StMU Research Scholars

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  • Andrea Realyvasquez

    Great work on this infographic! As a student pursuing an environmental science major, I love that more awareness is being taught to students. The flow of the infographic is really easy to follow in the sense that not only are they learning more about what ecological education is but also how we can do our part to make a positive change. The facts about other places around the world and their methods of teaching people about ecological education is a great method in providing different points of view on the topic.

  • Haley Aleman

    Great job on this infograph and congratulations on the articles award that was was received Kaylah, Alaina, Jacqueline, and Karah. This is a highly interesting and informative article. I had never really thought about the impact that exposing young children to our climate crisis and teaching them the importance of maintaining ecology would have. I always thought that maybe young children would be too young to grasp the importance of this issue but explaining things to them through ecological fairy tales seems like the perfect way to do so! Reading them these fairy tales whether it be at home or in the classroom seems to be an ideal way to expose them to the current state of our climate in a way that will engage them and not scare them. I wonder if this exposure could awaken a feeling of activism within them later on and overall contribute to more usage of clean energy. I think only time will tell but great job on this infograph!

  • dolivaresvasqu

    I enjoyed this infographic because of the nice formatting there was a consistent flow of ideas with the use of icons, lines, and headers. The information was formatted in bullet points making it easy to digest and very informal. The examples used of how different countries countries teach there students was a nice example.

  • ajuarez15

    Congratulations on the award! I really enjoyed your infographic. I do agree that being educated on ecological education can impact our environment and us as a whole. Having this knowledge will allow us to have a better understanding as to how we can help stop climate change. We are unfortunately killing our home and it’s up to us to save it. Great job on this infographic. I really like how organized it was! Very easy to follow!

  • apollard1

    I actually went to school with two of the authors what a small world. I am really impressed by the organization and detail that was put into the infographic. I am so in love with Earth and I am happy you are telling people to care for our Earth. I would’ve liked to see more pictures but other than that I’m really impressed and this gave me inspiration for my own infographic.

  • Sebastian Hernandez-Soihit

    Great piece and well deserved award! The information is presented in a way that is very easy to digest and fun to read, as well as being cited appropriately for further reading. well done!

  • Bijou Davant

    Congratulations on your award! I really like this infographic and it is no surprise it won! The coloring is perfect for the topic and it does such a good job of informing the reader about the importance on educating people on the enviornment!

  • Alexis Zepeda

    Hello! Congratulations on your well-deserved award! Publishing can be a tedious process, but the results are very rewarding. I enjoyed reading the infographic and learned more on ecological education. The infographic has a lot of great information and organizes that information well. I can also appreciate the infographic’s color palette and its graphics. I think these two details fit the infographic’s overall theme and make the infographic attractive overall.

  • Emilee Luera

    One of those topics where there is never enough information being provided is environmental education. Its spread is vital because it promotes environmental awareness and responsible stewardship of natural resources. In my opinion, more organizations and schools in the United States should implement this method of education in the classroom. It certainly makes you wonder how we can ever influence change if we do not educate the future generation. Congratulations on your accomplishment and for providing such valuable information!

  • Maya Naik

    Hello ladies! First of all, congratulation on your award. You have all worked together and created a beautiful infographic! It’s quite surprising to know that many college universities have not yet embraced clean energy, even after being educated on the importance of being environmentally conscious. However, I am confident that more information, such as the knowledge you shared, will help evolve universities. Overall, I loved your presentation!

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