be around from the food and the atmosphere. I would like to see more of this type of atmosphere spark back up in our San Antonio community.

  • Nathan Castillo

    I have lived here in San Antonio all my life and have never heard of the Chili Queens. It was great to read about how they are considered the pioneers of Tex-Mex food because I love Mexican food and I don’t know what I would do without it. It is really unfortunate that they got bad reviews and eventually left the plaza. If they hadn’t had left, I would have loved to see what events could take place in already such a big city.

  • Ana Cravioto Herrero

    Great article! I love reading about San Antonio and despite being here almost my entire life, there is so much I still do not know about San Antonio’s history, including the Chili Queens. I am from Mexico, so I personally do not like Tex-Mex food at all, but IK know how prevalent Tex-Mex is, especially here. It is interesting to hear about how these woman influenced a lot of our food today, and their story is very inspiring.

  • Kennedy Arcos

    Despite living in San Antonio my whole life, I had never heard of the Chili Queens prior to reading this article. It’s always cool to learn something new about where I am from, and I found this article to be pretty interesting. I enjoyed reading about how these women influenced some of the restaurants we have around today. Despite the hardships they faced, they still continued to work extremely hard.

  • Lesley Martinez

    I would have loved to witness this type of nightlife in San Antonio. I don’t know what would be better than a large bowl of chili and coffee for ten cents. The “Chili Queens” sounds like hardworking women, making it even sadder to hear that they had plenty of negative reviews about trying to make a living. I’m glad I came across this article as it raises awareness of the origins of various Tex-Mex foods. What’s crazier is that the Texas Legislature even claimed chili con carne as the official state dish. Great article!

  • Glory Turnbull

    I appreciate that the author recognizes the fetishization of the chili queens, as they were portrayed as exotic temptresses by their anglo customers. The reality of the queens is that they harnessed their charisma to keep their business going, and a roof over their heads. San Antonio should be proud of their Chili Queens, and I’m glad you illuminated their history in this article.

  • Gabriella Urrutia

    Although I have lived in San Antonio my whole life, I have not heard about the Chili Queens before. It was interesting to read about some of the history of this city. It was also nice to learn about how they influenced some of the restaurants and food trucks that we have today. They must have worked very hard to continue to sell with all the obstacles that they faced.

  • Mara Martinez

    I have lived in San Antonio my whole life and had no idea about this. So this article was not only super well written but very informative and I got to learn a little bit more about the history of San Antonio. How kind the Chili Queens were to others just goes to show how much they really cared for their community and how much they enjoyed their work to thus influence others so much. It is sad that they were kicked out of the plazas and that the small amount of history that is important to society is not longer seen today.

  • Cristianna Tovar

    Before reading this article, I have never heard of the Chili Queens of San Antonio, which is very disappointing because the environment sounds so fun and enjoyable to be a part of! This article was so enjoyable to read because it taught me about something about my hometown that I wasn’t aware of before. I think that the Chili Queens captured the culture of San Antonio because they cooked food for people who were spending quality time together. I hope that one day the Chili Queens can reign again!

  • Alin Bocardo Felix

    The Chili Queens really set a standard for other street vendors. I like that their image changed from their physical selves to their personalities and what they brought to the table, besides the delicacies they created. The Chili Queens are a great representation of the culture, even the fact that some of history had forgotten them, it amplifies how history picks and chooses what is to be heard of again. They really set the bar high for San Antonio and any future food vendors.

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