I would first like to share my appreciation for St. Mary’s University and the platform they have provided for students like me to publish research. Secondly, I would like to thank Dr. Lori Boies for her encouragement to pursue research I am passionate about and for her invaluable guidance throughout this project. I am also grateful to Dr. Janet Armitage for sharing her wisdom about the construction and utilization of infographics. I hope that this research brings awareness to my community about the dangers of fentanyl.
Daniela Garza Martinez
Hi Anissa! This was a very frightening infographic to read, and I applaud you for tackling such a horrific subject matter. It was really frightening to see that the deadly amount of fentanyl was about the size of the point of a pencil. You have done an excellent job of presenting recommendations to keep safe, from which I am certain that many people will benefit and, hopefully, remain safe in many situations.
Yaniev Ibarra
Great infographic on Fentyl Anissa. It’s alarming to know that this drug is responsible for more than 150 deaths daily. and I like how you listed numerous symptoms of overdose related to fentanyl overdose being aware may potentially save lives. Excellent job!
Illeana Molina
This infographic is IMPORTANT. It is life-changing to read as many individuals have died due to an overdose of fentanyl. It is dangerous and the images as well as text do portray the imperative message you are trying to spread/depict. It is easy to retain as the images do put into perspective it only takes a tiny bit to be lethal and life-threatening. We need to spread awareness and your infographic did that perfectly. I also enjoyed how you shared how to know if one is overdosing as well as how to stay safe.
Carollann Serafin
I really enjoyed this article this is such a sad topic that really deserves awareness and this information hit all the correct points needed. Very well done! It is nice to see advocation for this topic. Especially with todays generation.
Greitin Rodriguez
When you try to take care of yourself and a loved one, it is important to look and make sure that what you are doing and taking is not going to affect you in the long term, where it could get you addicted, killed, and hurt. It is important to do research on any medicine we take, find alternative ways to not take a certain medicine, and to make sure that the public is aware of the effects something could have and if they are willing to take it.
Mia Garza
This rise of fentanyl has become a very serious and deadly epidemic that is sweeping the nation. The information in this infographic helps highlight the key points of the issue in a way that’s easy for someone not familiar with the topic to understand.The way this informative piece of work got right to the point and informed its reader about the dangers and rise of overdoses, which is very important in raising awareness in our society.
Alaina De Leon
I thought that this graphic had a nice flow and was very easy to understand. Something as scary as fentanyl should be talked about regardless of if it is the hard truth. This publication does just that, it also highlights the truth with no filler words. it gets straight to the point and it does it in a way that is tasteful yet still is powerful. I appreciate this topic being covered and i think many more people should see it.
Kaylah Garcia
First and foremost, congratulations on being nominated. The problem of fentanyl use is highly significant today because of how widely it is utilized. I admire you for making such a visually appealing infographic that not only outlines the hazards of fentanyl but also how individuals can avoid an overdose. I also liked how, instead of using the phrase “don’t do drugs,” you provided excellent advice on how to avoid a fentanyl overdose. I believe that being aware of your surroundings and never leaving food/beverages alone would have been excellent examples to give. Especially since fentanyl-laced folks are so common in today’s world.
Jacqueline Galvan
This infographic on fentanyl and how dangerous it truly is has been my favorite graphic so far. The information was to the point and clearly described, and the use of pictures helped to easily retain the information at hand. Fentanyl is incredibly dangerous, and I feel the tips to stay safe is a great way that we can all help keep those around us from danger.
Abbey Stiffler
I’m not sure how anyone uses fentanyl because it’s such a deadly chemical. I appreciated how you provided a list of the many overdose symptoms. It is absurd that this causes more than 150 deaths each day. The section on identifying overdose symptoms is very useful because it offers knowledge that can actually save lives. Overall, a fantastic resource for anyone interested in learning more about the risks associated with fentanyl.