StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
April 5, 2022

E-Cigarette Usage Among the Youth

E-Cigarette Infographic

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Midori Flores

I am a first-generation, senior Environmental Science major with a Biology minor and will be graduating in May 2022. Born and raised in San Antonio, Texas, I am very excited to move to Boston, MA soon to start my PhD in Biological Sciences in Public Health at Harvard University where I hope to study Space Toxicology. I am currently the President of the National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS) St. Mary's chapter, Founder and Vice President of StMU Humanitarians, and have been a MARC U*STAR scholar for almost 2 years. I also angle myself as a business-scientist, as I have authored a children's book (We Are All Human) and avidly market it to bookstores/bookshops. In my summers as a St. Mary's student, I have completed research projects at Michigan State University, Rutgers University, and with University of Louisville.

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Recent Comments


  • Olivia Flores

    Congratulations on the award! This infographic definitely deserved it as it was very informative on a pressing issue that many students are facing today. Not only was it displayed very well it contained some serious facts about vaping that I can guarantee most young children don’t even know. This is the kind of infographic that needs to be showed in classrooms and to a teenage population to make them aware of the negative affects of this serious issue. It is a very relevant topic and I liked how you put the number at the bottom of the infographic just in case anyone needs it. Overall what a great job!

  • Rosa Inocencio

    Very interesting and creative infographic! This infographic touches base on a topic that used to be heard a lot but then eventually stopped. I really liked that it was brought up into people’s attention again. I also really liked that it showed the effects of using an E-cigarette and the resources to help those who are addicted to it. I also really liked the color and the font size, it was very eye catching and very readable, Great Infographic!

  • Andrew Ponce

    Infographics like this are useful in more ways than simply informing. Graphics such as this create proactiveness and an eager feeling within them do teach others about this topic. The color scheme of this graphic is very appealing to the audience and catches the reader’s eye. The mix of statistics and visuals was set very evenly. This along with the added resources that were offered, made this a great infographic. Great work!

  • Juan Aguirre Ramirez

    Hey Midori, congrats on the nomination for your awesome infographic! I really liked how you presented the information in a visually appealing way, and it was really informative as well. It’s really sad that there is so much misinformation out there about e-cigarettes, and it’s great that you’re spreading awareness about the harm they can cause. I think it’s important for everyone, especially adolescents, to understand the negative impact vaping can have on our health and finances.

  • Yaniev Ibarra

    Congratulations on the award Midori! This was such a captivating infographic. Ecigs are not cool and your design made the topic of ecigs terrifying, also knowing they are horrible for the human health. I hope anyone struggling with addiction is able to get the help they need before it is too late.

  • Analyssa Garcia

    This is a pretty neat infographic with a very relevant topic, especially today. I think the pictures were very cool and I liked that it was easy on the eyes. It’s also very nice of you to add support resources. Good job

  • Daniela Garza Martinez

    E cigarettes are very much “in trend” right now, and unfortunately not many people know the effects of them. I think this was a very well informed info graphic that is very concise and straight to the point. It is important to highlight the dangers, especially with things such as nicotine. That are usually overlooked and sold as the lesser of all evils. Or at least not being tobacco. When it might be just as bad if not worse. Great Job!

  • Alejandra Pardo

    Nice infographic! Although it is very simply displayed it shows important facts and one may even say it is directing it to a specific audience. It allows one to skim quickly and be informed of the overall topic. The graphics allow one to visualize the effects of e-cigarettes. Overall this infographic is well-displayed and simply informative. Great job!

  • Karah Renfroe

    I think this infographic is to the point and effectively demonstrates the message the author is attempting to communicate. E-cigarettes, unfortunately, are common among individuals in my general age range. The popularization and normalization of this phenomenon must be tackled immediately to curb the inevitable negative health consequences. Many of the long-term effects of using products such as vapes are not completely known at the time, and thus infographics and PSA have the ability to educate the public on the issue. I like the use of the pic art and the design of the infographic is visually pleasing and easy to follow.

  • Karicia Gallegos

    Hello Midori! First of all, congratulations on your award! You definitely deserve it after reading your infographic. I appreciate that you chose a topic that is relevant to today’s youth. I thought this infographic was really interesting and detailed. I especially like how the piece is formatted. Both the writing and the information are excellent. It was really sad to watch individuals, at such a young age, smoking vapes and pens. They were very popular in my high school. It is clear that more kids and adults are smoking e-cigarettes every day. I appreciate that you provided all the information and even brought up the possibility that using e-cigarettes before age 25 can have extreme consequences on the brain. Wonderful job on this article!

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