StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
Designed by Eduardo and Daniel Fall 2023



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  • Daniel Olivares

    Great introduction really hooks the reader into wanting to know more about the infographic. You really touched on some important highlights of Gus Garcia and how important he was in the desegregation of Texas and the role he played in improving the rights of Latino’s. The use of black and white photo’s and brownish newspaper background really brings together a aesthetic of the time when these events happened and even the words on the paper look like they were written on a newspaper, good job.

  • Johana Solís

    Having the first page there really is a hook! Especially having a whole page having the title “The Man Who…” and then saying the different things he did was awesome! It also is so genius how both of y’all did the infographic in a Newspaper kind of way with additional information on the right side.

  • Ana Barrientos

    I had no idea who Gus Garcia was but this infographic gave me so much information about him and his importance in civil rights issues. I also liked the pictures/icons that they used and how striking the first page was especially the “The Man Who”. The whole infographic was easy to read and focused on main highlights in his life. Overall, awesome job!

  • Amarie Pollard

    I loved the design and the graphics. I love to hear about individuals who fight against racial injustice it makes me feel like there is hope for my generation and the generations to come after mine. I am glad that I got to learn about Gus Garcia and how he informed the Supreme Court to tend to the needs of the Hispanic community.

  • Linda Aguilar

    Great job keeping the reader intrigued to discover who the person was who completed all these accomplishments. I enjoyed the color scheme and the use of Spanish language “especial”. The second portion of the infographic reminded me of a newspaper which was a good touch. The infographic demonstrated how one person can make a difference. The inclusion of his most famous quote “We can not stand still the world is changing, and we have to change with it” is powerful. Excellent job, Eduardo and Daniel.

  • Andrea Realyvasquez

    The graphics of the infographic do a great job and catching the readers’ attention! Gus Garcia’s accomplishments represent all the best qualities of determination and resilience. Desegregating Texas is such a difficult and impressive feat that more Texas residents and U.S. citizens should know about. Garcia is a great idol for Latino activists. It is people like Gus Garcia who instill hope and remind us that we have the power to either make a change or be a part of the conversation that will lead to change.

  • Martin Martinez

    The presentation is very good, but the sentences could use commas. I do not know if English is the native language of the authors, and I am considerate of the possibility that it is not, but I had a hard time interpreting what certain things meant (specifically the “Informed the Supreme Court…” sentence). Some of the syntax is also off-putting and might interfere with how someone will read the text (Before Hernandez v. Texas…”).

  • Andrew Ramon

    I had never heard about Gus Garcia before this, but I’m glad you covered his work, because it’s very important to our history. This is someone who has stuck up for what’s right and always fought uphill battles for Latinos against the system and he won! I’m glad yall are bringing his story to light. I think the design is very fitting of the era he was working in and I think it presents his story in an interesting way.

  • Haley Aleman

    Hello Eduardo and Daniel! I really liked how the background of your infographic looks like a newspaper article, I thought this to have been especially creative! There was another infographic published by an individual in our class who focused on the many accomplishments of LULAC, so it was very interesting to learn that Gus Garcia had a part to play in aiding their efforts. Garcia seems to have been an individual who facilitated a lot of positive, progressive change for Latinos not just within Texas but throughout the nation. His contributions to getting Texas desegregated will surely not go unnoticed nor unforgotten. Amazing job on highlighting Gus Garcia’s many accomplishments!

  • Lauren Sahadi

    Absolutely fantastic visuals. The beginning of the infographic where you’re starting to state a little about what he’s done without going into detail was a real eye catcher and made me was to continue reading. The information after that was more informative, but not too much to where you didn’t want to read it all. Beautiful infographic, you did a great job!

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