StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary’s University

April 16, 2023

Planet Earth: A Fashionable Disaster?

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Community Empowerment

Ecological Economics

Laudato Si Goals


Sustainable Lifestyles


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Recent Comments

Matthew Holland

Absolutely amazing, that is the only word that can describe this article. It is one of the best of its kind in it the respective section hands down. I look forward to reading more from them in the future and hope they can write about different topics that would be equally interesting. I especially liked the part where they discussed. The impact of the cloths we wear every day can impact the planet we live on and how we can change that.



10:09 pm

Jaedon E

Awesome article! I did not know that clothes can be effecting the worlds limited materials. My mom and I when we had moved, the clothes that we did not want we gave them to good will. An luckily when I went to donate our clothes there was a man who was looking to start fresh and need clothes for his children. So it is important that we don’t thrown away good clothing because there is always someone in need. Great article!



10:09 pm

Esmeralda Gomez

I absolutely love this infographic! The way that this group chose the color scheme, the formatting, and even the icons, simply is perfect. I loved how the background has these small hints of color that really adds some “pop” or some light in contrast with the background. The information is also highly informative and does an amazing job at educating those with such beautiful graphics too.



10:09 pm

Jacqueline Galvan

This has been my favorite infographic that I have read! Fast fashion is something I am very passionate about and I felt that this graphic was perfectly on point. It had the perfect amount of information and it was very easy to follow, providing both background and ways to implement sustainability practices against fast fashion in my personal everyday life.



10:09 pm

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