StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
April 5, 2022

Heart Disease: America’s Deadliest Disease

Heart Disease Infographic
Heart Disease - America's Deadliest Disease

Kaitlyn Tuzzio

Author Portfolio Page

Recent Comments


  • Michaell Alonzo

    Hello Kaitlyn,
    The color scheme, title, and brief statistic of your infographic all caught my attention and encouraged me to read on. The infographic has powerful facts and is simple and fast to read yet it has a lot of useful information. I had no idea that both 1 out of 4 deaths in women and 1 out of 3 deaths in men are caused by a heart disease. One piece of advice is to include what the most common heart disease is and what are its main factors and its complications. I enjoyed your infographic and love how you included both the main symptoms of heart diseases and the 5 key takeaways to keep your heart healthy. You did a fantastic job.

  • Illeana Molina

    Hello Kaitlyn,

    I enjoyed your infographic; the color scheme, title, and small statistic are eye-catching and helped me keep reading. The infographic is easy to skim and gathers all information relatively quickly while including impactful statistics. I can now say I have learned that 18.2 million adults over 20 do have heart disease. The information is simplified and easy to grasp. However, I would have loved to have a simple graph or overview of the most common heart diseases and how they work. I do understand that including a lot of information while making it appealing and eye catching is difficult. You did an amazing job and I enjoy your theme/topic.

  • Greitin Rodriguez

    The importance of taking care of the heart can save your life. Heart disease is one of the most common and deadliest diseases. It is not only one type of form; it takes many positions. It affects men and women differently. Many deaths are caused by heart disease and are found more than ever. A way that you can protect yourself and your loved one is to take care of your body and mind. It is the responsibility of one to make habits that benefit and take care of the body and its system. The public needs to set measures that encourage a healthy lifestyle and for people to have access to the needs they need; to take care of themselves.

  • Amy Hotema

    Hello, Kaitlyn I admired your infographic a lot. I really appreciated the information you provided to the public about heart disease signs and ways to avoid them. The fact that there are so many various forms of heart illnesses in the globe intrigues me greatly. I had no clue how prevalent heart disease is in the Country. Wonderful Information. Your infographic is filled with helpful information; although it seems a little cluttered, everything fits together well. Heart illness was something I’d heard a lot about, but I didn’t really know what it was or how it impacted individuals. The first set of information you gave was startling in terms of how common this issue is. Congrats for being nominated, and excellent work spreading the word about this problem!

  • Carlos Alonzo

    I like the background for the infographic, this looks like a piece that would be shown in a cardiologist’s office. I like the quote and the link to the CDC website for more information. The “1 in every 4 Americans” graphic is well suited for the tone and purposes of the info-graphic. The color chosen for the introduction is also well chosen.

  • Aaron Astudillo

    Hey Kaitlyn, your infographic is fantastic. The hook of your infographic is so shocking that it was able to captivate me and ensure that I read through the whole thing. All the information that was presented is relevant to the topic that you are discussing and is vital to learning more over this disease that takes so many lives.

  • Kaylah Garcia

    Hello Kaitlyn! wonderful infographic Because they were so educational, I particularly appreciated all the statistics you provided. The design approach you utilized was particularly appealing to me because it kept me interested and allowed me to read everything properly. Moreover, I loved how you mentioned calling 911. It urges people to recognize symptoms as soon as possible to seek assistance and improves safety.

  • Jonathan Flores

    I think this infographic is very well made and it clearly accurately describes such a serious topic. I think your color scheme perfectly matches the topic at hand which is a great addition, and the information matches very well. In addition, I think it was very well done to include “wow” statistics that show how serious heart disease really is. If I were to offer some constructive criticism, it would be that this infographic is relatively short. For a topic with so much to it, I think you could have done well making your infographic longer. Nonetheless, the graphic is aesthetically pleasing and does a good job at being informative and concise.

  • Naya Harb

    Hello Kaitlyn! Heart diseases are a really important issue today, thank you for speaking out about it and spreading awareness on the matter. My favorite part was those healthy habits that people should add to their daily life or change in their daily life. They should be pretty simple and easy habits for people to acquire on a day-to-day basis. It is sad to know that 1 person every 40 seconds has a heart attack in the US. This article was really helpful and I hope that people who read it take everything seriously. Thank you!

  • Alexis Zepeda

    Hello Kaitlyn! This infographic is filled with information. I had no idea how common heart disease is, but I appreciate your efforts to bring awareness forward. I can also appreciate how visually attractive the infographic is. Despite the amount of information in the infographic, I enjoy how the information is organized. The color palette used that references the heart is such a unique and intricate touch. I think this is a well thought out infographic with interesting facts.

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