StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
November 3, 2023

Latinos: Use Your Power to Vote

Infographic designed by Andrea Realyvasquez Fall 2023




Andrea Realyvasquez

Hello! My name is Andrea Realyvasquez and I am in my sophomore year here at St. Mary's University, studying to receive a bachelor's degree in Environmental Science. If you are more interested in my other works feel free to click on my profile!

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Recent Comments


  • Elizabeth Santos

    The Spanish translation of this infographic is a wonderful touch, I love the inclusivity! It is imperative that we acquire diversity in the voting pool, especially with Latinx being impacted by much of the legislature at disproportionate rates. Adding the statistics is a great way to call to action and push the youth as a whole to vote, alongside the Latinx population.

  • pgarcia58

    Wow! What a cool infographic! I was not familiar with some of the requirements you mentioned to be able to vote. It was surprising to read that if you are convicted of a felony, you must finish your sentence to be able to vote. I also loved that you had a lot of images and QR codes. QR codes are a great idea to engage with the audience after informing them of things like this. Tambien me Encanto que agregaste la version en espanol, siento que hasta puede tener mas impacto y llegar a mas gente. Felicidades, muy lindo trabajo.

  • igutierrez14

    Good infographic, easy to read, has all the essential information on learning how to register to vote.

  • This infographic told us to vote more which is important for our society. People should engage more on their communities and should vote actively. This infographic was well organized and had nice summary of what it’s trying to say.

  • egonzalez95

    Good evening, Andrea. I hope you’re well. Given the lovely colors, design, and context, I admire this infographic. You also highlighted the Spanish and English infographics, which are essential in today’s growing Hispanic and Latino population and society. The infographic is vital for individuals to understand voting and how they may become eligible to vote. As you indicated, Latinos are more likely to be unable to vote because of their status in the United States. I would have liked to see more information about how Latinos are being denied their voting rights, such as limits at polling places or discrimination. I can indeed identify with this infographic because both of my parents are Mexican and are eager to work hard to create and enforce public policy. My mother has been an excellent role model because she consistently pushes me and others to get civically active and volunteer to assist the community, whether via voting, volunteering, or public service. I like how you included a QR code so people can instantly access the website and learn about the voter registration procedure. Overall, this infographic helped me understand how to vote and what it signifies in the Latino community.

  • Alexis Silva

    Amazing! I love how this infographic can appeal to more people by providing the information in both Spanish and English. It is crucial that everyone exercises their right to vote, but not everyone knows how. This infographic does an excellent job on highlighting how to end voter suppression by explaining who qualifies to vote and how to register to vote.

  • Azariel Del Carmen

    Voting is a important thing that many take for granted these days. I thought including the idea of how voter suppression is in regards to Latino voting works well with what the infographic is trying to say, but I think this could have been done with text a bit better than a graph. Some wording also could have been condensed and be put more as two things than one. However you were still able to address the point on why voting should be important to us and how we should tackle the issue in and of itself.

  • Silvia Benavides

    The infographic graphics were so helpful and nicely colored. I enjoyed the fact that it was written in Spanish and English. I believe translating them is helpful and makes them more accessible to people. I enjoyed the different ways of voting provided for people who may not be familiar with it. Wonderful job Andrea!

  • Julieta Cortez

    Wow! I really enjoyed going through you infographic, I found that I found myself drawn to the images you provided. I liked how fun they were. It brought the whole infographic together really well! I really love how you made this infographic bilingual, not many authors do this but seeing it done here makes your infographic really stand out compared to others.

  • Daniel Olivares

    Effective infographic, has lots of information and effective use of images to represent the text and spirit of the infographic. Including the requirements to vote and what disqualifies you was important as well as how you can vote either in person or by mail. Voting is one of the most important uses of civic engagement as well as one of the simplest. The use of color and small icons really ties the whole infographic together leaving minimal white space and getting the message across.

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