StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
April 5, 2022

Heart Disease: America’s Deadliest Disease

Heart Disease Infographic

Kaitlyn Tuzzio

Author Portfolio Page

Recent Comments


  • Xavier Bohorquez

    This infographic was packed with so much useful info on this specific disease. It was nicely put together and I’d heard a lot about heart disease before but I can admit was I was a big shocked to understand what it was and how it affected people. The data provided was somewhat surprising in terms of the prevalence of this problem. I’m glad this was nominated for an award, Definitely worth one!

  • Bijou Davant

    This infographic is really informative and I think the red colors and the layout and information really shows a sense of urgency in informing people and trying to help prevent heart problems.

  • Gaitan Martinez

    Very nicely done infographic! Heart disease is definitely a topic that did need more coverage, and you did just that! I already had very little knowledge about the subject, but now I know more. Also, I want to point out how exercise helps prevent heart disease, but exercise in general has so many benefits. Glad that you took it upon yourself to educate everyone else.

  • Olivia Flores

    Heart disease is such a serious issue in the United States. As a country with one of the highest obesity rates, it is going to lead to this being common amongst people. I liked how this infographic showed the signs that could lead to heart disease and what you can do to help prevent it. Of course it is more difficult for some people but overall maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be so beneficial in the long run. I enjoyed the red color scheme here as it related to the heart. Great Job!

  • Rosa Inocencio

    Very informative infographic! This infographic gives a lot of important information that not everyone seems to know about heart disease and the symptoms of it. The only thing that I would suggest would be to maybe make the page a bit bigger since it seems to be crowded a bit, but aside from that it is very informative, it goes straight to the point, Great Infographic!

  • Andrew Ponce

    Infographics like this are useful in more ways than simply informing. Graphics such as this create proactiveness and an eager feeling within them do teach others about this topic. The color scheme of this graphic is very appealing to the audience and catches the reader’s eye. The mix of statistics and visuals was set very evenly. This along with the added resources that were offered, made this a great infographic. Great work!

  • Juan Aguirre Ramirez

    Hi Kaitlyn, I really appreciated all the statistics you provided, as they were so informative. Your design approach was particularly appealing to me, as it kept me interested and engaged throughout. I liked how you emphasized the importance of calling 911 in case of a heart attack, as it encourages people to recognize symptoms early and seek assistance promptly, which is crucial for improving survival rates. It’s surprising to see how heart attacks are still not taken as seriously as other diseases, despite almost 2400 daily cases in the United States.

  • Yaniev Ibarra

    Nice infographic Kaitlyn! Heart attacks happen very often in the United States, the first fact kept me intrigued to know more about heart diseases. I did not have much knowledge on the topic but your statistics brought an abundance of things to know. It is important to keep healthy and I love that you provided tips to encourage a healthy heart.

  • Analyssa Garcia

    This is a good infographic! I like how there is a lot of information, but you found a way to make it work and still look good while getting the point across. This looks very nice, good work

  • Daniela Garza Martinez

    Does such a great info graphic, I think the fun catchphrase at the bottom definitely makes for a call to action as well as draws attention. It is very well organized and the way the statistics are put together creates for a good mind map that leads the reader through the information without feeling overwhelmed. If one in every four Americans dies every year due to heart disease, this is most definitely an issue we should be talking more about. Job on providing prevention methods!

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