StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University

In 2017, a new video game hit an extremely competitive video game market. This new game was Fortnite, and it became popular almost immediately with young teens and tweens.  Fortnite has a style similar to cartoons — it looks like a cartoon that could be shown after a show like Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  However, the problem is that this cute game is rated “T” for Teen.  It is not a game meant for children because it is a first-person shooter game where the player shoots other players.  This rise in popularity of Fortnite has caused us to once again consider the question:  Does playing violent video games lead to an increase in violence?

Fortnite created a great deal of discussion as soon as it was released, because, basically, it offers players a cute way to kill other people. In addition, most adults know very little about this game. They see its iconic adorable llama piñata in the store with its vibrant, fiesta-like colors.  People might see Fortnite-themed party and school supplies, and assume that this game is meant for little kids.  But these adults do not realize that when you are the last person standing, after shooting all the other players, your avatar dances a victory dance.  Yes, that’s right. Kids playing this game are dancing in victory over the death of others. 1

Fortnite Logo | Courtesy of

The avatars in this game look like regular people.  While they may not be as realistic as the avatars in Call of Duty, they definitely look more human than any character in Minecraft, and they appear more personable than characters like Mario and Luigi.  Children pretend to shoot other people and then celebrate their deaths with a dance, called “emotes.”  Some emotes are free but the more popular emotes cost $2 to $5. Yes, you read that correctly. Kids pay extra in order to celebrate the death of others in a video with the most exciting dance possible.

Because of its appeal to such a young demographic, we must ask: does playing violent video games lead to increased violence?  Researchers have been trying to answer this since 1990 when Mortal Combat was first released.  At the time, it was described as the most violent video game ever made.  Mortal Combat was categorized as a “fighting game.”  It is still popular today, and you can currently purchase Mortal Combat 11 for about $30 at Best Buy. This popular game has also spun off a number of movies and other video games.

Largely because of the creation and popularity of Mortal Combat and other video games like it, the Entertainment Software Rating Board was formed. Based in the United States, this self-regulating group is the organization that rates video games according to the appropriate consumer group. This non-profit organization formed after a series of Congressional hearings in 1993. While ratings are voluntary, meaning they are not federally mandated, many stores and all console manufacturers require games to be rated. This was a compromise between the federal government and the video game manufacturers to avoid federal regulations. The system is similar to that used by the Motion Picture Association of American Film in that both rating systems are put in place to rate their respective media. 2

Even before researchers studied video game violence, they looked at the effects of video games in general.  As early as 1984, M. H. Klein, in “The Bite of Pac-Man,” describes a first look at video game addiction.  Researchers didn’t yet call it addiction, but they described kids skipping school and using their lunch money to play video games. In this early research, they also used a lot of the same language as they would use to describe substance abuse. The early research was important because it gave researchers exploring the effects of video games a starting point, which they could expand upon as they learned more about the topic.3

Some of the earliest studies concerning video games and violence didn’t separate video games from other types of media, like television and movies.  The problem with much of the early research is that it just sort of lumps all of these forms of entertainment together.  The main idea, at this time, was that watching violent content primes one’s neural networks for aggression.  Leonard Berkowitz described this in the Cognitive Neoassociation Model of Aggression as early of 1984, before Mortal Combat was released.  In other words, this model explains that the more times a person views aggression, the easier it is for them to be aggressive themselves. Berkowitz followed this up with more research in 1990 and 1993.4

In 1982, before Mortal Combat was released, C.E. Koop, the Surgeon General of the United States under President Reagan, was already concerned about the rewards for the players.  When a person watches a movie where violence happens, the watcher is not rewarded.  Whereas a player is aggressive in a video game, they are directly rewarded, by getting points, receiving an extra power-up, or move to higher levels.  At the time when Koop expressed concern, most video games were just blasting pixelated space ships or centipedes.  When Mario Brothers was released in 1983, that was considered violent by researchers. Mario Brothers was considered violent due to game mechanics where player had to stomp on pixelated turtles and other enemies. 5

From all of the talk of violent video games, the state of California wanted to help. This is a Supreme Court case stemming from the 2005 California Law forbidding sale of a violent video game to anyone under the age of 18. The games had to be labeled with the Entertainment Software Rating Board rating plus other more clear labeling. The Supreme Court overturned this law 7-2 because was too inclusive. “…the act is greatly over inclusive, not all the children that are prohibited from purchasing violent videos have parents who disapprove of their doing so.” The Supreme Court used the same reasoning as used in obscenity cases. 6

As Fortnite‘s popularity grew each day, many discussions were being had about this vividly-colored yet violent video game. The game has been described by many people as a cross between the cubed game Minecraft and a first person shooter game. The game of Fortnite has various game modes from which users can choose to play. Some of these game modes include, Fortnite: Save the World, Fortnite Battle Royale, and Fortnite Creative.7

Fortnite: Save the World is a game mode where the players compete against the environment. It is the classic conflict of Man vs. Nature. Teams of four players work together to achieve common goals throughout the mode. As an example, you might find yourselves attacked by zombie-like hordes while trying to accomplish your mission. Players like this mode because they can work together and it seems more social.8

Fortnite Drop | Courtesy of

As its name implies, Fortnite Battle Royale features a player versus player battle style game, Man Versus Man. This is the game mode where the most violence is displayed. A player is placed in an environment with up to 100 players. As the game progresses, the battlefield shrinks, forcing the players closer and closer together until there is only one player left. The last avatar standing wins, and then gets to perform their victory dance.9

The last game mode, Fortnite Creative, is usually referred to as a “sandbox” game mode. In other words, this mode gives the player increased freedom to create whatever their heart desires, like building sand castles. Unlike MineCraft, where the player has complete freedom in creative mode (basic building blocks that can be used to construct anything a player can imagine), Fortnite Creative has basic building pieces already completed, its just a matter of how the player puts it together. Walls, stairs, windows, doors, etc. are pre-made and the player puts them together to compose their world.10

Fortnite Llama found in a London Telephone Booth | Courtesy of

In order to promote the game, the developer, Epic Games, placed in game objects into the real world for people to find. A few examples include the Fortnite Llama that was found in four European city and the Burger (which looked like a burger with eyes and tongue) that was found in a California desert. These items created a lot of buzz for the game on social media. Once posted on social media as a found object, other players rushed to find the item and post their own selfie. This was a very effective and creative marketing tool.11

More scientific studies show mixed results.  In 2013, a group of researchers in the Netherlands published a paper identifying positive effects of playing any type of video games, including violent ones.  Published by the the APA, the paper outlines certain benefits from video games.  The researchers did not ignore the previous studies showing negative affects, specifically aggression, but stated that sometimes kids develop better spatial skills necessary in science and engineering.  It may seem counter-intuitive, but the researchers also noted improved social skills.12

Violent Crimes to Game sales Graph | Courtesy of

In 2015, American Psychological Association published a resolution concerning violent video games.  The APA compiled the research of over 20 studies from 1988-2013. The APA states a lot of scientific research shows an association between video game playing and aggressive behavior. However, there are a lot of holes in the research. The APA resolved to educate the public on this association but also to fund more studies. Researchers have not studied the difference between male and female gamers, children under the age of 10, or the amount of time spent playing violent video games. Studies haven’t examined the degrees of violence in various games and how that affects aggression. They need to further study game ratings. A huge area of study that is missing, according to the APA, is longitudinal studies. In other words, studies that follow the same kids over a decade or more. 13

Another study done by Andrew K. Prcybylski and Neta Weinstein studied adolescent gamers who played violent video games and compared their level of aggression to those who did not partake in violent video games. They predicted that playing violent video games would make those adolescents more aggressive. Prcybyski and Weinstein did not find this be true. They could not correlate the recent playing of violent videos games to increased aggression. This was a study that included over 1000 14-15 year olds from the United Kingdom. It included about 550 boys and 450 girls. The caregivers were responsible for reporting behavior.14

Fortnite does not seem to be dying in popularity and elementary school teachers report many younger kids playing the game., an online gaming magazine, states that Epic Games reports over 250 million players.  This number includes everyone that has ever played.  However, in 2018 alone, Fortnite had 50 million new players.  How playing this game is affecting kids seems to be unknown.  Not only do the studies give mixed information, they do not separate one game from another and do not follow gamers over a long period of time or study young children.  There is much work to be done in this field in order to make parents feel more secure in screen time activities.

  1. Wikipedia, 2019, s.v. “Fortnite,”
  2. Wikipedia, 2019, s.v. “Entertainment Software Rating Board,”
  3. Karen E. Dill and Jody C. Dill, “Video Game Violence: A Review of Empirical Literature,” Aggression and Violent Behaviorno., 4 (1998); 407-428.
  4. Karen E. Dill and Jody C. Dill, “Video Game Violence: A Review of Empirical Literature,” Aggression and Violent Behavior, no., 4 (1998); 407-428.
  5. Karen E. Dill and Jody C. Dill, “Video Game Violence: A review of Empirical Literature,” Aggression and Violent Behavior, no., 4 (1998); 407-428.
  6. Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association, 564 U.S. (2011).
  7. Wikipedia, 2019, s.v. “Fortnite,”
  8. Wikipedia, 2019, s.v. “Fortnite,”
  9. Wikipedia, 2019, s.v. “Fortnite,”
  10. Wikipedia, 2019, s.v. “Fortnite,”
  11. James Rogers, “Fortnite Desert Mystery: Bizarre Gaint Video Game Burger Leaks Into The Real World,” Fox News, July 08, 2019,
  12. Isabela Granic, Adam Lobel and Rutger C.M.E. Engels, “Video Games Play May Provide Learning, Health, Social Benefits, Review Finds,” American Psychological Association, November 25, 2013,
  13. “Resolution on Violent Video Games” American Psychological Association, August 2015,
  14. Andrew K. Przybylski and Netta Weinstein, “Violent Video game Engagement is Not Associated with Adolescents’ Aggressive Behaviour: Evidence from a Registered Report,” Royal Society Open Science, February 13, 2019,

Elizabeth Maguire

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Recent Comments


  • Kacey Diaz

    Well being as though I don’t play video games but my younger brothers do, I actually learned about the game Fortnite itself. My brother play it and I see them play it but before this article I didn’t know the point or understand the objective of it. I think from a creative standpoint, the game designers were smart to appeal in a cartoon-y way but I think at the end of the day it’s up to personal preference on whether or not one plays the game.

  • Thiffany Yeupell

    The conversation around video games and their violence affecting young and impressionable minds always seems to be a major point of interest when such an inciting event occurs, usually when violence is at the forefront such as mass shootings. But to pick the flaws and scrutinize any and every action that video games may or may not cause as if it is being a trailblazer for violence and aggression in our society seems a bit narrow, especially if one is trying to chalk it up as a recent phenomenon. Football, for example, is such an aggressive sport and requires actual physical contact that results in injuries among players. Yet, it is a beloved past time and many individuals begin to love the sport as a player or as a fan from a young age. And even then, the results from studies for football are not completely set in stone, so it would be unwise to determine a single result prematurely. As Maguire said, more research and time would be necessary to fully explore the connection between video games and aggression, and whether it is an area of concern for parents and the nation alike.

  • Anthony Coronado

    Video games are a great time passer, as well they are videogames that are a greater objective time passer such as COD, putting the player compelling them to do objective missions to further the progression as the story. Other games are a two or more player platform which is extremely fun to show and compete skill in a round per round bases. I do believe video games do cause an increase in aggression due to content but you can’t just point to videogames as a primary focus, such as the description of tv shows and movies that motivates the success and ideas of a standard videogame platform.

  • Shriji Lalji

    Only the creative mode in fortnite is first person the rest of the battle modes are actually third person. Fortnite is a truly revolutionary game in many ways. First it is completely free to play. You do not have to buy a new version every year rather it gets updated with new seasons. Most people, including myself thought the game would fizzle out and eventually people would move on to the next game. However this has not been the case. The game is still popular as ever because you do not have to purchase a new version every year like call of duty or any other game. Fortnite is not a very violent game when compared to other games like gears of war or call of duty. There is no gruesome blood or body parts dislodging. However I do think violent video games make people less sensitive to violence but this could be said for movies, TV shows and violent entertainment in general. I do not think video games cultivate an increased aggression in daily life. This is speaking from experience because few of my friends are committed gamers. They may get riled up while playing the game however in regular life they are not aggressive or violent at all, they behave like they should in regards to the setting. I do believe video games contribute significantly to the development of social skills. This is because when playing an online game it is a melting pot of all kinds of adults and children who are expressing their opinions, or cursing at each other, or communicating effectively to win the game.

  • Arsema Abera

    Video games are the best things ever invented, a good way to relieave your stress to be entertained but then they come with caution as the saying goes too much can hurt you so much especially this warning goes to young children. young children are a clean slate and are prone to implement what ever they see. Violence rases the chance for young children to be violent and traumatized.

  • Francisco Cruzado

    The macro digressions this article had kept me hooked. After all, I started to think on how Mortal Kombat might have impacted the research community of Psychology, leading to more and more questions, but with few consideration toward the relevant role that video games would have in the future. However, I think that the study of violence as correlated to some aspects of daily life can also be looked in a broader historical perspective. Children of various ages have seen gruesome battles, have heard of them as part of mythology and legend, have sat around a fire just to hear a tale on the bloody victory of ancient times (which has to be cheered and celebrate), and, moreover, children go to war to this days, they see the violence themselves, and when they return (if they do), we ask the same questions on whether he has changed. I always try to remind to myself that I am part of a species that has made the greatest efforts to normalize violence, with undeniable success.

  • Estefanie Santiago Roman

    I like to play video games and I have also played fortnite with my friends just for fun, but it was a game that was more aimed for younger kids than ourselves. Like most games, it had its time to shine and after a while it had gained its targeted audience. Although I do see the point of game violence sometimes not being appropriate for certain ages, and potentially causing a chain reaction, I believe that game violence and how it affects someone has to do with how much time the person might interact with that game. There are times when players loose the sense of reality and the video game, but it takes a long time to get to that point and it still has to do with the tike they spend interacting with the game. In conclusion, people just need control because like anything, it could become an addiction.

  • Savannah Alcazar

    I found this to be relative to real life. My step brothers have gotten Fortnite banned from our household due to derogatory language and added aggression in their daily life (so my mom says). My cousin also charged upward of $3,000 to his moms credit card one summer from this game. I personally don’t think violence is the issue. Boys will be boys and they need an outlet for their energy. However, I think the addiction to gaming is damaging to personal life and mental health!

  • Micheala Whitfield

    Video games and the violence in them is such a hard topic to discuss when putting it in the category of kids and their actions. I normally don’t play video games, but I enjoyed to watch them. I really like how you gave several examples of different games and even broke down the 3 different versions of Fortnite. Video games are nearly movies or cartoons. To say that they make kids more violent can’t be the only reason. If this were so, adults would become more violent as well. It all depends on how the kid is raised. I enjoyed reading the examples the examples you provided because I agree, there is not enough information or length of study to fully receive a verdict on how they affect kids and teens. Nor can they affect just younger generations or can it affect adults.

  • Samuel Vega

    I love to play video games. I played Fortnite; but I am not into this particular game. The author does a good job describing the game and raising the question again about violence in video games. I think most players can separate reality from gaming and the games in themselves do not lead to violence. Rating games is a good idea; because it helps parents set limits on what they want their kids to play. Video games are a form of entertainment. I don’t think violence is the issue with video games; but addiction could be a concern. Like most things you need to moderate your level of participation.

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